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Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death

Important to note about the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which calls itself “America’s Arsenal”, is that it is one of the World’s most specialized munitions and chemical-biological defense products and services bases which Russia had previously accused of not fully reporting the chemical agents removed from Iraq, between 2003 and 2008, and taken to the US for testing and subsequent destruction.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:05 AM
OK wow.. sorry if this was already posted by what the hell.. the whole freaken world loves shoving that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction crap down our gullets every time we bring up the Iraq war.. What the hell.. you can't have your cake and eat it to.. I have a lot of problems with this.

first how come if its so lethal than how come no humans were killed if it was chem trail released on accident you would thank that a crap load of people would have died..

I really don't get people.. any one else care to comment on this?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:19 AM
wow screwed up on this one.. sorry guys didn't know it was a hoax... feel free to delete it and any thing else.. thank you

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:30 AM
First, i promise that the bird die off is HUGE in the people's minds. My blog hits trippled for a few days while people clicked into one story about this topic, the one where i discuss the following comment:

It is no coincidence that Pine Bluff Chemical Weapons Arsenal is 57 miles southwest of where this flock of 2,000 birds mysteriously dropped from the sky. Surface level winds as well as winds at 3,000 feet were blowing from the southwest to the northeast, precisely in a straight line from Pine Bluff Arsenal to the town of Beebe, AR where this happened. 6 weeks ago, the Army reported to the media that they had completed a 2 year project of burning nerve and mustard gas agents in an open air incinerator, however toxic waste disposal is expected to take until 2013. Until 6 weeks ago, this facility held 12% of all the chemical weapons possessed by the United States.
Is it possible that something went wrong or was accidentally released during the final stages of the cleanup process?
That explanation seems a lot more likely than the one being given by the media that 2,000 birds were scared to death by fireworks. If that was the case, then millions of birds would be dropping dead in every city across the United States every July 4th or New Years.

It was left as a comment on a news item about this.

My first question would be, why would Putins office make this accusation?

Then, beyond that, why did Bush never use the known mustard and nerve gasses found in Iraq as a defense for the war? WMD's, though dilapidated, were found. But Bush just took the beating over the whole WMD thing. Why?

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 06:14 PM

These aerial spraying planes, this report continues, are based at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas that over the past few months have been involved with ‘test dispersants’ of poisonous gasses in the Afghanistan War Theater using chemical weapons stocks obtained from Iraq and held at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also located in Arkansas.

From the OP link.

Could they due Chemtails.(aerial spraying planes)
He never said anything about those so why be sorry over suffocated birds and fish.

John P. Wheeler III

John P Wheeler III: Former Special Asst to Air Force Sec, Member ... Jan 3, 2011 ... What was John P Wheeler III doing at the Mitre Corporation? And why was he found dead New Year's Eve at the Cherry Island Landfill? ... - Cached

edit on 1/15/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

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