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Chilean Miners Smoked Cannabis Underground, media smears them for it

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Hmm,I am not sure if that would have helped them much in such a confined space in such dire circumstances...
I mean they were talking about suicide and cannibalism.
Doesn't cannabis make people paranoid and intensify feelings?

I wouldn't have wanted to be in a super scary situation only to have it possibly made worse by smoking some weed.
Its a wonder none of them lost the plot worrying that their buddies were going to eat them as soon as they passed out/went to sleep.

Plus it must have sucked even more for those who weren't smoking as the air down there was probably bad enough without filling it with smoke.

Think I would have gone for meditation and regular excercise if I was stuck down there.
But each to their own.

In my experience with cannibus it keeps me docile and sane and if I get nervous it relaxes me and prevents me from doing something stupid. As long as you keep sane and level and not lose your cool your survival instincts will kick in keeping you safe.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Lets see what you would do trapped a few hundred feet under ground with an unknown future.....

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by alaskan

This is ridiculous... the MSM that is! I think they should be stuck down in a mine shaft and left to survive for as long as these men had to and see what they decide to do while they're there!

The MSM will never have anything good to say. They'll always be nit-picking, holier than though bastards who just love to find something to complain about.

I've never been a stoner... never been interested, but if I was trapped underground, it's hard to say what I would do! Blowup dolls... I guess the perfect people of the MSM don't have desires at all. Oh, if we could all be as perfect as them!
< /sarcasm >

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:43 PM
Yeah don't get me wrong,If it helped those guys I have no problem with it,and I don't see why they should be demonised in the media for having a few sneaky reefers.
Its just not what I think I would do in that situation,although who knows how you would behave in such a desperate time.

Plus of course,its perfectly legal to do in Chile according to this :

Cultivation of Cannabis plants other than for personal use is considered illegal without a permit from the Agriculture Ministry.
Though consumption and possession in small quantities alone on a private property is legal,
consumption by a group of individuals is illegal. Consumption for medical purposes is legal but not regulated.

So I guess they could technically be breaking the law if they were in a group smoking,but maybe the "medical purposes"would cancel that out...

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Considering the unimaginable stress these miners were under, smoking a bit of weed to relieve some of it is no big deal. Of course this is the sort of crap that the media just loves, and we all know that "sensationalism" sells! Even though I don't smoke the stuff myself, I think it's long overdue that our governments made it legal. I'd much rather see young folk smoke a joint or two, and leave booze alone. I've never known anyone to get violent on weed (unless it was laced) the way they do on alcohol. If it was tequila that was lowered down to those trapped miners, they probably would have killed each other!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Th whole idea of denegrating these man is egregious.
The media should be all for legalisation!
Lots of them smoke no doubt.....
Marjhuana is the most misunderstood drug out there.The western world is the prime demonizer of this innocuos and mild relxant.
The effects are pleasant and not all that debilatating.
Compared to many other highs, MJ is about the least harmful physically, and mentally.
All you holier than thou anti marijhuans advocates are idiots and brainwash victime.
People must learn to think for themselves instead of parrotting the official bull#.
Nearly all those against MJ use, have NEVER even smoked aany!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:18 PM
So the thread got moved as expected, but whoever "DontTreadOnMe" is decided to take it upon themselves to delete my signature, which I've had for months, and is just a link to another thread on this website...


posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Plus of course,its perfectly legal to do in Chile according to this

Your wrong. Nowhere in the world is marijuana legal. It's decriminalized in some places; which means that possession only results in a small fine.

Here is a tip. Try to avoid wikipedia as a source.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by alaskan

It's because they want it all kept in here. You have any idea how long people had to fight to get this forum? Furthermore, you are not paying a dime in membership fee's, and your complaining about having your signature edited?!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by bakedyou are not paying a dime in membership fee's, and your complaining about having your signature edited?!

I'm not complaining just because of my signature, I'm complaining about a constant, ignorant habit of deleting/hiding threads about something that isn't a fraction as harmful as other 'acceptable' topics. And being lied to/bullied by moderators.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by alaskan

Meanwhile you can turn on the tv at any time of the day and they're practically shoving deadly alcohol down our throats and making it look cool, and the moderators here will put this in an out-of-the-way forum while allowing open, glowing, candid discussion of alcohol abuse and how fun it is...

A conspiracy in itself. Why are so many members ok with this?

The ATS mods and management sure do spend a lot of time and effort PRESERVING IGNORANCE via heavy censorship and keeping some of the best and most informative threads hidden in the back corner of ATS where almost no one ventures who isn't already fairly clued up. I think it took me about a year of membership before I even knew this board existed. "Deny ignorance" is an outright lie.

I can only assume the reason for this is dollars and cents. If the front page contains a thread promoting the benefits of cannabis (oh the controversy!) then management will likely become concerned about either advertisers pulling out or large numbers of overly conservative and close-minded members pulling out.

So rather than provide an important public service, informing large numbers of members that:

-there are much safer alternatives to the harmful and popular drug alcohol
-there are much more effective and safer cures to many health problems (including cancer) than conventional drugs and treatments
-there are safe tools available to help you explore your own consciousness and find your place in the universe

ATS management would rather sell out and collect a bigger check (I suppose you can't blame them, everybody likes money, but they can't blame us for resenting the situation).

Deny ignorance (as long as it doesn't affect the selling out).

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:46 PM
The suicide thoughts came AFTER they smoked the pot, got the massive munchies, while already starving, and realizing there was no chips and cheese dip.

Seriously, I say give them as much valium, pot, whatever keeps them chilled out.
edit on 22-2-2011 by Bachrk because: (no reason given)

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