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Freakish Predictions In '97 Song

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:26 PM
Hi guys,

Forgive me if this is the wrong place for this to be posted but listen to this song and the topics predicted/discussed. Particularly the '2001 revelations'. An old favourite of mine.

Psycho Realm- Premonitions
Some more of the same vein you may enjoy:

Immortal Technique-The Cause of Death

Vinnie Paz- End Of Days
Enjoy and feel free to ask me about more artists/songs!

edit on 15/12/10 by Pirateofpsychonautics because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Pirateofpsychonautics

Can you summerise some of the predictions please? My work computer will not let me play those files and I have no computer at home in the moment. I am in a text only limbo.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Pirateofpsychonautics

You should probably include the lyrics.

Here they are for you

I got mad visions, pictures and premonitions
Of war drums and suicide missions
Prosecution, execution, revolution, mass confusion
All over ready for war, i'm a soldier
Nightmares of cross-airs, concentration camps
And electric chairs marking you with the stamp
Prepare yourself

Am i paranoid? why in my dreams, have i seen
The whole world destroyed?
Civilization raped, ain't no escape
Situations escalate in the date of 2001
Revelation, or is it just my imagination?
Invasion dreams reoccuring
I can't explain it
But it's the same one everyday

Televisions trackers citizens massacres
And cashless systems
The new order with no border renegades
The rule over the new age malaise
Picture the gray haze consuming the world
This dream never goes away
I wish i knew the meaning of all this
'cause the pieces of the puzzle just don't fit

Premonitions of war cloud my every tought
Battles fought, won and lost a holocaust
Always the same ending, don't ever change
But i refuse to believe we all go down in flames
I wake up in the middle of combat
From the attack of the bomb killing on impact
Disintegration over the whole nation
And overseas victory to our enemies

Except for the 2001 line, it's all very basic stuff. Suicide bombers, wars, Prosecution, Execution, revolution and mass confusion are all standard for the course of modern human history. Nothing in here which could be called "freakish" except for the line : "situations escalate in the year of 2001".

And that could easily have been chosen at random

edit on 15-12-2010 by Solasis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Yeah, I guess I should have narrowed it down. And freakish may have been an overstatement but still, the 2001 and revelations part is intriguing. A good listen nonetheless imo. And to be honest, I needed a dramatic title to get people to come in and listen

Might I add: a relief from the absoloute drivel most hip hop artists produce (but not the ones I listen to!)
edit on 15/12/10 by Pirateofpsychonautics because: (no reason given)

edit on 15/12/10 by Pirateofpsychonautics because: (no reason given)

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