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Activists To March On Gaza... It Will Be Different This Time. 26th February.

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:13 PM

I have just been invited to march on Gaza on the 26th Feb...

The invitation came via facebook. It would seem that this movement is only set to grow as the feeling of confidence among the people of the world increases. This confidence is built out of the realisation that we are able to change our own lives through mass peaceful protest, our Egyptian and Tunisian friends have shown us this. It would seem this trend is set to grow.

I was born into a christian society and I have only learnt about the cohesion of the arab people through talking to friends who were born in the Middle East. It was explained to me (and please tell me if I am wrong) that more than the Europeans, the Arab people see themselves as a whole, not divided by notions of sovereign states.

This is why I am slightly worried I must say and this is the real reason for my thread.

The soft revolutions or whatever you want to call them, that are currently happening the Middle East are achievements of great pride to the Arab peoples. Once these revolutions are over and situations of democracy are in place, what next? Israel?

After researching a bit into the march, it seems most of the links talk about man called Ken o'keefe. He seems (from my research) to be the main advocate of the march.... He is an ex American soldier and a 'peace' activist.

Here is a link to his blog page which seems to have been copied and pasted around the internet" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Ken's Blog

The peoples of the Middle East fo not deserve to have a Zionist Israel in their midst.. Administrations have fallen through te power of the people.. These administrations seem to have given up fairly easily. What would happen in the US or the UK if demonstrations of this type happened. I would dread to think.

90 years ago England rolled tanks out onto the streets im Glasgow to quell similar protest.

British government uses tanks on it's own people.

For our governments to tell the Middle Eastern leaders to give up their power is hypocracy of the highest order.

To conclude...

Soon a mass of feeling; within the people prepared to put their life on the line; to fight for what they believe in, could reach fever pitch. This has been increased by the successes of ongoing movements for political change. Is the Middle East about to descend into all out war? I hope not but the warning signs are there. Is this what tptb want?

Gaddafi calls for people to march on Gaza
edit on 20-2-2011 by Cedik because: add more evidence

edit on 20-2-2011 by Cedik because: spelling

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Here is the facebook group

“If the marchers are blocked, attacked or arrested, we will do as the people of Egypt have done,” explained March2Gaza spokesperson Ken O’Keefe. “We will create a Tahrir-style camp as close to Rafah Crossing as possible and call for people of conscience, supporters of Palestine and Egypt, wherever you come from, to join us in Egypt to peacefully demand an end to the illegal siege of Gaza.”

Ken O'Keefe

Oh dear!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Cedik

Been lurking for some time and this made me want to post! We must tell all people about this march. The more people the more chance of making change which is overdue. The time to act is now!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Can we really trust o'keefe?

It seems some people think we cant.

Greta Berlin: Ken was on our first trip (FGM) in August, 2008 … During the entire voyage, he was obstreperous, obnoxious and, finally, dangerous to all of us. He threatened some of the activists with bodily damage. If you've seen him, you know he is capable. Finally, he tried to commit mutiny on the Free Gaza during the night we were traveling to Gaza with no outside communication and our ship's captain sick.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:33 PM
Flagged! Interesting topic but I think your idea is a little confused. Reading between the lines. You are suggesting that the middle east and arabs in particular have gone through some form of philosphical shift?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by maheehamed

To be honest, I am excited about the prospect of the march and the positive outcome it could herald.

I am also fearful about the way in which a gathering of this type can be mis-portrayed in the media. For example, in the Egyptian protests, the cameras focused on one square. There only had to be people in the square at all times to make it seem that the protests were increasing in intensity.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Liberate them from the Zionists, right?

Not from their own government who steals their aid shipments, gunned down the opposition in broad daylight, and is now refusing to do elections.

No, not from these guys, it's all about the Zionists, right?

I'll tell you something though, if this were a march on Gaza to free them from the tyranny of Hamas, I'd be one of the people in the crowd, as I am sure would many Israelis.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Eliad

It is time for change. Change is now across the middle east. Israel was created in 1948 from nothing. Noone minds immigration but creating from nothing a nation and taking land from other is not right. The wall needs to be removed. The unfairness needs to stop.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Eliad

Liberate them from the Zionists, right?

Not from their own government who steals their aid shipments, gunned down the opposition in broad daylight, and is now refusing to do elections.

No, not from these guys, it's all about the Zionists, right?

I'll tell you something though, if this were a march on Gaza to free them from the tyranny of Hamas, I'd be one of the people in the crowd, as I am sure would many Israelis.

Their own government? I thought their "elected" government was heavily marginalized by the US. I thought they elected Hamas.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by annakus

I had a look at the article you posted... Interesting source? Biased?

Any link between the US, UK or any of the results of their imperial conquests (like the UN) and international activists makes me instantly suspicious. It always seems to me that any person who runs a country or is in line to take over, has more often than not, been educated in the US or Uk and miraculously appear on all medias as the leading choice.

This can be said of this man.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by maheehamed

I'd agree with you if we were talking about the West Bank, but Gaza is in the state it's in because of Hamas, regardless of Israel being all crazy, paranoid, and wrong about the way it's dealing with Gaza.

Unfairness is also the way Israel is viewed in the world, both pro Israeli propaganda, and anti Israeli propaganda. The situation is much more complex than "free the siege, and all will be well", or than blaming just one side for the current state of affairs.

reply to post by Apollumi

I'm talking about Hamas.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Cedik

I dont trust this man. I look into his eyes and i dont trust him

I dont know why this is. I also seem to end up thinking that peopel can be mk ultra or something like that. Once you realise how simple the human system is, it is not a short distance beofre you realize how easy they are to control

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Eliad

Hamas have not been in power for very long in Gaza, yet the conditions and treatment of the people living there by Israel has always been dire. Care to explain to us all why that is? seems you are only blaming hamas for the problems...And as you said, that is not even bringing the west bank in to the equation.
edit on 21-2-2011 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Thank you for sharing my friend. I have been watching the developments with great interest in Egypt and around the middle east.

Some are nervous that the vacuum created by the down fall of these countries will usher i an era of even greater dictatorship. I have faith that something greater can prevail. A society of people working together free, without the oppression and indignities born from all governments.

Imagine Egypt being the first Nation to live free, a Brotherhood of Man working together without any laws but the law of love and mutual benefit, the Kingdom of God.

The time is ripe, the conditions are set, and all it takes is a people to believe it can be and work to achieve it.

If you haven't seen the Plan at the bottom of my posts, you may find it interesting. It could be a model for the Egyptian People to set a standard unheard of before in the history of man. A FREE Society of Kings and Queens working together toward tomorrow.

If they dare hope it is possible, it will set a trend that issues in a new age of a world without government and war and iniquity. It is up to them to believe. They are the first, they will not be the last.

This is not about Egypt or Egyptians. This is the rise of MAN.

Good luck and Godspeed in these historic times.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Eliad

No, not from these guys, it's all about the Zionists, right?

Why do the "Zionists" always have the credit for everything?

On a special occasion, it was permitted to demonstrate against specific drawings, printed in a newspaper, they apparently never knew existed. The voice of democracy

When you talk about the domino effect

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Solomons

My friend, there has always been terror coming out of Gaza, before and after Hamas came to power. In 2004 Arafat died, and everything changed, Fatah stopped fighting, it started talking, Hamas refused to do the same.

Since then almost all of the roadblocks in the West Bank have been removed, Israeli presence inside Palestinian cities of the West Bank has been reduced to zero, and the West Bank started getting millions of dollars from both Israel and the U.S.

On the other side however things turned out a bit different- Israel evacuated all of its settlements, which made a few hundred thousand people homeless, most of them still are, since Israel didn't really have anywhere to put them, but went on with the plan anyway. In spite of that, or perhaps as a result of that Hamas continued to fight Israel.

Why? Who knows. Religion? Iranian funding? Do they think they can get more land that way? Do they think they'll get the right of return that way? I don't know.

One thing's for sure- They could've had it all, a land free of Israelis, money, peace. Instead they chose to enslave their people to their cause, and not only that but they also treat them poorly, take all the aid and money for themselves, won't have elections and they kill or destroy anyone and anything they don't like.

Let me ask you this- Do you think any Hamas activist is starving for bread?

Yes. I blame Hamas. No, they're not the only ones to be blamed, but really, with the way they're acting, how would any government react? Israel has done some bad things, but even if it was the most humane country in the world- This place would still be a war zone, it would still have it bad, no matter what government was dealing with it.

Take out Hamas and Gaza will prosper.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by fallatonce

Sorry for the confusion.

I was actually formulating this idea as I was writing...

I do think the current political movements in the Middle East equate to a philosphical shift. This shift is taking the form of a cohesive motivator. That when we work together, we are able to achieve great things. Something people in the west are not able to come to terms with, mostly because of the efficacy of western propaganda.

This shift has been allowed to happen deliberately in my opinion and s dangerous at best for the Arab peoples. I support their movements towards democracy but since when has the US supported insecurity in any area of nations similar to the Middle East?
edit on 22-2-2011 by Cedik because: being a helmet

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