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Truth Cannot Be Stopped

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by djeminy

Oh, so your post has nothing to do with research or investigation, you're just trying to get out some "message"? In 25 words or less, see if you can sum up your message. I know, or I think, it has something to do with witnesses and something to do with integrity, but the rest escapes me.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by djeminy

I know, or I think, it has something to do with witnesses and something to do with integrity, but the rest escapes me.

I think you're pretty spot on there, hooper.

Concerning the parts that escape you, I'm sure I would be of little use in trying to help you

catching it.

Maybe you could ask a friend, or somebody else close to you?

Cheers and good luck!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:13 AM
Mike Walter is all over the place here.
In the interview right below it should be pretty obvious that it's his 'imagination'
which dominates his so-called "recollection".
(Ref. to message in the OP).

Compare these two quotes attributed to Mike Walter.

"MIKE WALTER: I just remember that it seemed like slow motion. Again the thing that seemed so remarkable to me was just how this gigantic jet just folded up like a little tin can. It was truly amazing. I also remember the sound of the explosion, and the fireball,"

"There are some trees that are adjacent to 27 the road I was stuck on, so the jet went out of sight momentarily. Then I picked it up as it struck very low into the Pentagon. The wings folded back and it was like watching someone slam an empty aluminum can into a wall. The jet folded up like an accordion."

In his interview with Bryant Gumbel the morning of 9/11, he says:

id you see it hit the Pentagon? Was the plane coming in horizontally or did it, in fact, go on its wing as--as it impacted the building?

Mr. WALTER: You know, the--the--the--there were trees there that kind of obstructed it, so I kind of--I saw it go in. I'm not sure if it turned at an angle. I've heard some people say that's what it did. All I know is it--it created a huge explosion and massive fireball and...

GUMBEL: Tell me, if you could, about the manner in which the--the plane struck the building. I ask that because, in the pictures we have seen, it appears to be a gash in the side of the Pentagon as if the plane went in vertically as opposed to horizontally. Can you tell me anything about that?

Mr. WALTER: Well, as I said, you know, there were trees obstructing my view, so I saw it as it went--and then the--then the trees, and then I saw the--the fireball and the smoke. Some people have said that the plane actually sent on its side and in that way. But I can't tell you, Bryant. I just know that what I saw was this massive fireball, a huge explosion and--and a--the thick column of smoke and then an absolute bedlam on those roads as people were trying to get away."


He too, must have experienced the same 'gap in his memory', and, as I and others suspect, also been
there to put a little 'spin' on the whole damn thing.


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:22 AM
The truth will eventually come out? Hmm I beg to differ. JFK comes to mind as well as the creation of the pyramids. The truth is already washed away and will NEVER be set free simply because of people that are conspiracy theorists. How many different situations/scenarios have we read/heard about what happened on 9-11-01? Bombs, UAVs, Nukes, UFOs, lasers shot out of planes, military planes, cargo planes, a missile hit the pentagon, a UAV hit the pentagon, there were no planes, the buildings were demolished, etc etc etc etc...... The list goes on and on and on.....

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Reign02
The truth will eventually come out? Hmm I beg to differ. JFK comes to mind as well as the creation of the pyramids. The truth is already washed away and will NEVER be set free simply because of people that are conspiracy theorists. How many different situations/scenarios have we read/heard about what happened on 9-11-01? Bombs, UAVs, Nukes, UFOs, lasers shot out of planes, military planes, cargo planes, a missile hit the pentagon, a UAV hit the pentagon, there were no planes, the buildings were demolished, etc etc etc etc...... The list goes on and on and on.....

Of course the TRUTH will come out. It is in it's nature. It cannot be stopped. No power is greater.

And you're wrong about the pyramids.

The TRUTH about The Great Pyramid has been available on the net for quite awhile.

On the thread linked to, the drawings start on page 3 and continue to page 8.

Nearly 14.000 clicks, and not one attempt at any rebuttal. Not one single adverse comment.

You're very welcome to try, as I did, but I think you too will choose 'silence' as well!

Hope you'll give it your best shoot!

Tried to link directly to the page but didn't work.
The thread title is "Life after death".

edit on 12-2-2011 by djeminy because: Added PS!

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