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Kitten-killer video poster being hunted online

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posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by andypb

Great news. I hope justice is served in this case.

Anyone doing the things done is truly sick. I honestly do not think one can fix such a person. There is something truly wrong with them and they should be taking out of society.


posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Erica1631
OMG! This video produces the most uncomfortable feelings in me. I could not watch the video in its entirety because those precious kittens were so innocent and trusting. I wanted my last memories of them to remain just that. When I saw his face, I immediately felt something very dark, sinister and deeply disturbing. He appeared to be so at ease as if he has done this before. I am quite sure he has done this before! No conscience, no emotion. Totally void of the capacity to feel anything for anyone. I hope and pray that the proper authorities locate him and forever keep him away from society. His violence is only going to escalate.

I submitted the above post nearly 2 years ago about this guy. I am so thankful that they have finally arrested Luca Magnotta because I felt that he was the epitome of evil. Anyone who is capable of killing animals without any remorse or feelings will inevitably be a danger to society. You are looking at a guy who sold his soul.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Erica1631

Lets just hope that the good that can come out of this is that animal cruelty and torture will be taken more seriously by police and investigators, and that laws will change to prosecute those that are sick enough to hurt animals deliberately. This case sets an example on a global scale of what will follow if these animal cruelty cases are ignored. I hope all that have died or suffered because of this sicko have some peace now.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by justsaying

I think a more likely result, maybe the reason he was not caught sooner if he is really guilty....

We need "insert draconian internet law here"! Had we had "insert draconian internet law here", he would have been caught years ago! Let's pass "insert draconian internet law here" for the sake of our kittens and children!

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:44 PM
So now we're 'eye for an eye'?

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

I don't know much about the internet and law but I agree with you. At least in the US there is now an anti crush law banning animal crush videos and its a felony if convicted. At least its a start.

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