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Laser-armed UH-60 Blackhawk

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Is the UH-60 Blackhawk are can uses laser weapons, considering Weapon-Grade Solid State laser technology has comes out recently and more efficient that Deuterium-Fluoride Lasers used in THEL so they may be light enough to equipped in Blackhawk helicopters and if this isn't enough, those Blackhawk helicopters are probably needs Cold Fusion or the like?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:28 PM
Yes then can be armed with lasers. The kind that can blind people not vaporize them.


They would be more likely "armed" with a laser that guides a weapon to it's target.

edit on 26-11-2010 by Cyberspy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Cyberspy
Yes then can be armed with lasers. The kind that can blind people not vaporize them.


They would be more likely "armed" with a laser that guides a weapon to it's target.

edit on 26-11-2010 by Cyberspy because: (no reason given)

the lasers that I talked here are only refers to Directed Energy weapons

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by masonicon

Right now, only large airborne platforms the size of an airliner can carry a direct energy weapon. That's not to say this will always be so. But the by the time a small enough weapon is developed. The Blackhawk will be long gone.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Cyberspy
reply to post by masonicon

Right now, only large airborne platforms the size of an airliner can carry a direct energy weapon. That's not to say this will always be so. But the by the time a small enough weapon is developed. The Blackhawk will be long gone.

you know since Illuminati has technology level at least 30 years ahead of us, they may have good chance of have Directed Energy weapon armed Blackhawk helicopters

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by masonicon

Originally posted by Cyberspy
reply to post by masonicon

Right now, only large airborne platforms the size of an airliner can carry a direct energy weapon. That's not to say this will always be so. But the by the time a small enough weapon is developed. The Blackhawk will be long gone.

you know since Illuminati has technology level at least 30 years ahead of us, they may have good chance of have Directed Energy weapon armed Blackhawk helicopters

If the Illuminati is so advanced then why would they put such an advanced laser weapon on a 30 year old helicopter?

Helicopters don't need DEW lasers; they already do enough with machineguns, cannons, rockets, ATGMs, bombs, etc. And where would they get the energy necessary to power this DEW laser on a helicopter? From some radioactive alien turd that the Illuminati possessed for thousands of years, hidden deep in the Vatican?

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Originally posted by masonicon

Originally posted by Cyberspy
reply to post by masonicon

Right now, only large airborne platforms the size of an airliner can carry a direct energy weapon. That's not to say this will always be so. But the by the time a small enough weapon is developed. The Blackhawk will be long gone.

you know since Illuminati has technology level at least 30 years ahead of us, they may have good chance of have Directed Energy weapon armed Blackhawk helicopters

Well! they has different V-22 Osprey variants that have similar roles to Blackhawk helicopters and newer

If the Illuminati is so advanced then why would they put such an advanced laser weapon on a 30 year old helicopter?

Helicopters don't need DEW lasers; they already do enough with machineguns, cannons, rockets, ATGMs, bombs, etc. And where would they get the energy necessary to power this DEW laser on a helicopter? From some radioactive alien turd that the Illuminati possessed for thousands of years, hidden deep in the Vatican?

edit on 27/11/2010 by masonicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:58 PM
I really can't see any use for an energy weapon aboard a Black Hawk. The best reasons have already been stated - Energy source? New tech on old chopper?

You'd think if they were developing this sort of thing they'd put it on something better than a Black Hawk. Plus with the size of the weapon it'd have to be shoehorned into a Chinook or a Hind at best.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Moloch666
New tech on old chopper?

new tech? its at least 20 years old now isn't it?

edit on 30/11/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Moloch666
I really can't see any use for an energy weapon aboard a Black Hawk. The best reasons have already been stated - Energy source? New tech on old chopper?

You'd think if they were developing this sort of thing they'd put it on something better than a Black Hawk. Plus with the size of the weapon it'd have to be shoehorned into a Chinook or a Hind at best.

That's might be true.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:43 PM
here is some laser tech. Don't want to mess with this bad boy. Here is some more, check this out.
edit on 30-11-2010 by nite owl because: (no reason given)
also, this might be hanging around an area as a guard and believe me it's packin.
edit on 30-11-2010 by nite owl because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-11-2010 by nite owl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Cyberspy
Yes then can be armed with lasers. The kind that can blind people not vaporize them.


They would be more likely "armed" with a laser that guides a weapon to it's target.

edit on 26-11-2010 by Cyberspy because: (no reason given)

So is this a LGM, an actual laser or is it fake? Some of the youtube comments suggest it was from a vid game. Couldn't find it in search so I don't know if it's already been posted
edit on 11-12-2010 by mtnshredder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:47 PM
I do know, for a fact, that some UH-60 have been, for some years now, equipped with "sonic", or sound weapons, capable of emitting ELF waves. These, UH-60's, are said to be for this, possibly, what you where referring to?

I did speak, a while back, with some Helicopter pilots, working for an entity I will not refer to, that a sort of "Holographic-Projection" device was being tested by them. To what end? I do not know. Where they using UH-60's? Didn't think to ask. But this operation, like the "sound weapon's" one, seemed to be more about riot control, and/or psychological warfare...specially due to where it was coming from (not the Military).

On the other hand, at any given time, the Military-Industrial-Complex, be they USA, or from other countries, have so many R&D programs going on, that nobody can really keep up with them - much less know if they where successful, or not.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:26 PM
The answer to your question is 'not yet'.

Its coming though and probably not that far down the pipe.
The ability to melt one individuals brain in a crowd of people might be useful id imagine.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 06:32 PM
"The ability to melt one individuals brain in a crowd of people might be useful id imagine"
Oh geeez really....... Old hat, Timothy Leary was doing this in the 60's.

edit on 13-12-2010 by mtnshredder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by mtnshredder
"The ability to melt one individuals brain in a crowd of people might be useful id imagine"
Oh geeez really....... Old hat, Timothy Leary was doing this in the 60's.

edit on 13-12-2010 by mtnshredder because: (no reason given)

There's a difference between mind expansion and mind melting. There have been documented cases in Iraq of some new American weapons melting the heads right off of Iraqis in their vehicles.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Oh I know, just my feable attempt at some humor.
But back to topic...the vid I posted above is this real or no?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 12:26 PM
Thinks of airport seizure of Iraq and the casualties after. And how doctors couldnt tell wth hit the human targets. Oh and how targets were collected and taken for further observation, all why airport was re dug/surface CLEANED. To prevent any other military from stealing technology..

SMH humanity is so vain in ways that make 0 sense REALLY 0 SENSE.
edit on 12/14/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

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