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afterlife/reincarnation/higher consciousness level : and if it was all like this ?

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:38 PM
What I find very very curious is the fact all threads about afterlife or reincarnation do not get much attention but threads about ufo's are getting very much .... I think anyway it's about all the same : another level of consciousness, another level of soul experience, another level of energy, another level in parallel universes ....
and if it was just a program ???

As I said in another thread I think maybe we live one virtual reality within a kind of big flight simulator, with a program running and created by ourselves in a higher dimension ( you believe in ghosts ? well they " live " in other dimensions, on other levels of reality, other levels of ENERGY, on other timelines ( if time there still exists in the same way down here … ) . Our soul ( or what you may call it ) is living on a higher plane of existence and we just have to live some experiences into that a kind of flight simulator ( life simulator ) to learn lots of things before upgrading to another level of consciousness …
So, in that higher level of consciousness, in that parallel universe where we are at home ( in heaven ? ) we have a kind of super computer capable of creating real looking surroundings within a simulator, real looking scenarios, even giving the illusion of MATTER and MASS, and the program we choose is creating other people around us, behaving in interconnection with ourselves, in 4D dimensions with time evolution … something like a game of WOW …..
We have the feelings of matter around us, but in fact it is just all simulation, it is all just energy concentration
( look at it like the repulsion of magnets : you cannot push them together N/N or S/S and doesn't that feel like a "physical" barreer ? like if you put it against a wall ??? there is repulsion so that feels like being matter no ? ).
We have all those people around us, our parents, our friends, all virtual, all are just holograms created by that super computer life simulator ... and the program is encoding our reactions, our behaviour, our love or hate against them.
The lessons we have to learn are dependant of what we became in a precedent game, in another life … reincarnation is just another game we have to or want to start with another program to learn more and better what we have to learn.
Do never forget we have our soul/consciousness being and living in a higher dimension, a dimension we cannot reach/remember again once we are/live in the game in this virtual earth/world, the world where our body acts.
Do not forget computers already can create virtual life, so who knows what is possible in other dimensions.
So, our lives are just virtual ones, we are ALL just virtual bodies, myself included, the illusion of matter and mass is created by the computer/life simulator with holograms that feel like real matter and the program is running with our own programming.
We live in virtual relationships with others around, but we think it is all real.
Kind of Matrix.
When we die, the program stops, we go back to afterlife, to our higher consciousness and see how we did play the game and judge ourselves to see what more we have to learn in another new experience with that same machine aka life simulator but with surely another “ life/play “ program we can choose, be it in the year 2500 BC. or 1789 AC. or 2056 AC. for exemple.
Computer just creates what has to be for us to be lived thru.
Ever been in a flight simulator cockpit ? looks very very real you know !!
Now, like every computer and like every program running you can of course have bugs : that can explain the déjà vu experiences or the time swaps or the NDE experiences or whatever remembers us other lifes before the actual one, the people we think we know since ever etc etc
so yes, once in afterlife, on the other higher level of consciouness, we can go into the past again by programming a new life-game-experience in our past and therefore influence our new present that we will play again if necessary, we can go into the futur by programming a new experience and see what kind of consequences our actual behaviour will have in the futur and then go again to the present to change our lifestyle ......
life after life after life ... up there on the level of the "higher" consciousness there must also be a timeline, but not the same as in this world, up there we also have to make a evolution, a transition to other higher consciousness levels, always higher ! but from up there we can re-program our earthly lifes and overview/replay past, present and future of our lifes on earth.
Difficult to explain, but once you can imagine this it looks very acceptable !! WAW.
Just all about learning to be human, just all about learning about infinite LOVE, just all about learning
" for the knowing " because otherwise eternal life would be very very tiresome !!!
So let's think deeper : if in this life ( in this experience ) you kill somebody, first of all it is only the body you kill of that person, not the soul of that person, then after death you will learn it is bad ( hopefully !!... ) and want to replay the game again and act differently by not killing that person ...... you will learn to be more kind or whatever. That person you killed was just a hologram of another soul sitting next to you in that other dimension/parallel world and programming the game with you .....
Ghosts, ufo's, etc etc... are just " living " in other parallel dimensions where we go also after death.
Just different energy levels, just different " consciousness " levels ....
Stop. Game over. [
edit on 18-2-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:45 PM
The afterlife always interests me, i've always wondered if it is as wonderful as some people say it is (people who have had a near death experience). I Hope the next life is better than this one because if it is just the same then i'll be asking 'Show me to the lake of fire, please?'

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 03:59 AM
I've also wondered about the possibility of living in a simulated reality. I was walking down a gravel road the other day and I was admiring the detail in every single rock. Every rock was different, and they all had their individual shadows. Video games today would never waste time on something so insignificant. Or if they did spend resources on it, there would only be a few different looking rocks, and those three or so patterns would be repeated over and over in varying sizes. It isn't something that I think would make a simulated reality unlikely or impossible, it was just that those few observations made me realize how incomprehensible such a machine needed for this entire universe would be.

If it is true, it makes you wonder if there are people out there that are "bots", if not all of us are.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by MrAndy
I've also wondered about the possibility of living in a simulated reality. I was walking down a gravel road the other day and I was admiring the detail in every single rock. Every rock was different, and they all had their individual shadows. Video games today would never waste time on something so insignificant. Or if they did spend resources on it, there would only be a few different looking rocks, and those three or so patterns would be repeated over and over in varying sizes. It isn't something that I think would make a simulated reality unlikely or impossible, it was just that those few observations made me realize how incomprehensible such a machine needed for this entire universe would be.

If it is true, it makes you wonder if there are people out there that are "bots", if not all of us are.

but you know, computers did make a very big evolution since 1980 !!!! and some tell us now that in the future we will have biological computers or quantum computers and I don't know what else could be possible .... so, who knows, this universe is maybe already a fantastic big quantum computer with a realistic 3D "screen" or scene all around us ( our surroundings, our world ), with holograms all over and near infinite magnetic/electromagnetic and lots of other energy fields that could be controlled/programmed to let us live into a life simulator ?
of course that machine would be out of our world, in a parallel world, we living into the program .....

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:17 PM
quote : " That person you killed was just a hologram of another soul sitting next to you in that other dimension/parallel world and programming the game with you ..... "

does not mean of course that it should be normal or permitted or innocent to kill somebody even if it is only a hologram like you are !!!
you have all the freedom to do what you want of course, free will, but you have to be responsible and suffer the consequences, you are not allowed in fact to hurt other human beings .....
the words " life simulator " and " life game " are just words, in fact it is not really a game, it is a experience : the learning is very serious and all about love and respect for each other and al living creatures.

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