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25 Rules of Disinformation

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posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Yes, I agree. Using these techniques doesn't mean one's a disinfo agent. This is where we have to use discernment. If a user constantly denies everything in every thread he posts, using personal attacks, making distractions to derivate the topic, etc...then you know what you're probably dealing with...

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 06:05 PM
we,ve been exposed to this stuff most of our lives its no surprise some of it will rub off

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

My opinion is that it's not necessarily the information being presented by the person but the tactics used in refuting evidence / changing the topic / etc. It's when people don't necessarily care if they change the mind of who they're arguing with, but instead raising doubt about that persons argument / discrediting the person - in the minds of who ever else might be reading the thread.

I do see what you're saying. It's about perspective. The uninformed person in your hypothetical might call you a disinfo agent, but neither of you are, unless manipulative tactics are being used.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:37 PM
This reminds of a video I saw a few years ago. Basically the guy was breaking down an interview and how the interviewer had no intention of having a meaningful conversation with someone he obviously didn't agree with. The interviewer would not let the guy answer any questions, the few words the guy got out was answered with ridicule and more question. By the end of interview no info was given on the guy's stance, it basically turned into to 5 minutes of making the guy look ridiculous. Whoever made the video did a great job of dissecting the interviewers methods of totally discrediting this guy to anyone unfamiliar with the topic. I've been looking but for the life of me I can't find it, if anyone knows what I'm talking about please post a link.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by bigern

You get alot of that in the Project Camelot interviews. What's her name and whats his name. If they do not agree with the interviewed subject they will not let them speak their piece. This to me is a disinfo agent. I used to watch Project Camelot, but after you watch enough of the videos you can smell the bias.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:35 AM
How to find and Fight a dis info agent.

1. State your case, and back it up with evidence.

2. Call them out

it is easy to find many of the dis info agents by looking at there past posts. If they seldom agree on a topic, even the ones that have proven to be facts, then chances are they are dis info agents.

3. Check the timing of there posts, if they seem to have a large number of posts during a certain time of day, and all of them seem to be there to disprove something, then there is a chance they are a dis info agent. (this is not always the case though)

4. They love to personally attack people, especially when they feel they are loosing an argument. this is a great tactic to scare people away from posting on a thread, I have seen it work hundreds of times.

feel free to add to the list.

Note: Remember that governments have admitted to hiring people only to help them try to throw people off.
Not all of them are paid or work for the government, some work for corporations, banks, etc... and some just have boring lives and are just plain blind.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

Good point. I know that I have been guilty in the past of falling for a line/story only to find out later that it was some sort of spin. I think if that were the case many people on here could be labeled "disinfo agents." There is however a thick black line between intentional and unintentional spreading of disinfo, but the end result, even with the unintentional stuff is to spread it more and as someone said, muddy the waters. If you're not part of the solution...
edit on 4-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: add penultimate sentence

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:20 PM
All addictions are the same on a mental level. All consumption is the same on a mental level. When you get to the point where information is something to be consumed, and you need a regular fix, you should realize this is an issue in and of itself. This is before you even get to the secondary nature of said info such as discerning whether or not is is true or false. If you are coming from this mentality you leave your self very open and vulnerable to things much more dangerous than erroneous information is able to transpose onto you. Why even get to the point of attacking or defending? The truth doesn't attack others neither does it see the need to defend itself, nor does it seek approval to affirm itself. It just is. Only when you become as the truth will you be able to see deception staring you in the face.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by treebeingshaveleaves

Very good points, especially in regards to consumption and discernment. I've long been fond of something an old Qi Gong teacher said, which essentially is:

Truth does not need for you to believe in it in order to exist, nor do your beiliefs determine what is Truth.

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