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The death of America lies within Republican and Democratic affiliation.

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Fellow Americans,

I will make this as brief and concise as I can while informing you what I am currently becoming aware of through my non unique powers of being self aware.

First I will tell you that the key to anticipating future events within social or political structure in the United States is simply to live beyond the events of every day life that only impact you or your immediate family. We have been programmed by design to be pacified by every day life, this is not a mistake, creature comforts are afforded to you so the majority of Americans can't see past there singular existence. This practice is carried out in many countries, most of which are much more racked with poverty than the U.S.

Once you become aware of events that are transpiring that don't impact you directly and you actually have some level of passion, disgust or feelings about them I would consider you at least partially "awake" and able to compute what I am trying to convey to you through this post. Please don't mistake this statement as talking on a soap box but until you are at a point where you can put aside the stresses of our economy and the hardships that you may be experiencing or can put aside your daughters second wedding to open your mind to something bigger this post will just sound like another windbag airing there own personal arrogant political agenda.

Americans are being led to destination by the political powers that be, I would say the NWO but honestly the situation is more short sighted than that and does not encompass the entire world, just that of America, probably most of Canada and more accurately the members of our government that belong to the free masons, to which members of congress on all levels, the federal reserve and the most powerful CEOs of driving international corporations dedicatedly belong. What destination would that be?

The guise of a duel party in our current political structure is necessary for many reasons, the biggest of these reasons is that human nature does not allow for man as we know it to live together in peace and harmony. Our still largely primitive human brains need conflict in order to process emotions normally. If we all lived in a society that only believed in one political ideal we would either be brainwashed communists or the crime rate would literally be through the roof. It is the ability to choose one side (Left or Right) that gives us each the imaginary freedom to express our wants and needs for political change through peaceful and reasonable measures as opposed to taking up arms and fighting as they did long ago.

This very illusion is nothing new, it goes all the way back to the foundation of our nation but over recent years it has been in a way perverted and has evolved into something it was never meant to be. The tactic of splitting the people into separate political groups so that revolt can be averted can be traced back semi successfully in history to Rome and much further than that although the average American would not recognize it because the history of it is not taught in American schools in a coherent format.

In 2010 most Americans want to have a voice, they want to be heard, there are broad sweeping changes brought about every day and this is evidenced by having any news feed piped in to your Igoogle home page. Bills, laws, reform brought to you from a chamber behind closed doors from people you have never seen or spoken too who you are forced to identify with by evidenced ONLY by public campaigns and canned public speeches. Anyone at least these days who has any other ideas or wants to invoke there own sense of "common sense" is labeled an outsider or independent and largely ignored.

Our current system of having to choose between Republican or Democrat is crippling our ability to be heard as the voice of the American People and this my friends is by design. There is a reason that while you may vote without agreeing with either party you are forced to choose an affiliation and vote accordingly for a nominee from that party. Infighting or the misconception that the two political party's are different is a very clever illusion. While on the surface you can clearly see that the two sides disagree on many topics I would challenge you to consider the path our nation has been taking over the last two decades regardless of the majority of the senate or house or even the party of choice of our President.

You see, for too long now, most have been too worried about how the republicans or democrats are driving the nation into the ground. They only see one side and want to spew off in local watering holes across america how there party takes the high ground and anyone that does not see that is ignorant and ill informed. The irony is that regardless of which party is in power or has momentum that we are losing our civil liberties and fundamental rights on a downright alarming rate while we continue to fight and argue about which party will ultimately make our Mcdonalds cheeseburger a few cents cheaper.

For me, this country lives and dies by a simple piece of paper, the Constitution of the United States of America. That paper although antiquated relates all laws of what our country is and lays out the guideline to a nation that has checks and balances to ensure personal liberty freedom and guards against tyranny and inflated government. We have lost these basic fundamentals because they are no longer recognized by our own government, republican or democrat. Both sides believe that Constitutional "reform" is necessary for the safety of the people because of terrorism, the war on drugs or pick your false flag event that robs you on a daily basis of your personal freedom so the powers that be can have a tighter vice grip on power.

We all must realize as Americans we are not bound to a political party, we are bound to freedom and what that means exactly we must hold true the ideas and passions that our founders held dear to there hearts and uphold the documents that this country was created not only from but FOR. None of the citizens of the United states of America are republicans or democrats.......... We are a party for the Constitution of the United States of America and any action, law or motion that violates that document in any way is a crime to the people of this country regardless of the flag the lawmaker waves as he passes it.

To realize what freedom means, to cherish it, to understand human nature and see how power corrupts opens the eye that envisions what that paper is meant exactly to prevent and the more we latch on to false ideals and empty promises from political party's that seek to rob us slowly of our freedom is to give up what we are as people and everything we think we are. Sovereign, free, American people.
edit on 10-12-2010 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 03:28 AM
Move to a different country, the JDL are telling Jewish Americans to leave the USA now or take up arms to defend themselves (check out youtube, there is something about it on there), it sounds like your countries elite are controlling their people more and more each day, dont let this happen, the Nazi's did the very same thing, spreading fear and lies to bring the public on board to their way of thinking, make a stand if you can.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by jonskie

The Nazi party as sick and twisted as it became was birthed at least from a sense of National pride. The American regime on the whole is nothing more than an over bloated government making daily power plays to stay in power because there is a grand sense of civil unrest growing day to day due to the fact the country is ran like a dying and non profitable corporation.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Helious
reply to post by jonskie

The Nazi party as sick and twisted as it became was birthed at least from a sense of National pride. The American regime on the whole is nothing more than an over bloated government making daily power plays to stay in power because there is a grand sense of civil unrest growing day to day due to the fact the country is ran like a dying and non profitable corporation.

I hope you aren't equating Nazis with Grass Roots American Spirit? This is what the Tea Party is all about...the Voice of America, and the demand that the powers hear that voice, and respect that voice. The voice of America is the Constitution. Demand that all follow that, and America can, and will become great again. Stop the nationalizing of American business, (General Motors) and the support of the Banking Cartel. (Leman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve, and FDIC, along with the vast support of Israel, the Dream Act, Gun Control, and Illegal Aliens. Stop these things right now. Support smaller government and Job Creation, support small business, and give THEM the tax breaks, get the most taxes from the rich elite, they need to pay their fair share, they have always had tax shelters. What we need is a consumer tax, pay as you go. The poor get a voucher, and everyone else pays. Even the president. Fire the Congress, everyone that has been there for more than 5 years and everyone who is a LAWYER, or anyone who refuses to swear an oath the support the Constitution. We are not Nazis, nor are we Terrorists. We fear no one, and we have voices and power. We are MANY, they are few. Sorry for the rant, your post inspired me.

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