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Aliens or Demons

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:54 PM
I'm not a religious person. i believe in a God though. But sometimes it passed through my mind the idea of "them " being spiritual demons of old times and not biological entities from another planet.

They lack morals, they have a wicked sense of humour sometimes having pleasure with our suffering, they like to explore our fears also, what kind of intelligent being would act like that? Also, aliens are often associated to paranormal activity when they are around.

By demons i'm not talking about those depicted in medieval paintings, like horns, tails or forks, but beings from other dimensions with evil agendas, beings that feed off of fear, that attack us at night when we are more vulnerable.Maybe they have been here since the beginning and they just brainwash our minds into thinking they are doing scientific research on us when actually they are addicted to our fear, which is like a drug to them.
edit on 16-12-2010 by Picollo30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I would say ghost

waiting on the aliens and demons

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Picollo30
I'm not a religious person. i believe in a God though. But sometimes it passed through my mind the idea of "them " being spiritual demons of old times and not biological entities from another planet.

They lack morals, they have a wicked sense of humour sometimes having pleasure with our suffering, they like to explore our fears also, what kind of intelligent being would act like that?
edit on 16-12-2010 by Picollo30 because: (no reason given)

Sounds like you watch too much Hollywood movies - They are based upon old stories that branch off the tree of truth, but they are not what they appear to be.

Until you experience something for yourself, It would be unwise to choose where you stand with it or how you would perceive it.

I have experienced beings that are so horrifying to look upon, how could they be anything but sinister and evil, but that is 'not' what they are.

Walk away from your Hollywood stories of evil beings, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the truth of who is waiting to say hello to you from the other side.



posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

What kind of person burns ants with a magnifying glass? What kind of person enjoys and supports cock fights? Honestly, stop attributing a human emotion to what is, in all likelihood, a non-human entity; it just makes no sense to me to do something like that.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

I vote third deminsional beings...demons.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by BiggyMcBigPants
reply to post by Picollo30

What kind of person burns ants with a magnifying glass? What kind of person enjoys and supports cock fights? Honestly, stop attributing a human emotion to what is, in all likelihood, a non-human entity; it just makes no sense to me to do something like that.

Who do you think is influencing the joy of pain?

Clearly there is something within the human spirit that is 'not' human, pulling the strings beyond the veil.

How could so much evil exist in a world where so much brightness also blooms.

The notion of non-human entities will never make sense to those who see only with their physical eyes.

The following is very likely - You will never see a demon

So what can you do? Observe yourself in moments of darkness.

Ask yourself - Who is that speaking, who is telling me to cause this pain, who is telling me to enjoy it. and once again ask yourself - Is this who I really am?

The more you observe yourself in these moments, figures will emerge - Some call them sub personalities, others call it ego, others call it demons.

It is what it is, but all of them point to the same conclusion - IT IS NOT 'YOU'


edit on 16-12-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by letmeDANz

Ghost are demons according to me and the bible (there is no talk in it about ghost, demons on the other hand...). It should be a piece of cake for a demon to fake a grandfather who recently passed away. They are watching us all the time. Fear not, we've got the Armor of God to fight our spiritual warfare; from social/mental issues and love affairs to personal attacks by demons. Satan is involved with every little bad thing. He knows our weaknesses and uses it. Read the Epistle to the Ephesians about the Armor of God. /preachermode

And yes, I believe aliens are demons (the fallen ones) and that there could very well be a second breeding program for Nephilim. If the 'aliens' come and present themselves as our creators: It will be the great deception by which "the most elected will be decieved".

And to Maximus: don't think sub personalities are the same as demons etc. That's as a fact: bull#. sub personalities (sometimes discovered in combination with schizophrenia, but not as much as people think) are far from demons and are pure mentally. The social/genes etc. issues which are possible reasons for it are another story. On the other hand, some pills can kill some demons if I should believe you. And yes, I'm a professional in mental health care.
edit on 16-12-2010 by WeZet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:25 PM
I would say they are interdimensional entity, there are lives on land, ocean, space, inside the Earth, why not interdimension.

Debunkers please don't ask me to "prove it," time will tell.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Now, I'm not a skeptic on this. I am a theistic Satanist.

However, what bothers me is when we try and palm off our own bad behavior onto other beings.
Take personal responsibilty now. The buck stops with you. And only you will have to answer for it.
Humans need no help in behaving horribly. Nobody is pulling any strings that aren't there to begin with.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Picollo30

They lack morals, they have a wicked sense of humour sometimes having pleasure with our suffering, they like to explore our fears also, what kind of intelligent being would act like that? Also, aliens are often associated to paranormal activity when they are around.

Hmm, that description fits me very much - what does it make me

I do not believe in good/evil. I sometimes like to "poke" people in the eyes when they are acting stupid. And if some people are irrationally afraid, I tend to go extreme in order to show how irrational fear is. I do not like to talk about paranormal, as there does not exist such thing. Everything is pretty natural. Even my abilities.

So I am alien? No. I am just human being, and a pretty nice person too.

What about demons then? They are nothing but irresistable uncontrolled bursts of subconsciousness, usually appearing when the conscious attitude conflicts the unconscious too much (for exampe, a dishonest person is forcing oneself to be honest, and honest person is being dishonest).

edit on 16-12-2010 by v01i0 because: 2345

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 04:48 PM
maybe they are both?
very advanced life forms would be like demons.
if the are good, people think they are gods.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Now, I'm not a skeptic on this. I am a theistic Satanist.

However, what bothers me is when we try and palm off our own bad behavior onto other beings.
Take personal responsibilty now. The buck stops with you. And only you will have to answer for it.
Humans need no help in behaving horribly. Nobody is pulling any strings that aren't there to begin with.

I agree with you whole heartedly that humanity is choosing to do these things. But what comes before the choice is what concerns me in regards to demonic activity.

Who or what is telling you its worth doing? In the seconds before a lunatic decides to kill someone, what is the source of the voices in his mind, the patterns of thought or the fears that are influencing that decision.

Do you honestly believe it can be attributed solely to his own mind? A mind that seemed so perfect upon the day of his birth?

I'm willing to admit there are people out there who are nuts, but to offer no wiggle room for the paranormal seems like a silly notion to me.


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 07:23 PM
What evidence exists to support the existence of "demons"? I have never seen any photos, videos or first-hand accounts of meetings.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:05 PM
Aliens in the classic sense, which would be beings from another planet, dimensional beings, and nonphysical entities such as the ones you speak of are all completely different things according to what I've learned.

Aliens: I believe most, if not all, are benevolent. There is too much REAL evidence that suggests they are more worried about us and our future than we should be of them. I don't believe most alien abduction encounters are accurately presented, and many of them are probably perpetrated by a 'shadow government', or even the one we know of.

Dimensional beings: Are most likely past all of the petty problems and differences we deal with here. They are most likely dimensionally close to ours, but still separate, and somewhat higher.

Nonphysical entities: Entities that may have been human at one time, or may never have been human or even physical. That isn't to say they may not one day live the human or physical experience. They may attach to your consciousness and influence your thoughts without you becoming explicitly aware of it. People with severe mental issues may not be mentally ill at all, but are influenced by something very real and just don't know themselves that it's real. It isn't something they can see, but may 'hear' it in their minds.

I believe all these things are real, and I've come to this conclusion after reading Robert Monroe's books, and Thomas Campbell's books on a unified theory of reality that includes consciousness into the equation. Both men have had many out of body experiences, which were documented by Campbell (a real world physicist) and his team in the 70s. These realities are real, and in fact, more real that the one we are in.

There was a very interesting story from one of Monroe's books, the first one I believe. He had an experience after leaving his body where he ended up in a parallel reality. It was earth, but electricity had never been discovered, and everything was powered by other means, such as modern cars running on modern steam engines. Very interesting. He entered the mind of an individual that lived in this reality and soon discovered he could put soft suggestions into this man's mind. The man was aware of these thoughts, felt these thoughts were not characteristic of himself, but it wasn't so obvious that he realized they weren't his own. For someone in a position such as Monroe's at that moment, I think there could be an attachment formed in this way, especially if the intruding mind was once physical, had died, and couldn't shake the addictions of physical life. Although, I do think we all have the choice of coming back into physical life if we so choose. Another reason for an attachment may be that the entity has never lived a physical life, but has attached itself to someone physical in order to live the experience through the person. Naturally, when you experience something new and stimulating, you sometimes go OVERBOARD with it. So such an entity may feed off of strong feelings of anger, sex, love, hatred, and will do what it can to magnify those things in the mind of the person they are attached to. Keep in mind though, that an entity that has never lived a physical life does not know what death is, or violence, or anything physical in nature. What may seem like evil attachments or acts of influence may not necessarily be evil from the perspective of an entity that knows no such things. All it knows is that it is stimulated by the emotions of the victim. It may not even see, or understand if it could see a murder or violence. Chances are it may not even understand 3 dimensional space and time, or understand the concept of vision in our 3d universe. It may feel something, attach, and attempt to magnify the feelings whether it knows or doesn't know that it's attached to a human being in a physical universe.

A lot of this is speculation on my part, some of it is what I've learned from the books I've mentioned, and I'm certainly not trying to make 'attachment' an OK thing, because it isn't. I just think sometimes things are not what they seem to be, and to keep an open mind. I mean who knows, if you could communicate with the attached entity, and say 'hey, this isn't right. What you are doing is wrong', and assuming the entity even knew what right and wrong was, maybe it would reply with 'oh, i had no idea this was wrong, i just felt a force and attached to it, sorry mate'.

I just rambled.. habit I've gotten into lately for some odd reason.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

In order to equate them you have to ignore an awful lot of folklore on both sides. Like you said you didn't mean demons in the classical sense, well than what point is there in calling them demons? Not all aliens are malevolent and not all demons are from other "dimensions".

I personally don't believe in either.

One reason they might seem similar, as you said, is because both are associated with strange happenings and experiences, the same sorts that ghosts or bad luck or other paranormal forces might be blamed on. A phenomenon a lot like ghost/demon encounters, known as Old Hag Syndrome, might also be the explanation for alien abductions.

Old Hag/ Sleep Paralysis

I don't think there's anything spooky really going on here, there's certainly no conclusive evidence to suggest that aliens, or demons, even exist let alone that they are the same thing.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:22 PM
I've had the thought since hearing of the Reptilians that they are the demons referred to in the bible and imagery. I read of them that they live underground in inner earth and it smells like sulphur (sounds like the popular images of hell to me.)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Well, I think they do experiments, the experiments happen to be on us.

I have seen that aliens have ties to magic and occult, this I don't like. I want the aliens to be rooted in magic, but why occult? Occult is most definetly evil.

Why do the aliens want to absorb the negative feelings? Do they want to see of all we have to offer, or do they want to hurt us for the purpose of hurting us?

After large amounts of studying it turns out the alien cattle mutilations in the 70s and 80s happened while the cow was alive, I do not say they are evil for doing that, but you aren't absolutely caring. Maybe you have to take some vital organs while the cow is still living, but cut out the eye, dig into the reproductive organs, then slash off the face. Obviously the aliens were after the cows for just the reproductive organs, the other stuff was extra maybe. If they have all this magic capability then why don't they put the animal to sleep first?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by HRegressor

Good points you bring up,

I would say because of those things, like how they have no compassion for other creatures, shows that these creatures are completely selfish and self serving with no regard whatsoever for creatures other than their own species.. This fact alone does earn them the title of evil in how they live. This would certainly fit with what humans think of as wicked or evil. Also from abduction stories it would seem many of these other types have the mental ability to project into the human mind the sense that they are your friends and cause you to feel that you have known them as a friend , like old long time friends, to get people to submit to them with no struggle or argument.. These actions seem to be more for expediting the proceedings, rather than as an act of compassion, but more literally an act of deception for selfish reasons.. Fairly similar to some humans

No one dies in those cases, but the self serving motives are just as clear with both scenerios, with never a reward for the victims. This is the mind of a true criminal... Which is not a mind of love and compassion, so I would label them as evil even though they haven't killed everyone in sight..

From this I would venture that they are biological and easily swayed by evil, rather than good... Evil can be a faster shortcut for self gratification...

edit on 17-12-2010 by alienreality because: eta

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 02:25 AM
No you guys dont grasp what he is saying.

If aliens appeared tomorrow in ship's.. claiming peace had advanced technology.
And even had a cure for death.
People would start calling them god.
And you know it....They would become a religion so fast you wouldn't have time to blink a eye lid.

And cause of that..they would in fact be demon's..
Because ..they are not god...They are here to deceive us...before the rapture comes.
Test our will to god.

So yes they very well could be a biblical sense.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 02:39 AM
The more I read about the greys - the more they remind me of the Gnostic conception of Archons - inorganic beings that have thier own realm, but are irressistably drawn to interfere in the human realm - they are a conciousness quite different from our own individualised minds - here is an excellent essay about them.

In my usual habit of attempting the impossible, I propose three definitions, or three levels of definition:

Level One: Cosmological

In Gnostic cosmology, Archons are a species of inorganic beings that emerged in the solar system prior to the formation of the earth. They are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system (exclusive of the earth, sun and moon), which is described as a virtual world (stereoma) they construct by imitating the geometric forms emanated from the Pleroma, the realm of the Generators, the Cosmic Gods.

The Archons are a genuine species with their own proper habitat, and may even be considered to be god-like, but they lack intentionality (ennoia: self-directive capacity), and they have a nasty tendency to stray from their boundaries and intrude on the human realm. Archons are said to feel intense envy toward humanity because we possess the intentionality they lack.

The Gaia Mythos describes how the Archons were produced by fractal impact in the dense elementary field arrays (dema) of the galactic limbs, when the Aeon Sophia plunged unilaterally from the galactic core. See especially Episode 10. This event is also described in detail in Alien Dreaming.

Level Two: Noetic-Psychological

In Gnostic psychology, the noetic science of the Mystery Schools, Archons are an alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications. They are not what makes us act inhumanely, for we all have the potential to go against our innate humanity, violating the truth in our hearts, but they make us play out inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.

Left to our own devices, we would sometimes act inhumanely and then correct it, contain the aberration. Obviously, we do not always do so. In the exaggeration of our insane and inhumane tendencies, and in extreme, uncorrected deviance from our innate intelligence, Gnostics saw the signature of an alien species that piggy-backs on the worst human failings.

Hence, Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites. Yet as offspring of the Aeon Sophia, they are also our cosmic kin.

As inorganic entities of two types, embryonic and reptilian, Archons can at moments penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and terrorize humans, although there is no reason or order to these forays, for the aliens cannot remain for very long in the biosphere and, anyway, they have no master plan to accomplish here. The ontological status of the Archons is dual: they exist both as an alien species independent of humankind, and as a presence in our minds, rather like a set of programs operating in our mental environment. The risk they pose by invading our mental software is far greater than any physical risk they might pose by erratically breaching the biosphere.

Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons attempt to deviate us from our proper course of evolution. Their most successful technique is to use religious ideology to insinuate their way of thinking and, in effect, substitute their mind-set for ours. According to the Gnostics, Judeo-Christian salvationism is the primary ploy of the Archons, an alien implant.

Our capacity to discern alien forces working in our minds is crucial to survival and co-evolution with Gaia who, as Sophia, accidentally produced the Archons in the first place. (This comment belongs to Level One, the cosmological definition, but as so often happens with Gnostic teachings, noetic and cosmic elements tend to merge.)

By recognizing and repelling the Archons, we claim our power, define our boundaries in the cosmic framework, and establish our purpose relative to Gaia, the indwelling intelligence of the planet.

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