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Are We A Good or Bad Example of Intelligent Life

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Since we don't have an intelligent race from another planet to compare ourselves to, this question could be difficult to answer with any certainty. But perhaps it's just a matter of self reflection.

As an intelligent race of beings, did we do the best we could with what we were given?

I look at the world now and wonder: Is this as good as it gets for intelligent life in the universe? Or is it really any better anywhere else?

If we're a bad representation of intelligent life in the universe then where did we go wrong? Or did we evolve to become this way?

And if we're a good example, then what is the selling point of our race?

We're each a representation of the human race. We each provide a very small representation, but it is still a contribution, your contribution. And your contribution to our overall image as a race can carry weight.

We all know the difference between good and bad. That's intelligence. Given this, we all should know whether our own representation is a good one or a bad one.

And since we tend to surround ourselves with people who share our same values, beliefs and interests, then you can start to see how your representation of the human race could be reflected across a larger group.

So then a good place to start...

Does ATS, a collective sharing of all sorts of information from around the planet, represent more of what's good about us or bad?
edit on 28-12-2010 by PhotonEffect because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I don't think there is a set answer for this one, there is most likely just shades of gray. I thought I had a good grip on where I stood, but lately i'm feeling pretty foggy and heven't found my way again.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:30 PM
Well... if you look at how we are treating our precious Earth, I would say we are a bad example of intelligent life.
Intelligent beings destroying their own home...
Intelligent beings killing off massive amounts of living plants and animals...
Intelligent beings annihilating habitat and ecosystems...
We are a collective species of immature, selfish, and undisciplined brats that can't keep their bedrooms clean.

Living in balance with our planet and the fellow plant and animal brothers that call Earth home would make us a good example of intelligent life. Collectively, we suck.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Well... if you look at how we are treating our precious Earth, I would say we are a bad example of intelligent life.
Intelligent beings destroying their own home...
Intelligent beings killing off massive amounts of living plants and animals...
Intelligent beings annihilating habitat and ecosystems...
We are a collective species of immature, selfish, and undisciplined brats that can't keep their bedrooms clean.

Living in balance with our planet and the fellow plant and animal brothers that call Earth home would make us a good example of intelligent life. Collectively, we suck.

well said, not only are we pretty much destroying everything for "our" convenience, we're not even happy as people, we always seem to want more, what we have is never enough.
We are destroying everything around us and most importantly we are destroying our spirit piece by piece.
how sad

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:53 PM
bad example

not just bad ... but a terrible example

just watch the news and how they manipulate for their own agenda, beside all the atrocious things that humans do to each other, specially the rich ones

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

A bit of a counter-point (but not really

Could such beings truly be called intelligent?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

id say both

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I think it's a bit of both, too. When you look at our evolution it is amazing how far we have come in such a short time due to our superior intelligence. If you look at all the scientific and technological accomplishments, that's also pretty amazing to me. Unfortunately, we still haven't learned our lessons after so many thousand years of evolution on the matter of war and environment. Take nuclear power, for example: it can be argued the energy production through nuclear power is a positive accomplishment, but at the same time this accomplishment has some very negative sides to it. Think of nuclear waste and and nuclear arms. I'm not worried about mother Earth; she will outlast us. She does not need us; we need her in good health to survive as a species. And our understanding of evolution shows us that life is quite resilient, too. After so many mass extinction events, it finally produced us, human beings with superior intelligence. How we use that intelligence is what determines whether we are a good or bad example of intelligent life. It is my hope that we will eventually learn to respect mother Earth and live in harmony with her, although looking at current trends, I am not very optimistic.

edit on 28/12/2010 by WalterRatlos because: spelling correction

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I think we are an example of intelligent life. What's curious to me is how frequently people here on ATS feed and spread anger. I think it shows that intelligence and emotion are both part of what makes humanity "human". We are what we are. We run on emotion. We run on belief. We run on hope. Despair and apathy stop individual human beings from moving forward (or sideways or backwards or running in circles)

We scream about terrorism, religion and contrails and we hope for new mysteries to uncover. Discovery is a strong trait in humanity. When we can't find anything new, we make up new things. I think that's kind of cool.

But then, I come here mostly to read the amazingly diverse opinions of others.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Obviously there is no comparison to base my thoughts upon. But, basically my gut feeling is that we would probably be described as the Jessica Simpson level intellect of the universe.

What is frightening is that we could very well be the intellectual apex... let that sink in for awhile.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Obviously there is no comparison to base my thoughts upon. But, basically my gut feeling is that we would probably be described as the Jessica Simpson level intellect of the universe.

I think thats probably still being extremely generous and kind

What is frightening is that we could very well be the intellectual apex... let that sink in for awhile.


The horror...

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:50 PM
If you're referring to our species, perhaps the better question is "are we (an example of) intelligent life?"
On an individual basis, there is very little intelligence evidenced in a large proportion of the population.
While we may pride ourselves on our (assumed) intelligence, it may prove on a cosmic scale that we as a species aren't graced with comparative "intelligence" in relation to other species.

Good or bad is personally subjective, so I'll stay away from that one!


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:59 PM
we're a bad example, our popular media promotes all things shallow and fickle to help us ignore how our governors are exploiting everything they can to satisfy their lust for 'power!'

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:58 PM
What is "we"?
What is intelligence?
Can bacteria and viruses have intelligences?

Well I probably have billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and worms living on or in me right now.

Under a microscope I'm probably a hive of living, wriggling activity.

I'm an ecosystem.

Which exact part of me is supposed to have intelligence?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Scientifically, that would be your brain.

Spiritually, that would be the entirety of your local system working together as one in unison.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect
Since we don't have an intelligent race from another planet to compare ourselves to, this question could be difficult to answer with any certainty. But perhaps it's just a matter of self reflection.

As an intelligent race of beings, did we do the best we could with what we were given?

I look at the world now and wonder: Is this as good as it gets for intelligent life in the universe? Or is it really any better anywhere else?

If we're a bad representation of intelligent life in the universe then where did we go wrong? Or did we evolve to become this way?

And if we're a good example, then what is the selling point of our race?

We're each a representation of the human race. We each provide a very small representation, but it is still a contribution, your contribution. And your contribution to our overall image as a race can carry weight.

We all know the difference between good and bad. That's intelligence. Given this, we all should know whether our own representation is a good one or a bad one.

And since we tend to surround ourselves with people who share our same values, beliefs and interests, then you can start to see how your representation of the human race could be reflected across a larger group.

So then a good place to start...

Does ATS, a collective sharing of all sorts of information from around the planet, represent more of what's good about us or bad?
edit on 28-12-2010 by PhotonEffect because: (no reason given)

The first question you ask is simple. With what was given to humans, we have done a good job! Unfortunatley, this came with war and bloodshed but until all humans operate and think as one with common respect for themselves, others and what they have achieved wars will cease!

Intelligent life evolves to become more intelligent. When we reach this point wars will cease. Humans will reach a point where we can deal with other intelligent life without jelousy or bloodshed as they all think as one.

We have naturally evolved this way and had to learn the hard way to know the good in all of us. We didn't go wrong, we just attempted to support eachother of our own nation which is why there was wars.

Our good points of human advancement was the fact all customs, religions, countrys thought of the citizens of there country. This is a positive effect which has got humans to where we are now.

Humans are not perfect in life but we attempt to assist eachother in spirit. This thinking has achieved birth of us all and security in our customs.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Archangelelijah because: wording

edit on 28-12-2010 by Archangelelijah because: wording

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Intelligence seems to be overrated. Why isn't wisdom given as much importance?!
Anyway, Unless there is a clearly-defined scenario it is hard to say if it is good or bad, it's not like everyone's resources are being used to the full potential and channelized in a constructive manner. In other words, the purpose for which one's knowledge is being used matters, just like a medicine can be used to cure someone, it can cause problems too if not taken correctly...

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