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Airport Body Scanners Alter Unborn Babies’ Gender

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posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Found this, and I think it just may increase my resolve to not be "scanned":

Authorities at Baltimore’s Thurgood Marshall international airport are currently investigating reports that exposures to single radiation dosages inside their recently-installed ‘garment-penetrating’ body scanner have altered the genders of unborn infants in expectant mothers as late as 5 weeks to their expected due date, or 85% to term.
For close to a month, frantic complaints have been trickling in from all over the country, from people who have nothing in common, except for two key details:
Their advanced stage of pregnancy, and their travel plans.

As many as 87 other new-borns in the area have been reported to have been similarly affected by the body scanners.


Well ATS, what do you all think? Coincidence, or Conspiracy?

EDIT to add:

After much thought, and reading the comments posted here, I question the legitimacy of this article. Take it with a grain of salt.
edit on 28-11-2010 by gatorboi117 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by gatorboi117


The same "author" of that also penned an "article" saying that Mike "The Situation" Sorentino has been cloned by MIT. Problem with that "journalistic" assertion is this:

Administrators at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Biology have confirmed rumors that they have successfully cloned the world’s first viable human embryo…

And you’re not going to believe whose DNA they’ve chosen to replicate.

None other than the Jersey Shore’s own Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino.

“We didn’t really have a choice,” explained Dr. Heathcliff Lamontrose of MIT’s Saronfield Genetics lab.

Source (term used loosely)

... the problem? There is no Heathcliff Lamonstrose on staff at MIT. Nor is there a Saronfield Genetics lab at MIT, nor anywhere else.

I think you've come across a person who uses the "Blair Witch Project" approach to creative writing.


posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:02 PM
These scanners produce less radiation than a pregnancy scan and probably less than watching tv.

This is just pure sensationalist BS.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by gatorboi117

A bunch of disinformation for those ignorant of biology. Sex is determined by the X and Y chromosomes. XX is female and XY is male. Therefore to change sex you must alter an X into a Y or the opposite.

Second at an advance state of pregnancy the genitalia are completely formed. My brother was a seven month preemie. He now has four kids.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Eh? So what, willies turn inside out...? And girl's ovaries/uteruses which are at that stage, already formed - they just dissapear?

Or am I a fool?

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Interesting wheather true or not which I kinda doubt
but either way I can't imagine why any pregnant woman, parent or Anyone would submit themselves or their children to this degrading and poisonious treatment.
I truely believe tsa and surrounding workers will need to be recycled in a few years because the current ones will all be dieing of cancer etc.

Profile and scan luggage - Not grope and expose people to Xrays

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:11 PM
There is no way these machines have been out long enough for even an UN-official study on the topic, much less an official one. Not to mention the claims are just ludicrous anyways.

I'm not a fan of the scanners, but there is no way in hell that i believe this claim.

On the other hand, if this is true, we should see the scanners popping up all over China. They always are wanting male babies, so if the ultrasounds say female, they can just make a few passes through and change them to males!

edit on 28-11-2010 by webpirate because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by gatorboi117

Oh, and for fun, the Doctor and department (Professor Derrick Ryan at University of Maryland Medical School’s Department of Mutational Pathology) cited in the OP article exist nowhere either.

Though that term does score two direct hits... Here and 4chan...


posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by gatorboi117

A bunch of disinformation for those ignorant of biology. Sex is determined by the X and Y chromosomes. XX is female and XY is male. Therefore to change sex you must alter an X into a Y or the opposite.

Second at an advance state of pregnancy the genitalia are completely formed. My brother was a seven month preemie. He now has four kids.

I second this.There is no way this is possible to change the gender of a term baby with a scanner. There are several conditions that affect the sensitivity to androgens that can affect how a fetus develops but those conditions are not caused by radiation.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by kokoro

And you're really sure are you?
Do you realise that we begin from and work because of tiny electrical goings on? Frequencies also so fair bet that airport scanners would alter certain things but don't know how many times you've got to go though one though. However an unborn? Is still growing so therefore in my opinion could be an un explored area that they simply may have overlooked not realizing that this was possible,
On the other hand what motive other than population control would this be used for.
Also makes you wonder about ultra sound.
Look at it this way.
The nurse 9 times out of 10 are aske if its a boy or a girl which ends up with the ultra sound pointed towards the little fella.
Also this question if I may.
Is it true that midwives actually tap a newborns bottom and this instills fear? Its been doing my head in can't find anything so I'm assuming I dreamt it.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by KatieVA
Eh? So what, willies turn inside out...? And girl's ovaries/uteruses which are at that stage, already formed - they just dissapear?

Or am I a fool?

Yep, they all turn into Ladyboys

It is part of the NWO-plan, you see.

They will, amongst other services, also be used on the battlefields as Toy Soldiers

As said, It is all part of the NWO-Plan.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by kokoro

And you're really sure are you?
Do you realise that we begin from and work because of tiny electrical goings on? Frequencies also so fair bet that airport scanners would alter certain things but don't know how many times you've got to go though one though. However an unborn? Is still growing so therefore in my opinion could be an un explored area that they simply may have overlooked not realizing that this was possible,
On the other hand what motive other than population control would this be used for.
Also makes you wonder about ultra sound.
Look at it this way.
The nurse 9 times out of 10 are aske if its a boy or a girl which ends up with the ultra sound pointed towards the little fella.

I get what you are saying but let me ask youthis. Since people are "complaining" about changes to gender because of scanners then we have to assume that they knew the gender before hand right? Follow me here... gender cannot be determined through ultrasound until about 18 weeks. This is roughly half way through the pregnancy. no frequency is going to change anatomy once it is there.
If in fact it would be possible to change gender before differentiation of genital organs then how would they ever know to complain that any change has taken place?

Also your second statement there, I work in an OB/GYN office and I watch Ultrasounds all day long, never have we gone back and the baby is a different gender, never. And some women get multiple multiple scans for various reasons.

Originally posted by jazz10

Also this question if I may.
Is it true that midwives actually tap a newborns bottom and this instills fear? Its been doing my head in can't find anything so I'm assuming I dreamt it.

dont know what you are talking about here, sorry
edit on 28-11-2010 by kokoro because: spelling

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by jazz10

Is it true that midwives actually tap a newborns bottom and this instills fear? Its been doing my head in can't find anything so I'm assuming I dreamt it.

The taping of the back or (rear) is to make sure the lungs are clear and working. It has nothing to do with instilling fear.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Also, the article outlines one case where the people were told they were having a girl and then had a boy. If you were going to control population by these means you would turn everyone into girls. one man can produce many more babies than one woman can.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I don't believe this article in the least.

I also don't believe they have studied the effects of the scanners on unborn fetuses and would think any pregnant woman should avoid them.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 12:00 PM
bah, check the site out.

It's a spoof site, like The Onion.

I wouldn't go through a scanner, I'd strip instead.
But there is no way a scanner can change the sex of an unborn baby.

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