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The Toy Robot that Brought Denver to it's Knees!

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posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you

I want to tell you that i didn't simply chuckle at this, i laughed so hard i was out of breath for a good few minutes, and the second read was just as funny. A really great thread, flagged.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I sure hope no one finds out Proto is none other than the Grinch that stole Christmas!

Ha ha, I knew I would finally suceed!

Dr. Zuess phew!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you

I want to tell you that i didn't simply chuckle at this, i laughed so hard i was out of breath for a good few minutes, and the second read was just as funny. A really great thread, flagged.

Thanks my friend, I had so much fun writing this piece, it gave me quite a few chuckles too.

Sometimes I don't think the people on ATS know proto has a sense of humor too!

I really have enjoyed this thread, and so appreciate all my friends here on ATS who took the time to respond to my invitation to enjoy it too and join in.

I truly am grateful!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by MMPI2
Well, you gotta remember that the SWAT teams, TSA, FBI, Police, special agents, EOD personnel, snipers/countersnipers, etc. gotta make it look good for the press and the taxpaying public and for their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends in order to live up to that "tough guy, roootin' tootin' shootin' hero stuff that they are paid richly for by your and my taxpayer dollars.

You gotta have some time to put on the 5000$ worth of weapons and personal protective gear, use the snazzy communications stuff, jump like Bruce Willis into the 250000$ special operations van, race with siren blaring and lights flashing and tires screaching, pumped up with heroic self-righteousness and vein self-importance, and live up to the action movies we were weaned on, to save the barely capable public that haven't had the training and are incapable of having the expertise we have, coordinating with each other, giving orders, cordoning off large pieces of private property to keep the sheeple safe from the most dire of terroristic threats, doing interviews, taking questions, basking in the warm loving public glow of the GE kleig lights at press conferences, delicately selecting, editing, classifying and sharing bits of or heroism with the blonde newsgirl who's upper lip glistens with dewy hopefulness as she thinks of headlining the evening news with OUR pictures and video of us taking charge, breasts heaving as she looks into "the safety zone" at US pointing, looking through 2000$ binoculars, assessing the danger of the situation and developing the best angle for enfilade with our custom made german submachine guns, then after we have taken charge and eliminated the threat and launched intel investigations into motives of the conquered enemy, bonding together as only men can bond, doing things that men do, so when we go back to our brand new 30 million dollar law enforcement and emergency response center and start shedding our gear and weapons in the locker room, we can look at each others' glistening naked bodies and feel like real, beefy, rigid, proud MEN!!!!

sir or madam, i want to shake your hand

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great reply Proto!

Seems some here just don't get it... which I find most disturbing! I mean... seriously!

I want to thank you as well for this fine thread. Meant to before but I've just got back to this thread after a long care giving diversion. I hope it lets people see the horrors that "the controllers" are inflicting upon our society in a new light... the ridiculousness, the sheer absurdity of such a reaction to a toy... as if it's Armageddon... it's both hilarious and frightening simultaneously. I think the frightening bit's more important!

Are our "security forces" really that stupid, that bone-headedly stupid? Did some DHS nutjob see that toy and really think, "Hey, now there's a good opportunity to notch up the fear!"?

Wow. SnF for the new view and a nice presentation.and I'm pleased it's grown so... will try to catch up, so many posts, but seriously I hope there aren't too many who have their "head up their ---" as... well, I'll leave it at that.


posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Come to think of it this would be a great way to bleed the beast.

Just leave toys and cheap bags all over the place. At building entrances, bus stops, train stations, airport terminals.
Bleed them dry with their own stupidity.

Hey, now there's a fabulous idea!

Yes indeedy I like that a lot...

Simple solutions are truly grand.

Okay ATSers lets start leaving stuff around!

edit on 12/4/2010 by PixelDuster because: classified

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

This is the insane level of fear the media and Homeland Security have drummed up with all these stories of Home Grown Terrorists that are usually just recruits of the FBI and it's unscrupulosu informants.

It might be costing the beast money, but sadly it just makes the whole premise seem more real than it actually is to civilians and law enforcement alike.

I'm thinking you might be right, but at the same time I'd hope that people would finally see the absurdity after many, many incidents like this.

But, if all people did on this one was to say, "oh poo, I'll just have a few and wait..." it might well be "too late."


posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by DGFenrir

So you're saying it's impossible to hide explosives into a children's toy?
I bet that, if the toy had actually contained anything lethal and the cops would've ignored it and if it then had harmed someone, people would be bitching about the cops not doing their job properly.
Here's another post that may not have been nailed up by the time this reply lands.
If & if, eh? Ok, lets consider some ifs.
If I wanted to go to the USA, there's nothing anybody could do to stop me, b/c the place is so huge that, even if 1/2 the population were mobilised to "man" the borders, they'd still be easily penetrable. This is b/c, by definition, 1/2 of people are below average intelligence, thus any system they can implement must be understandable to someone a bit brighter & therefor its weaknesses spotted &/or the whole thing circumvented.
In the USA there are so many firearms that obtaining 1, regardless of legality, would not be a problem. Neither would getting a sledgehammer be.
If I wanted to, I could then turn up to an American house, knock the door in &, before anyone inside could get to any firearms they might keep for protection, have them all @my mercy. This is b/c people dont sit around in their houses holding their weapons all the time, just in case, but if I needed to use the gun to dominate the situation, a simple google search prior would have shown me how to make a "silencer" for it out of readily available objects. From then on, using threats of pain & death I could bend the occupants, 1 after another, over any handy waist-high furniture & force the others to watch me have my wicked way with them. When finally bored, I could kill them all, steal their cash & burn the place down so that no forensic evidence of my presence could be found, then merrily disappear to do it again somewhere else.

Are y'all scared yet? Amazing how rare such events are: If they're likely...

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:39 AM
I find a child's toy on the street. I think, "Oh, someone must have dropped this!" and I pick it up and put it in a very obvious place - lest some beleaguered parent has to come look for it after a tantrum from the kid who lost it.
I place it atop a trash can.

I'd hate to think that a move like this can bring a city to its knees.

But, it transpires that the homeland security folk can't be too careful. After all, someone could lose an eye if they fell on it. It could be full of Semtex or anthrax, obviously. Most likely for a child's toy. First thing you should think of, really.

Waste of time, money, and just a way to keep the sheep fearful.

How much did this operation cost? How much taxpayer money was wasted?
An ounce of common sense is all that's needed. But OHS can't find this much common sense with all the technology and sensors they have.

Time wasters.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Another one of you're amazing threads. Loved reading it. You're narrative skills are exceptional and the skill you have to bind them to larger event is .......... guess what


Flagged and Starred? HELL YEA!

edit on 5-12-2010 by EFGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by EFGuy

Thanks my friend, I appreciate you joining in.

I just hope Homeland Security doesn't do to me, what they did to that poor guy in the picture you posted!

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Badgered1

Think of the losses to business and the tax payer if this over reaction became the common reaction to similar situations, a miss placed rucksack or discarded old shoes left in the new shoe box as happen every day in every city would have devastating economic consequences in a very short time.

I guess the terrorists did win, I wonder who they are.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Thepreye
reply to post by Badgered1

Think of the losses to business and the tax payer if this over reaction became the common reaction to similar situations, a miss placed rucksack or discarded old shoes left in the new shoe box as happen every day in every city would have devastating economic consequences in a very short time.

I guess the terrorists did win, I wonder who they are.

The people who shut down everything and over react to these situations to turn them into money making opportunities for themselves.

Overtime, hazard pay, and probably lots of free coffee from the nearest restaurat make playing with children's toys not just fun but profitible!

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The people who shut down everything and over react to these situations to turn them into money making opportunities for themselves.

Overtime, hazard pay, and probably lots of free coffee from the nearest restaurat make playing with children's toys not just fun but profitible!

Where I live this year we've had 2 annoying over reactions one to a shooting and the other to a fake hand grenade event, each resulted in closing the area down for nearly a day I said at the time the two things cops love most is drama and overtime.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

First, the bomb sniffing dog requires a human handler which would require a person to get fairly close to the potential bomb. Also, you would still want to close the area off so people arent walking around while you are checking something that could potentially be a bomb.

Second, the back scatter x-ray wouldnt work with a slab of concrete behind it. Thats why it is called BACK SCATTER xray, it requires the screen behind it. Also, if its electronic all you are going to see is electronics inside which would make it look like it could be an explosive device anyway. Which would lead to them taking the steps they took in the first place.

Third, I'm sure you could find a better place to put a bomb but on a busy street in the middle of Denver is a good place. Also at a support for a foot bridge is also a good place depending on how busy the foot bridge is.

Fourth, no one was whipped into a fear induced frenzy. Someone noticed something suspicious and called it in. The proper people responded and dealt with it safely. No one's freedoms were sacrificed. A few people were inconvenienced for a while so the situation could be dealt with safely, but its ok tears will dry.

In my opinion, I think we have a lot of people complaining who actually have no idea what it takes to deal with these types of situations safely. If the police dont take these situations seriously and one person gets killed because it actually is a bomb, they are not doing their job. In this case, they did their job and everyone went home safely.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

Your argument for not using a bomb sniffing dog is absurd.

They are in fact trained for that specific purpose, and their handlers too.

You seem to forget it that eventually it was a human, an Officer of the Bomb disposal squad that attached explosives to the robot and blew it up.

So if it was safe enough for a human to attach explovises to it, it was safe enough for a bomb sniffing dog.

In that same officer's words "It really was nothing".

So who precisely does it serve to pretend something that really was nothing, is something.

I think it's absolutely pathetic that we are unable to learn from our mistakes.

Who is being hurt are the American people, the War of Terror is being waged by the Government to terrorize the people.

It's a dispraportianate response to isolated crimes, some of which are obviously being carried out by the government.

The people who lack the ability to even with the benefit of hind sight to recognize this was simply a child's toy, really leave me wondering where sanity, intelligence and reasoning have gone too.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Hind sight is always 20/20. All you can do is Monday morning quarterback the situation when you already know what the outcome was.

The fact that you can not bring up a good argument in your reply proves that this entire post should be treated exactly how your original post read. Like a stand up comedy routine. And you would think with all that replying to your own post you would have a lot of practice making a good point.

Well Mr. Seinfeld, I am not impressed and I am not buying into your baseless appraisal of how this situation was handled.

Once again, someone who has no idea how to handle situations in real life yelling from the back of the crowd while the grown ups step up and get the job done.

Oh and for your sources try reading this. These two officers were killed because it was ACTUALLY A BOMB. _killed_in_woodburn_bank_bomb.html

And how about this one. I would sincerely hope that you would not argue that just because it was not in the United States means that it does not matter. Or that it could not happen here.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

reply to post by openyoureyes2theworld

I would have killed for a picture of the City's Robot facing down the 'terrorist' toy robot.

That's the best I can find. Don't think anyone else had posted one yet of the "duel."
edit on 5-12-2010 by webpirate because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

A. This was not a bomb it was a children's toy.
B. It was never advertised as a bomb (Bombs usually come with a bomb threat)
C. It wasn't in a strategic location of value (such as a bank, a government building, or a high traffic area)

No this situation wasn't handled appropriately and the truth is police show up to calls all the time, where they assess the situation as being not being actionable.

The fact that the police considered this situation to be actionable just goes to show you how specifically they are being trained to 'play parts' in the war on terror.

In classic police work "motive and opportunity" would have factored in, no real motive, no real opportunity, no real threat.

In the phony war on terror, where 'some' people try to justify this insanity as rational, the motive and opportunity creates itself in the fear such people pander, even though it's abundandtly clear in hindsight and was to just about everyone on scene at the time, that it was a kids toy.

Who wouldn't just accept that are the people we HAVE TRAINED to not accept that.

So in reality all you are doing is attempting to TRAIN people to abandon simple common sense, and to become reliant to the extreme on the Government when ever any kind of doubt (doubt created through training that promotes fear) creates a doubt.

That is far more dangerous and costly than a bomb.

You can compare apples and organges all day long, but what is happening in genuine criminal enterprises with clear intent and motive, are not equal to the fear mongering being used to train people to accept the war on terror.

Think I am joking about that?

Think again!

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by webpirate

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

reply to post by openyoureyes2theworld

I would have killed for a picture of the City's Robot facing down the 'terrorist' toy robot.

That's a darn shame, having a picture of the two robots would have been classic!

The truth is 'our' robot is the unsung hero here, as 'our' robot saved the day!

Maybe it's an undercover robot and that's why they didn't have it's picture taken as to not compromise it's future vital police work?

That's the best I can find. Don't think anyone else had posted one yet of the "dual."

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