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with Our technological society we are accustomed to the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence...m i

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 01:23 PM
In a special edition of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, devoted to extraterrestrials, social scientists believe that our Western way of life has long been accustomed to consider the existence of intelligent life in the universe.

According to Dr. Albert Harrison, a psychologist, advances in technology have brought our civilization to a point where the idea of other beings traveling through space to Earth no longer seems far-fetched or frightening. In North America and Europe, at least, the discovery of an alien or the detection of extraterrestrial radio signals do not likely trigger the "psychological disintegration and collapse" feared by the authorities in this case 50 years ago. Recent polls suggest that half of the Western belief in the existence of aliens, and that a substantial proportion of them believe that UFOs have visited Earth.
No worries either in terms of religious faith, according to Ted Peters, a theologian at Berkeley (California), who interviewed a sample of 1,300 believers: "It has become clear that the vast majority of the faithful, whatever their religion, sees no threat to his personal beliefs in potential contact with neighbors from other intelligent worlds. "

Now here is the question I'm asking

if I am from another planet and nobody can say if it true or false, who thought he knew so I told him he still has a long way to go ...

if I am from another planet I would say you had the funny idea
that movies has left its mark, you always wait to see the bizarre entity
with powers beyond the ordinary.

if I am from another planet I would make sure not to be iscrete be quiet I would make friends and I would live like you to learn from you ...

if I am from another planet and i read this article then I'd say to myself it's time for me to say realy who I am ...

but I am not from another planet i'm from earth
but soon you will see them.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:07 PM
The notion of extraterrestrials has existed in popular culture since antiquity. We've been used to the idea for a long time. It's a mistake to think we're just now taking the notion seriously.

In antiquity, it was common to assume a cosmos consisting of "many worlds" inhabited by intelligent, non-human life-forms, but these "worlds" were mythological and not informed by the heliocentric understanding of the solar system, or the understanding of the Sun as one among countless stars. An example would be the fourteen loka of Hindu cosmology, or the Nine Worlds of Old Norse mythology, etc. The Sun and the Moon often appear as inhabited worlds in such contexts, or as vehicles (chariots or boats, etc.) driven by gods. The Japanese folk tale of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (10th century) is an example of a princess of the Moon people visiting Earth.

Such conceptions of a universe consisting of "many worlds" are also found in classical Greek philosophy, and later in Christian and Jewish theology (see also exotheology). The first important thinkers to argue systematically for a Universe full of other planets and, therefore, possible extraterrestrial life were the ancient Greek writer Thales and his student Anaximander in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.

There was a dramatic shift in thinking initiated by the invention of the telescope and the Copernican assault on geocentric cosmology. Once it became clear that the Earth was merely one planet amongst countless bodies in the universe, the extraterrestrial idea moved towards the scientific mainstream. The best known early-modern proponent of such ideas was the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, who argued in the 16th century for an infinite Universe in which every star is surrounded by its own planetary system.

In the early 17th century, the Czech astronomer Anton Maria Schyrleus of Rheita mused that "if Jupiter has (...) inhabitants (...) they must be larger and more beautiful than the inhabitants of the Earth, in proportion to the [characteristics] of the two spheres".

In Baroque literature such as The Other World: The Societies and Governments of the Moon by Cyrano de Bergerac, extraterrestrial societies are presented as humoristic or ironic parodies of earthly society.

The possibility of extraterrestrials remained a widespread speculation as scientific discovery accelerated. William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus, was one of many 18th–19th century astronomers convinced that the Solar System, and perhaps others, would be well-populated by alien life. Other luminaries of the period who championed "cosmic pluralism" included Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Franklin. At the height of the Enlightenment, even the Sun and Moon were considered candidates for extraterrestrial inhabitants.

The science fiction genre, although not so named during the time, develops during the late 19th century. Jules Verne's Around the Moon (1870) features a discussion of the possibility of life on the Moon, but with the conclusion that it is barren. Stories involving extraterrestrials are found in e.g. Garrett P. Serviss's Edison's Conquest of Mars (1897). The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells was published in 1898 and stands at the beginning of the popular idea of the "Martian invasion" of Earth prominent in 20th century pop culture.

A radio drama version of Wells' novel broadcast in 1938 over the CBS Radio Network led to outrage because it supposedly suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. In the wake of this, Conspiracy theories on the presence of extraterrestrials became a widespread phenomenon in the United States during the 1940s and the beginning Space Age during the 1950s, accompanied by a surge of UFO reports. The term UFO itself was coined in 1952 in the context of the enormous popularity of the concept of "flying saucers" in the wake of the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting in 1947.

It was really only between ~1950 and ~2000 that the mainstream worldview became a skeptical one:

The trend to assume that celestial bodies were populated almost by default was tempered as actual probes visited potential alien abodes in the Solar System beginning in the second half of the 20th century, and by the 1970s belief in UFOs had become part of the fringe beliefs associated with the paranormal, New Age, Earth mysteries, Forteana etc. A number of UFO religions developed during the surge in UFO belief during th 1950s to 1970s period, and some, such as Scientology (founded 1953) and Raëlism (founded 1974) remain active into the present. The idea of "paleocontact", supposing that extraterrestrials ("ancient astronauts") have visited the Earth in the remote past and left traces in ancient cultures, appears in early 20th century fiction such as The Call of Cthulhu (1926), but it was given serious consideration in 1966 by astrophysicists I.S. Shklovski and Carl Sagan, and the idea came to be established as a notable aspect of the Ufology subculture in the wake of Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods? (1968). Alien abduction claims were also widespread during the 1960s and 1970s in the United States.

On the scientific side, the possibility of extraterrestrial life on the Moon was decisively ruled out by the 1960s, and during the 1970s it became clear that most of the other bodies of the Solar System do not harbour highly developed life, although the question of primitive life on bodies in the Solar System remains an open question. Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray, and Louis Friedman founded the U.S. Planetary Society, partly as a vehicle for SETI studies in 1980, and since the 1990s, systematic search for radio signals attributable to intelligent extraterrestrial life has been ongoing.

The failure of the SETI program to announce an intelligent radio signal after decades of effort has at least partially dimmed the prevailing optimism of the beginning of the space age. Notwithstanding, the unproven belief in extraterrestrial beings continues to be voiced in pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and in popular folklore, notably "Area 51" and legends, but has also become a pop culture trope given less-than-serious treatment in popular entertainment with e.g. the ALF TV series (1986-1990), The X-Files (1993-2002), etc.

These are selections from the wikipedia article on extraterrestrial life. I know wikipedia isn't the best source but the majority of the selections above are either cited in the article or are cited in the associated articles linked within the main one.

Once we saw how big space was and that there wasn't life on every celestial body, we began to doubt the whole idea. Simultaniously, science fiction became more and more popular in the mainstream which added an increasingly fictional component to our concept of ETs. The fact that UFOs and ETs have been such a hit among fringe subcultures during this same period has also contributed increased skepticism in the mainstream.

We're only now returning to a middleground after a brief period of polarized acceptance or rejection of the notion of intelligent ETs. Contrary to intuition, the popularity of fictional ETs has not corresponded to increased acceptance of the likelyhood of real intelligent ETs. The more we associate the concept with fiction, the less likely we are to take it seriously.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:40 PM
If an extraterrestrial introduced himself, no one would beleive! Almost everyone would either think it a hoax, or the individual was delusional. None would be accepting of the facts or evidence the ET presented. It seems, that while many will tell you that they want to know, when the opportunity presents itself, people simply don't want to hear it. They seem to want to stay in their little comfort zone, keep the 'blinders' on and their head in the sand.

I'm not sure if it is as simple as plain old fear, or what, but, it truly seems that your planet is populated by 6.6 billion zenophobes.

If you truly cared, and had half a brain cell you would compel your governments to disclose NOW, stop the lies, and improve your planet beyond your wildest imagination. Just think what would happen to the ecconomy IF off-world trade were possible.

Peace and Understanding.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

They seem to want to stay in their little comfort zone, keep the 'blinders' on and their head in the sand.

no they want just to stay in this reality...if you are who do you think you are you know the rules of the game...

If you truly cared, and had half a brain cell you would compel your governments to disclose NOW, stop the lies

it dosen't matter in fact... it's part of the game, I see from your info that you are not of this planet right?
then you know that this story is a farce. it's like this little animal in a wheel who turn, turn, turn and asking the same questions. .. without seeing what's going on around him ... This planet is the wheel humans are the small animals you the one who buy the cage if you really are who i think you are... because our dear friends will disembark from space only for one reason ... ensure that humans are still slaves of their world ... and they will
stay like this...

edit on 16-1-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I´m going away from internet for 4 days, I don´t have time anymore to discuss longer, but about aliens coming to visit soon, I have something more positive and fun to add. In Estonia we had kind of interesting new years eve this year, the night when 2011 came. People were celebrating new year and also Tallinn as new Europe´s capital of culture and just after 2011 came there were show, where built UFO came above people and alien came outside to say hallo
I think it was perfect rehersal to coming events. Most people liked it and many said, that at first they thought it´s for real. You can see it from here:
In the first part of video there´s also UFOs in animation before real event, Europ´s symbols are flying with UFO´s . 2011 seems to be "the year"

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:20 PM
Originally posted by pitchdragon

no they want just to stay in this reality...if you are who do you think you are you know the rules of the game...

And, what "reality" would that be? One where you all fantasize and speculate about ET, while rejecting wholesale any evidence to the contrary?

Life isn't a game, and, all beings residing on this plane of existance must follow the same rules (physical laws). One can't simply decide to ignore any part of it, doing so lessens who/what you are...a citizen of the physical Universe.

it dosen't matter in fact... it's part of the game, I see from your info that you are not of this planet right?
then you know that this story is a farce. it's like this little animal in a wheel who turn, turn, turn and asking the same questions. .. without seeing what's going on around him ... This planet is the wheel humans are the small animals you the one who buy the cage if you really are who i think you are... because our dear friends will disembark from space only for one reason ... ensure that humans are still slaves of their world ... and they will
stay like this...

Yet, it seems that even the Hamster has enough sense to get off his wheel and enjoy the real world, at least from time to time.

Why would you think that ET wants you to be anything? You are not slaves to your world, you are it's masters. Though, as long as you perceive yourselves as being slaves, then slaves you will surely remain. When Earth evolved you, it was not with the intent that you remain subsurvient. You have the intelligence and ability to become a truly great race of intelligent people, yet, you ramain on that "wheel" you spoke of, blinders on, and denying the existance of anything outside of yourselves.

Again, I am stating that you want to force fit ET into your own little comfort zone, and ignore the real world around you.

Peace and Understanding.
edit on 16-1-2011 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

it's sound crazy !!! but i don"t need to justify myself this not the deal, i don't think ET's will plan to slave human... why they would... for our resources, heart is not the only one who have water and land the univers is big...the question is why they will make a contact, yes we are the masters but masters of what !!!

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by pitchdragon

Why contact now? You make it sound like its "first contact", this is far from the case. First contact with Humans happened long ago, and contact has been kept over time. In more modern times, First Contact with the US government happened some 64 years ago, and regular contact has been "stepped up" even more recently due to Humans solving space warp drive, and now you have the beginnings of a new and powerful technology.

Because of this new technology, you are nearly ready to step out among the stars; it would be a good idea if you knew the "rules of engagment", so that you don't start something you can't finish.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:02 AM
While everyone is speculating etc about aliens and their hybrids; keep in mind they do not know the LOVE of a mother, the RESPECT of a father and the PROTECTION and TOUCH of a partner.

This is what we humanoids are dealing with when confronted by an alien who lacks the one greatest emotion of all, LOVE!

They have no feeling, no empathy, no intigrity.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Wholly untrue!

Not all ETs are going to have the same set of emotions, but, then not all Humans have the capacity for a full spectrum either. To say, or think that all ETs are emotionless is to deny your own emotions, and that could well be a rather serious mistake. For that Will prevent your progress and evolution, expecially on a Spiritual level.

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