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Whooping Cough Epidemic in California is Mainly in the Vaccinated

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:06 PM
As more and more people are starting to realize, it's the vaccines that are causing these epidemics and it's the vaccinated who are spreading the illnesses, but by the time it's filtered through to the mainstream media they will generally say "Measles Epidemic in UK, get vaccinated". At least the media were a bit better on this occasion

Whooping Cough Epidemic in California is Mainly in the Vaccinated

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Well the whooping caugh vaccine work against the ''original'' antigen (Bordetella pertussis). If a new strain of Bordetella pertussis come around, the vaccine will not necessarily work as well against this new strain.
edit on 7-1-2011 by Jigore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

The article is quite vague in explaining when those vaccinated patients in question had their vaccines. It is well known in medical community that pertussis immunity wears off in time. It was previously assumed to have life-long immunity. Tdap boosters have been recommended for some time now but vaccination rates have been low because it is usually given reactively rather than proactively (meaning patients are not screened to get it, rather it is given instead of giving a regular tetanus booster) which is a shame.

"Between 1940-1945, before widespread vaccination, as many as 147,000 cases of pertussis were reported in the United States each year, with approximately 8,000 deaths caused by the disease. In 1976, there were 1,010 case of pertussis in the US, the lowest number of cases ever reported. Over the past few years the number of reported cases of pertussis has increased, reaching 25, 827 in 2004. Worldwide, there are an estimated 300,000 annual deaths due to pertussis." (

And I disagree that vaccines are causing epidemics since they were created to prevent epidemics/reduce morbidity and mortality. This is well studied and proven. If vaccines created to reduce epidemics are creating epidemics, then why were there epidemics before vaccines? Why have essentially all diseases we have vaccines for decreased significantly, and some dramatically, if they are creating their respective diseases?

edit on 1/7/2011 by Jeep4x4 because: changed their to there

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 12:45 AM
There are a lot of bad stories around in relation to the new breads of vaccinations that are coming out. Use of mercury and other heavy metals, improper studies due conflicts with self regulation, fast turn around times on new vaccines, also new born babies getting shot up while there immune system is still immature. Some of the more outrageous stories with the gates foundation link using mosquitoes to kill... I mean vaccinate us along with microchip implants from forced vaccinations.

Science has done a lot of good work with vaccinations and while some of the earlier ones did have bad side affects, the overall effect on the community was positive. Now with the money and unregulated corporate power going on, science is getting corrupted over special interests. Not just with vaccinations but many other aspects of society. Good science usually takes years to sort out the fact from the fiction to clearly determine the overall cost / benefit to society, I just hope we have that long.

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