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Kmer Rouge

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posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Why is it that when you think genocide in America you think, native americans and the jews. Of course we realize now that the systematic decimation of the native american's was wrong, also we realized right away that the holocaust was horrible. Why however do we never talk bout the Kmer Rouge in Cambodia?

It was said that Pol Pot would order anyone killed that any sort of intelligence, even people that wore glasses were persecuted as the glasses were a sign of intelligence. I understand how bad the holocaust was, but Pol Pot's genocide was a cold war holocaust. One story is that genocide started hours after the Kmer Rouge won the civil war. The Kmer Rouge lasted fours years and ended in April of 1979, with Pol Pot's escape by helicopter as the Vietnamese were taking his country.

I just wanted to present this as I watched a commercial yesterday condemning all of Germany during WWII for the Holocaust.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Good Question OP,
Why don't we talk about The Cambodian Genocide Program? Or all of those senseless killing of millions of civilians in Asia byEmperor Hirohito??

I'll tell you why,
Because it serves The Revolution to teach the Little Yanks Corporate Funded History.

There was no money for us to make in Cambodia, so, their lives do not matter to The Banks that run the US of A.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by denynothing

Kmer Rouge is one less talked about tragedy thanks for bringing this up, I had a good friend that went through it and leaft in the 80's the stories he told of what went on were unimaginable much like your stories.

another I would like to include is the Armenian Genocide that is overlooked by most people.
when will we learn the secrets and crimes of our Governments are our own...

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Lets not forget Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) estimates from 40-80 million. But of course condemning China would not serve The west political interests now would it. Not to mention more numerous to list places in Africa, the Balkans etc. The list goes on. In fact have found a link, some of the numbers may be either over or under exaggerated as is hard to do counts on this sort of thing.

It seems to me that unless there is some political or commercial gain to be had the West and especially the United States and (for fear of name calling) Israel has no interest.
It is sick how people can do this kind of thing to each other and the herd mentality that goes with it, until we learn to think for ourself and up rise against the evils it the world we will not progress.

Take care Regards

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:28 PM
genocide is happening everyday, and is being planned everydaey by the ptb. it's my belief that white society is next on the list. i hopee to soon make a thread on the issue.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by -W1LL

Your talking bout the Turkish-Armenian genocide in WWI right? I've heard very little of it too, all I know is that it lasted all throughout WWI and was stopped in 1919 with the collapse of the Ottoman empire. I'm pretty sure the British worked to stop it while they were fighting the Ottomans in WWI

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by maythetruthbeknown

From what I've studied in history, is that Mao Ze Dong and Mao Se Tung, were almost considered allies because of their fight against Japan in WWII. America also couldn't really help the Chinese citizens as they didn't want to start a war with Russia as they thought Russia and China were allies. They weren't, anyways the 1970's were also horrible Tung's revitalization efforts lead to starvation of millions, as farmers had to switch to iron working.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Another horrific genocide that seems to be all but forgotten is the Armenian Genocide, the estimated death toll is well over a million, but few people know about it. Kinda sad that these horrific chapters in human history can be forgotten so easily. Luckily, during my freshman year of high school I had a World Civilizations teacher that focused mostly on the many cases of Genocides that have taken place, quite an amazing way to look at how "Civilized" the world truly is.

[Edit] I forgot to mention the Armenian Genocide happened close to 25 years before WWII, and the Ottomans used many of the tactics that would be adopted by the Nazis, including the use of poison gas.
edit on 5-12-2010 by Mr. Kraken because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Mr. Kraken

I really don't think its forgotten, because anyone that studies WWI knows about the Armenian genocide. The problem is that WWI is forgotten so that is what causes most people to not know about genocide. I still think the Khmer Rouge is the most forgotten genocide as it was after the Vietnam war and American's could care less about the southeast Asian countries then


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