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Great documentary on why Illegal Immigrants keep comming to USA! NOOO to the DREAM ACT!!!!

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posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 01:15 AM

It is really sad to see that parts of the world are so poor. I can see why they have to illegally cross into the USA to get jobs here. What they can make in one hour in USA will take them a whole back breaking day in their native lands...

I am sure most of us on ATS will cross into USA and do the same thing if we were in this dude's situation in this documentary.... You see, if my mother had that huge lump on her shoulder, I for one reason or another managed to have 5 children, while unemployed and debt of losing my house...... I am pretty sure I will cross illegally into the US to work there. =(

but the sad reality is, there are over 6 billion humans living and there are too many poor people. As sad as the situation for these people are, there really is nothing that the US can do for them. It was never our job or responsibility to take care of people from another country when we can't even take care of our own....

********THEREFORE, We cannot pass bills such as amnesty or so called "Dream Act"!!!**********
Such bills will only encourage hope for these already downtrodden people into thinking that criminally crossing into the USA for an illegal employment will lead to a better wealth and somehow a PERMANENT USA CITIZENSHIP.

edit on 11-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 01:58 AM
one thing that infuriates is when a foreign national, illegally working in the US, (so called "undocumented worker") 'DEMANDS' rights to US citizenship!!!

And SOMEHOW, these weird confused liberal politicians decides to represent these people who were never meant to be represented within their authorities in the first place... by trying to pass this amnesty bill called the dream act.
I don't get it.

Are the democrats now representing on behalf of foreign nationals?

Is the US democrat party the party of the whole dammm world?

I believe that the democratic party has gotten too stupid liberal in this case.

By the way, I am registered as a democrat and voted for President Obama.

edit on 11-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Actually it is our job to take care of the all downtrodden people, we have a slogan in America "give me your tired, your weak, your poor". We being such a rich and powerful country must exhibit philanthropy. That is the belief of Carnegie, Gates, Buffet. Immediately after World War 2 we became the nation to cry to. This isn't 1917 where isolationism works, once you open your borders up you can't close them. I don't think it is right for any illegal immigrant to demand rights in any country, however we are a giving country and thus have a reputation as such.

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by denynothing
Actually it is our job to take care of the all downtrodden people, we have a slogan in America "give me your tired, your weak, your poor". We being such a rich and powerful country must exhibit philanthropy. That is the belief of Carnegie, Gates, Buffet. Immediately after World War 2 we became the nation to cry to. This isn't 1917 where isolationism works, once you open your borders up you can't close them. I don't think it is right for any illegal immigrant to demand rights in any country, however we are a giving country and thus have a reputation as such.

I agree with alot of what you say.. But you leave me questioning.

Do you support amnesty bills such as the dream act??

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by denynothing
Actually it is our job to take care of the all downtrodden people, we have a slogan in America "give me your tired, your weak, your poor". We being such a rich and powerful country must exhibit philanthropy. That is the belief of Carnegie, Gates, Buffet. Immediately after World War 2 we became the nation to cry to. This isn't 1917 where isolationism works, once you open your borders up you can't close them. I don't think it is right for any illegal immigrant to demand rights in any country, however we are a giving country and thus have a reputation as such.


I can't tell you how good it feels to know someone on ATS feels the same way about immigration..

The OP posts a video of how bad it is over there and then says, "Don't pass the bill, it'll give em false hope!"

I'm stoked immigrants are coming over here (We finally have CULTURE!!!) and I'm glad they are getting to go to school for such low prices.. They will be able to educate themselves and then go fix their country without our interference

A lot of people also forget that if America was always like this, a lot of us wouldn't be here..

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by squirelnutz

Originally posted by denynothing
Actually it is our job to take care of the all downtrodden people, we have a slogan in America "give me your tired, your weak, your poor". We being such a rich and powerful country must exhibit philanthropy. That is the belief of Carnegie, Gates, Buffet. Immediately after World War 2 we became the nation to cry to. This isn't 1917 where isolationism works, once you open your borders up you can't close them. I don't think it is right for any illegal immigrant to demand rights in any country, however we are a giving country and thus have a reputation as such.


I can't tell you how good it feels to know someone on ATS feels the same way about immigration..

The OP posts a video of how bad it is over there and then says, "Don't pass the bill, it'll give em false hope!"

I'm stoked immigrants are coming over here (We finally have CULTURE!!!) and I'm glad they are getting to go to school for such low prices.. They will be able to educate themselves and then go fix their country without our interference

A lot of people also forget that if America was always like this, a lot of us wouldn't be here..

You make a lot of strange statements.
You complain alot of what I say, but never really give ur own solutions.
You are a compassionate complainer with no real solution to the problems seen on the documentary above.
Are you trying to say that every poor citizens within a continuous land proximity to the USA, to cross illegally to here and work illegally??
Is that a solution for the USA and the poor citizens of Guatemala? In this instance?
Is the solution for world poverty is to illegally cross into America for jobs??
Is this how we solve the world problem??

edit on 12-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:49 AM

(We finally have CULTURE!!!)

Those of us of European ancestry have PLENTY of culture thank you.
Political correctness & this "we owe the world something" mentality is disgusting & has taken it away.
Lets ask our friends in Sweden what they think about immigration.

A wise man once said, "Political correctness is tyranny with manners".

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:08 AM
There is a huge difference between legal immigration and criminally crossing into a border of another country for work and payment.

Just because one cross a border of another country does not give them the right to protest for a right of citizenship which many illegals demands for. It just doesn't make any sense.....

Just because you are poor in another country doesn't mean you get to be a US citizen by criminally crossing here anonymously.

I feel bad for the poor people in the world, but the world doesn't work like that.

edit on 12-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:17 AM

edit on 12-12-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by saabacura

Big star for you.
It's not just the illegal crossing but how they demand we be sensitive to their culture
and assimilate to them.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by saabacura

No not really, I see the point that the bill makes. However it encourages the continuous illegal immigration which is why the bill is even up for consideration. The real problem is the price to legally immigrate to America lower that, and the illegal immigration problem will be lower. I fully support legal immigration.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by saabacura

I agree with you, on the statement of illegal's demanding citizenship when they did not go through the legal channels to become one. I don't understand why they think that crossing the border illegally gives them a right to citizenship. I can't go to Mexico or Canada illegally and demand citizenship there. However this whole immigration situation is due to the propaganda sent to all downtrodden people that America is the place to make your mark. I support immigration, everyone deserves a fair chance in life. Maybe we shouldn't be given preferential treatment just because we happened to be born on a certain location. Theres no easy solution for any of this.

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