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December 21st Winter Solstice Full Moon

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posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by dontreally

Right, my point is that it IS used as a derogatory phrase by some Jews. I can't personally identify with that sentiment, as I see the whole of humanity as equal spiritually.

Well, the Jews are called a 'goy echad b'aeretz' "a unique nation on earth". And they are unique. Of course, all peoples are unique, but objectively, Jews have something additional, and innordinate that other peoples lack.

For instance, some 20% of nobel prize winners are Jews. Put that into context. They constitute .005 of the worlds population, yet they consistently stand out in whatever field they apply themselves to.

Im not saying this is something inherent to the Jew; im saying this is a consequence of Torah and Judaism. Even if the majority of those winners arent religious, their ancestors were, and its this 'exceptional' aspect which they inherited from their ancestors which makes them so unique.

There is no study as deep as Talmud. Even some fortune 500 companies have their employees study Talmud to sharpen their logical minds. So maybe this is why Jews in particular excel in scientific fields. The torah demands that we look at the world in a objective manner. To see things as they are. This contrasts with gnostic or eastern views which emphasizes the subjective, and therefore trivializes the reality of good and evil.

In any case, its a hebrew word. A Jew could say Gentile, and say it with derision. It doesnt matter. Thats his problem. Its not good to harbor feelings of superiority and Judaism doesnt.

And if you reject the 'chosen' title. than why dont you reject the dalai lama? Why does he get to be the dalai lama? Why are their presidents, bankers? why are there poor people? This is the nature of life. Everyone is given a different station, and likewise, some people are given a more prominent role, than others. But it is entirely improper and indeed sinful to turn that into 'more important'.

Look at it like a ladder. Is the bottom rung less important than a middle, or upper rung? No. All are important. G-d therefore tests people by putting them in certain positions. Someone up high, has a great deal of egotism and pride to contend with. And his mission is to overcome that. To only use his position as a way to serve OTHERS (Ie; the role of he Jews) whereas there are average people, they have to deal with their own problems. One issue is not to be jealous of others, and not to hate them for their position and station in life. A Talmudic proverb is "who is happy? He who is content with his lot in life"

Theres a story from the Baal Shem Tov that goes like this. Truly evinces how deep an idea this is in Judaism. The Baal shem Tov was visited by the prophet Elijah and he told him about the amazing power in the simplicity of prayer. Elijah said "the prayers of Tzaddikin [righteous men] are not as wonderous as the prayers produced by children, and those who pray with simplicity". He than recounts the story of a poor boy who was praying to god and said " HaShem, i dont know how to speak hebrew. All i know are the letters. so i will say the alphebat as a way to speak to you". The Prophet Elijah said such prayer brings more joy to god than the sophistication of kabbalistic meditations.

So.... I completely understand your attitude. Im a gentile to. I can totally understand youre feelings about this. But, there is something special about Judaism and about the Bible. It is the cornerstone of western culture, after all. And the most popular book ever written.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I believe Jewish people, ethnically, are very special. And they're very, very smart. Actually, I've heard they have a higher IQ than most people. As a gentile, I'd just like to be accepted as an equally spiritual entity, with an education and unique ideas.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by dontreally

I believe Jewish people, ethnically, are very special. And they're very, very smart. Actually, I've heard they have a higher IQ than most people. As a gentile, I'd just like to be accepted as an equally spiritual entity, with an education and unique ideas.

And i completely 100% agree. I for one wouldnt embrace Judaism if i thought it considered itself spiritually 'better' than others.

This is why Judaism in my mind is true, whereas christianity and Islam, are false, fabricated contenders (in the sense that they believe they have supplanted their source - Judaism). All Religions are important. This is a unique theological point of Judaism, and Talmud, that most gentiles dont understand. Judaism is not seeking to proseltyze the world. Actually, all they want is for everyone to live conscientiously and follow the 7 laws of Noach. Those who dont are regarded as impure, because they dont have a desire to connect with their source. Their source has prescribed laws by which mankind can better connect with him. True, spirituality exists regardless. But what is true? Whats true is that there is a one G-d who is the source and emanation of all that exists. When we see this world of plurality and an expression of his unity, than we connect with him. But connecting with him above all entails an ethical judgement of matters. It entails to be conscientious. Hitler said that the "Jew" infected mankind with conscience. You know what? He is absolutely right. If it werent for Judaism, wed all have the value system of the ancient pagans; and they were nihilists, and harsh, and this world would be a much more 'survival of the fittest' type world. We have the tradition of abraham to thank for this. (i do not mention the east because frankly, the Jews have had little to no contact with the east. This is explained in Judaism as the West needing to be trained in the ways of Torah - that is, the ways of monotheism. The East already for the most part has a holistic view of the world. Even if they too can be infected by the evils of hedonism and idolatry - though to a much lesser extant).

Anyways. Judaism wants the diversity of traditions to exist. I want the diversity of other traditions to exist. An all christian or muslim world would be a nightmare. So to a liberal 'do what thou wilt' world. But a world in which every people, and every culture, from the coasts of Japan to the shores of Portugal, Across the americas, and Africa and oceania. Every corner of the world, serving G-d according to their own unique way; but within the context of 7 universal laws which all peoples require to experience the true divinity of their source. That would be a beautiful world. I yearn for that world.

That will be when this world finds true peace. The Jews allowed to Serve G-d in Israel, with their holy temple built and each, and each of us in our own corner of the world revealing the uniqueness of the creator. He created Jew and Gentile; and both are beloved in his eye. Both are made in his image, equally. Just one had been given the task to inform the rest of us. And certain pagan leaders of the west have made that exceedingly difficult. Some Jews have even betraryed their brethren to join the ranks of the pagan western elite, to destroy the memory of Judaism and those loyal to the G-d of Torah. These are the usual suspects: Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs, etc. There are so many Jews who are like this. The entire establishment in Israel -predominantly ashkenazi, are illuminati. They make religious observance in Israel very difficult. For instance, Jews arent even allowed to step foot on the holy mount. Thats how badly the secular israeli government wants to dissasociate the Jew from his religion. Also, right now the UNESCO is claiming that all the traditional Jewish holy sites are Muslim!. Its such an outrage that they lie like this. And the catholic Church to is challenging traditional holy sites. Its identity theft. Plain and Simple.

Keep an eye on the News. You dont have to believe me or take my word for it. Just watch how events unfold in the 2 or 3 years. Im guessing that Israel will be sanctioned for building in East Jerusalem. This will eventually lead to the UN sending troops into Israel. I may be wrong, but this would surely deal with the 'jewish problem', within Israel, without the world knowing a damn thing about it. Plus, the majority of people are pro-palestine. So...... i guess time will tell.
edit on 13-12-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:20 PM
Also, the only thing G-d tasked the Jews with was spreading the knowledge of the 7 laws of Noach.

Not spirituality. Since Adam Harishon (the first man) mankind has been spiritual. Look At the hindus an Buddhists and Taoists. Theres great spiritual knowledge and wisdom within those traditions. And many serve G-d in a proper way, either by learning this through their own wisdom, or knowing it intuitively.

Ive even read comments of the Dalai lama which praises Judaism and the 7 laws of Noach (therefore acknowledging their validity). The leader of the Druze Community in Israel also has acknowledged that his community will observe these 7 laws. This is beautiful to me.

What bothers me is when people look cockeyed at the Jew thinking "who the hell are you to tell me what to do?!"... Talk about shooting the messenger, eh? Its dangerous business being used by G-d to relay a message. The wise, and humble will recognize the truth in it. The arrogant and egotistical will be offended by someone else telling him how to conduct himself.

If the message of the laws of Noach, were strange, or weird, i would reject them. But they are normal and completely necessary to cleanse our awareness to percieve G-ds complete soverignity in this world; and therefore experience in a much more revealed way.

1. Prohibition of Idolatry: You shall not have any idols before God.
2. Prohibition of Murder: You shall not murder. (Genesis 9:6)
3. Prohibition of Theft: You shall not steal.
4. Prohibition of Sexual immorality: You shall not commit any of a series of sexual prohibitions, namely adultery, certain types of incest, anal sex between men and bestiality.
5. Prohibition of Blasphemy: You shall not blaspheme God's name.
6. Dietary Law: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive. (Genesis 9:4, as interpreted in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 59a)
7. Requirement to have just Laws: Do not punish by these lessons

  • It teachs us to think, and percieve only the creator within this world. This is a very lofty level of awareness.
  • obviously murder and theft are obvious prohibitions. But they also mean; not to slander, which is murdering someones name and reputation (we all know how damaging this can be in a social sense).
  • Dont be promiscuous, and respect the sanctity of the sexual relationship. For instance, pornography is tragic corruption of the beauty of sex.
  • Do not utter curses about G-d, or even others. If were all made in G-ds image, it follows that speaking negatively of your fellow is blaspheming G-ds name
  • Treat animals with care and with love,
  • and have a just legal system. a REAL just legal system. Not this quasi just system, where the rich and powerful often get away with murder.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:27 PM
And the ONLY way to know for sure if Judaism is for real, and their message to mankind is for real; study Torah. Study the wonders of the Hebrew language. Many Rabbis take inquisitive gentiles in to learn the mysteries of hebrew together.

Im a Gentile from a Catholic background. My ancestors were Murano Jews from Portugal. How amazing is it that hundreds of years later, me and my brother would awaken to our true tradition? I havent converted, and im not sure if thats a road i want to take, but i have a great deal of love and respect for Observant Jews and the Torah. I want nothing more than to share this wisdom with others, and have them appreciate its beauty to.

Sometimes ill read about other sages from other cultures, if im attracted to their message. And i do this only to prove to myself that its the message of torah that i love. Its the goodness, and simplicity that it conveys.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:30 PM
And i just realized how ironic this discussion is, in a thread talking about paganism.

Well. The full moon is important to Jews aswell. Its the Shekinah. The divine indwelling, feminine presence of the holy one within this world. Her fullness refers to his shining his light fully into this world.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by dontreally

I just got a really sweet picture of the moon before it got Eclipsed. I had to get off the mountain and down to a warm cabin, but I managed 1 single decent photograph of the Event.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Here it is in its full glory, the one and only, the moon:

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

I watched it yesterday, by myself in a dark park.... I wish i had a telescope to more appreciate its beauty...

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by dontreally

I bet it was great. It was a little cloudy here, but I was able to get on top of a small mountain, so the height pierced through the atmosphere somewhat. It was a glorious spectacle.


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by WashingtonGrewHemp

For a second i thought "this is it?". I mean, it was reddish colored. Impressive. But than i looked at it more and eventually it struck me how beautiful it really is. Not a good omen btw, astrologically speaking.

But a much worse omen is a solar eclipse.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by dontreally

It's all in how you interpret it. The world will go on. I'm finishing up the book, "Ring World," and it's given me confidence that we truly don't know what the future holds. Everyone just hang in while this Timewave Zero thing comes to pass....

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by mythos

I agree with you here, tis the Witching hour, for sure! I too am a practicing Wiccan, and just recently turned a Christian to out ways and our Craft. Blessed Be. Sadly, i too have been condemned to the Christian Hell also, I live in the "Bible Belt."

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by autowrench

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