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Wikileaks is the new 9/11

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posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Many people have realized that we are constantly herded into groupthink decision when TPTB want to push a certain agenda. In the case of the centralized banking system, Federal Reserve, and international banking infiltration, it was the Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (who was about to put a stop to all of that with greenbacks). In the case of the Patriot Act, lithium, and international drug trading, it was 9/11 that acted as America's catalyst. In the case of net neutrality, I predict it will be Wikileaks.

TSA has had people's minds focused on airport policies, which may be reformed or may stay the same, gearing us for Nazi-like FEMA concentration camps. However, this may also be a distraction. Wikileaks has been turning heads lately, getting the attention of mass media outlets, and it may only be the beginning. People may start picking out other sites, such as ATS and infowars, where sensitive information is displayed for the common good of all peoples. News stations are already calling Wikileaks a threat to global peace and this message is being broadcast in almost every major media outlet.

Cue net neutrality.

Soon, we will start hearing the news talk about net neutrality as the solution to the problem. Julian Assange and gang are the patsy for this little endeavor, which may be why many ATSers are starting to question his sincerity. The average Joe will not be as informed and probably won't care about his sincerity. After Julain Assange has been demonized by the "public eye" on the back of the dollar bill, people will beg for net neutrality. It will be touted as the only foolproof way to prevent this from happening again. In order to keep government intel "secret", the government will be given control of our Internet so it doesn't happen again, all under the name of "Stopping Terrorism Wherever It Exists"... bull#.

Although this is just a prediction, I've always been pretty good at solving riddles and puzzles, and the pieces just fall too perfectly for this storyline to be ignored. ATS, we must stand together and STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING! Now is the time for us to make a difference. We have the upper hand here, we have a global population, along with some of the best researchers our population can offer, unlimited access to information at our fingertips, and the intuition to know when # is about to hit the fan. Well get out your umbrellas, it's about to get smelly.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:36 PM
When things are too good to be true, they are usually not true. Juilan Assange is like Santa Claus; suddenly appears out of nowhere with free gifts for all. 200000+ diplomatic cables provided by one, single individual? Again, too good to be true. I´m not insinuating that anyone involved with Wikileaks are evil, they are being used, unknowingly or unwillingly. What will be the ultimate result of Wikileaks? It might be net censorship, but I am not so sure about that. I rather think Wikileaks contributes towards destabilisation, creating a sense of disbelieve in official power structures. Real power structures are not affected. TPTB wants to change the game a little, remove some old coulisse and replace it with new. Like replacing the US with China as world leader.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by lightandfight

I think that's all part of the game. Two birds with one stone, so to speak. Whatever happens, we should all realize that it's just another setup for something bigger. Our liberties are being taken away one after another and people are too stupid, lazy, and/or unmotivated to do anything about it. We could change ALL OF THAT right now. Its so obvious, its almost painful.

For China to replace US, US has to have its power removed gradually. This Wikileaks ploy is only one phase of the operation, so when China steps up to the plate, we will have no say in the matter. But we'll think we do...

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Agree. It’s important to act in your own life. Make decisions and actions against the controllers and their systems of oppression. If we stand together they don’t have a chance. I honestly think that day will come.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by lightandfight

first,you have two wrong statements here

Julian Assange is not like Santa Clause
250000 cables are not provided by him only

instead of bashing Wikielaks and calling Julian Assange shill,dis info agent or some other stupid nicknames you can investigate and research the cables for you self and spread the truth . And shame on you!! Julian ,Manning and all other there thousands of people are risking their reputaiton and lifes for you and you are bashing this people.
edit on 4-12-2010 by xavi1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

Do you have proof that they(assange, manning) are not part of some larger scheme? I agree with the OP that this wikileaks feels like it is the opening act to the new internet laws to come. And has anyone seen 200,000 cables from this latest drop? I've only heard of a few hundred, of which nothing overly shocking has been revealed. Just a lot of hot air surrounding this wiki thing, but you can bet we will have several new laws for our "own protection" in the near future. Just like the Patriot Act. And this new Lieberman Bill will essantially mean no more freedom of the press, so yes, I think wikileaks is a ploy, otherwise why not just dump every secret he has into the internet sphere for all to read? Probably because it's all a rouse.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

There's no bashing going on by myself or any other member. You can't rule out the possibility of nefarious activity just because they seem to be doing it for "the good of all" on the surface.

I mean think about it... how else can TPTB stop us from accessing all this AWESOME info we get on these type of sites without causing a major upheaval of society? Sure, these cable releases (which btw are in drip-drop form, one of the signs that something fishy may be happening) may cause a little discomfort initially, but once they propose the solution, it won't matter. People will jump on the opportunity instead of fight it because they won't want to see WWIII happen.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

As far as I know the diplomacy cables came from one source, one single person (of course not Assange himself). Yes, I have read documents about the country I live in. Nothing new so far. I never asked anyone at Wikileaks to risk their life for me, thats your statement. Shame, eh? If your belivesystem does not allow you to question Wikileaks, why do you post in this thread?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:39 PM
I think you're correct about the end of net neutrality: imagine, now they can have a military fubar event and blame Wiki for it, - OR - create a banking "crisis" generated by a Wiki cable release.
Either way they have their excuse to control the web, then it's game over.
Any alternative would be made illegal under FCC rules and Copyright law,

I think this could be even more devious and destructive in intent than just ending net neutrality.
I think the NWO really wants to expand the war a bit, destroy the world monetary system and kill off freedom in one fell swoop.
WW3 has been on the fascist agenda even before the Second World War was over.
This is the first salvo.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:04 PM
A large percentage of the 'awake' were turned into sheeple in one day.This is super-sophisticated psy-ops, certainly the most brilliant ever devised.

I can hear the echo of a heavy metal gate closing, forcing the herd--us--into the confines of the killing chute.

Well stated thesis OP

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
A large percentage of the 'awake' were turned into sheeple in one day.This is super-sophisticated psy-ops, certainly the most brilliant ever devised.

I can hear the echo of a heavy metal gate closing, forcing the herd--us--into the confines of the killing chute.

Well stated thesis OP

I like this first sentence! I personally was on my way through those gates and then a light popped on and I said no way I'm following that crowd! The media likes this too much, and not even much to it, if you look at what's been leaked.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 01:56 AM
US government was already pushing for its Big Brother laws on information technology.

The Internet is a distributed source of information so even though it is a good medium to spread mis-info, actual information is really there. There is information on the internet which would not hit the mainstream media. You can find real eye openers here.

If there was a central source for all this uncontrolled information exchange they would have crushed it long ago but since it is distributed in nature there needs to be a change where governments can control it an turn it inot "mainstream media".

It is so obvious, and it's sad but WikiLeaks is not the freedom fighter people are dreaming of. It's just the contrary I believe. I'm 100% sure that we will see the aftermath of this much like 9/11. We'll object, call it outrageous but it will happen.

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