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Attacked last night, (including photos)

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:40 PM
Well if you're sure they aren't from bed bugs then they are from demons. Some people call them "evil spirits" or "ghosts" but they are demons. Demons love to manipulate people and especially those into aliens and paranormal stuff to lead them astray from God. You can cast them away by your belief in Jesus. If you haven't committed yourself to Him yet I suggest you do it right away, just ask Jesus to come into your heart. This is a very serious thing because if you have not accepted Jesus than you can and most likely will become possessed by these spirits.

Also if you have messed around with anything occultish like wiji boards, crystal balls, sorcery, witchcraft, then that is a strong indication that what you're dealing with is a demon.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:31 AM
I never have experience demonic or evil entities or what ever people call them let alone attacking me.

However i do have experience with entities who are good willing.

If there is good there is evil also,if you believe in good you have to believe in evil because one can not go without the other.

Just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:42 AM
If you end up dreaming about having sexual relations with someone in your dreams
don't do it, in other words don't let it go that far! That often invites the incubus to follow
you where ever you go. For men, it would be a succubus.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:45 AM
I think very powerful spirits like Jesus can certainly help but some interaction with evil is not from failing to accept Jesus. You can fully accept Jesus and be very sensitive to spiritual forces, I believe. I also believe that being involved with the occult can lead some people astray but I also believe that it can TEACH you something about evil when conventional wisdom isn't enough to protect your sensitivity from malevolent spirits.
people who have accepted Jesus fall from Grace all the time... even when there seems to be no gap in time from knowing and accepting to succumbing to something dark. I think it can help and even perhaps work a miracle but I don't think it's a cure all. What if God wants you to be able to identify an evil spirit and allows them to be seen by you? I think it's very complicated and personal. I think Ouija boards are simply instruments and they can and often do nothing at all... or they can channel evil... or perhaps even good.

I knew a couple of guys who messed around with one and I would have nothing to do with it because I was afraid they were playing a joke on me. This spirit that supposedly contacted them were telling them about orbs (which I have been noticing a lot of lately) told them his name and told them to turn away from satanism and Evil ideas.

It changed them. For a long while they tried very hard to be good... of course until they started drinking when they got older.

Damn drunks!

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:56 AM
If this is indeed happening to you,
I am sorry!
That cannot be pleasant, at all. lol

It reminds me of the old movie called "the entity"
based on a true story supposedly.

I do believe these things can, and do happen...
and I think I would not be happy if it did.

I really dont know what to tell ya..
wish I did.

Maybe demand that it leave?
there's got to be a way...

even though the story that movie is based on..
the entity apparently followed her when she would move to a new home.

This is "crazy", "whacky", "unbelieveable" stuff,
but again.. I do think it's probably possible...

I hope you find peace for good from this thing, soon.
Peace n Blessings upon you.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:00 AM
OP I completely believe you. I am a psychic/medium paranormal rescuer- for people like yourself being attacked and threatened by spirits. I have helped many clients and members here on ATS over the years.

It sounds to me as if you are dealing with a dark entity. I have experienced what you have experienced when I was your age also. Dark spirits enjoy molesting women, plain and simple.

What you must do, and I sware to you this will work, im not even christian but i KNOW angels exist because i have SEEN THEM with my own eyes. Call on Archangel Michael. He will defend you and destroy this spirit being. Call on him and know he will arrive to save you. He will fight for you. He has fought for me many many times in exorcisms.

You must tell this spirit to leave your house and leave you alone forever. You must threaten it at Gods mercy. You must know that you have the power to tell it to leave and you must not doubt yourself. If an expert ,like me is telliing you you can do this on your own, you can. Have a friend with you so that you are not scared #less.

I know confronting the paranormal is scary. Scary indeed. But you can fight and win against this spirit.

Please U2U me (send me a private message) should you want to discuss your situation further, I can help you, for free.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by freedish
Well if you're sure they aren't from bed bugs then they are from demons. Some people call them "evil spirits" or "ghosts" but they are demons. Demons love to manipulate people and especially those into aliens and paranormal stuff to lead them astray from God. You can cast them away by your belief in Jesus. If you haven't committed yourself to Him yet I suggest you do it right away, just ask Jesus to come into your heart. This is a very serious thing because if you have not accepted Jesus than you can and most likely will become possessed by these spirits.

Also if you have messed around with anything occultish like wiji boards, crystal balls, sorcery, witchcraft, then that is a strong indication that what you're dealing with is a demon.

That was an incredibly irresponsible , and uninformed post..........

There are plenty of people all over the world who arent christian, who deal with spirits their own way......and THEY dont get possessed .

Also not all spirits or ghosts are "demons" if that were the case then, proverbial "Angels" would be demons too....

This logic and uninformed thinking doesnt help anyone......

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by avvie

Even a rubbish phone with no flash can
be illuminated via a lamp, or light source from within the house.

I just can't believe these excuses when I hear them.
Although I'm a skeptic I am open minded....However, you are
wanting to attribute anything you can to the paranormal.

This is not paranormal.
From your pics you have an allergy, or dirty sheets/bedding.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

What you must do, and I sware to you this will work, im not even christian but i KNOW angels exist because i have SEEN THEM with my own eyes. Call on Archangel Michael. He will defend you and destroy this spirit being. Call on him and know he will arrive to save you. He will fight for you. He has fought for me many many times in exorcisms.

your not a christian but you use archangel micheal and perform exorcisms?

Hmmm its been my experience with strong entities , that the only way to have an affect is belief in your faith.......

You seem confused in what your doing, so how have you been successful in exorcisms when you claim to not be christian but use christian ritual?

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:14 AM

I am not a christian, but I also have experience with and believe in Angelic entities.

Weren't they around before christianity rather than being created by it?

I believe in and have experience of 'source' also...God in any other dogma?

In my experience, people see their faith as a framework of belief. I dont have that framework of faith as defined by a 'faith'.

If it helps you, go with it. I have some christian doctrine, I have some buddhist, I have some falun dafa...

What works for one, may not work for another...

When you hit your mark, you know where you are. I dont beleive in belief for belief's sake.

Following one 'faith' just didnt give me the bandwidth I felt I needed.

And yes, Archangel Michael rocks - no matter what faith you have. You know when he is in the room!

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:02 AM
Thankyou for all your kind words, i realise i have done the wrong thing by replying to the people on here who are being negative, i have got my point across and now will ignore them. Call me crazy or whatever, i know what i experienced and thats all that matters. I do believe in God and Jesus, i sleep with a bible under my pillow. My whole family knows what has been happening, my mother is very spiritual in fact we all are in my house. Since this thing has started playing with my brother, my mum has given us both little pocket size angel statues to protect us and we are buying some sage smudge sticks to cleanse the house. Last night i wasn't hurt but something again started rocking my bed and constantly touching my arm and hands. It didn't scare me it made me feel comforted, i think i may have an evil presence in the house and a nice one which we think is Duncan, that's what a medium told us that Duncan is the kind spirit. I think he visited me last night, maybe to let me know i will be ok, i really do appreciate all the words of advice you kind people have given me, and i am taking everything into consideration. Thankyou very much.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by avvie
Hello Avvie! I personally do not believe you are only after stars and flags! Coming forward with a story such as your own takes guts, especially when it deals with a subject that can be expected draw a certain amount of derision. I made a joke about it myself, and although it was directed at a certain paranormal television show and not yourself, it was deleted. I wish I could offer some advice that would get rid of the spirit that's harassing you, but all I can say is that should you seek outside help, just be careful, as there are many charlatans much too willing to help empty your pockets. I'm not religious in a "Biblical" sense, though I do believe in a Creator. Many years ago my late parents were members of a little Spiritualist Church, and at their invitation I attended a couple of meetings. I found everyone to be warm, welcoming and very sincere in their beliefs and I thoroughly enjoyed being there. Perhaps you'll find the help you need at one of these churches. Good luck!

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

I never saw your comment as it was deleted. I used to go to a Spiritualist Church before but haven't been for a few years now. I guess I'm just silly and hope it will leave me alone but i know that's the wrong thing to do, i will be seeking proper help to rid the house of this entity.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:15 PM
I see that many people have given you advice on how to deal with whatever may be happening and to be honest I can't comment on any of that as I don't know much about it.

The bruises however can possibly be explained by a non-paranormal (and non bed bud) cause. I tend to fold my arms when I go to sleep and sometimes after a particularly vivid (not necessarily scary) dream I have often woken up with bruising and small scratches on my arms, which as they've always been in the same places I eventually realised that I was causing them myself by digging my fingernails into my opposite arm with a fair amount of pressure. Obviously I don't know if this applies to you, but from the pictures I have seen the marks look identical to what I have experienced (though I have not experienced the other phenomena you describe)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by avvie

avvie if you are a true christians than by your belief in Jesus the demonic spirit HAS to listen to you. The reason why is because Jesus defeated the king of this world (Satan) by the death on the cross. If you believe in Jesus then Satan has no authority. We relinquished Gods authority over this world when we ate the "fruit" we were told not to eat and Jesus has won us back by his death on the cross. Satan and his army are no longer a threat to those who are in Christ.

If you read in the bible you will find many passages about Jesus casting demons out of people. He also gave his authority to cast out demons to his disciples. There was one instance where the disciples couldn't cast out a demon because it had such a strong foothold in the person. Jesus told them to fast and pray.

So if you believe in Jesus and he is inside you than you have authority over the spirit! All you have to do is claim it and believe in his authority and command the demonic oppression to leave you and it will be done.
edit on 21-11-2010 by freedish because: ..

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:49 PM
I'm probably going to take a lot of flack for this, but...

Your cameraphone is hardly "rubbish". Sure it is a few years old, but it is capable of taking a decent indoor shot.
Sony Ericsson W890i

Not to mention the fact that the camera contains the ability to crop and change color levels and brightness, which is obviously what you have done

I'm not saying that you are not experiencing something paranormal, but I am disinclined to believe it is of the level you say it is simply because you felt the need to edit and "enhance" the photos of your marks (which look like either old scratches or pimiples when viewed in the original colors).
Old Scratch

I am a believer in the paranormal, but something just seems a little too off about all of this. Sorry. Use a lamp and take more pictures, go into the settings and change the picture size to "fine" or the largest resolution, back up a little so it isn't blurry, and don't change the colors or crop them and then we will see if it is something abnormal or not.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by avvie

I understand what you are saying,I hope my old thread
can be a help to you...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:09 PM
Avvie, when we start connecting things, many things become easier to be understood. First, the harassment marks you are showing, having been reported in places such as Brazil, Australia and others we don´t know because people sometimes get afraid to talk about that. In Brazil, the most famous cases happened in the town of Colares. The lights were attacking people so strangely that they had to call the army to control population panic. You can research that on the net by writing Operation Saucer (in Brazil, Operação Prato) on any search engine.

For the amazement of many "scientific ufologists", professionals such as Jaque Valee have deviated from the thinking that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecrafts carrying big headed aliens with goggled eyes. He has explained that most of the phenomena are more akin to PARANORMAL manifestations, displays of reality distortions and mind control. I will quote some of his sayings on an interview:

"We have evidence that the phenomenon has the ability to create a distortion of the sense of reality or to substitute artificial sensations for the real ones. Look at some of the more bizarre close encounter cases - for example the incident from South America in which one man believed he had been abducted by a UFO while his companion thought he had boarded a bus which had suddenly appeared on the road behind then. "

He has also written books such as "Masters of Deceptions" which says:

"While there seems to be evidence for UFO-related activities as mentioned above, perhaps there are other possible explanations. Many UFO paranormal, psychic, and spiritistic manifestations, etc. [5] [6]. Many abductees, contactees, and researchers believe there is an inter-dimensional or multidimensional quality to the UFO phenomena and experiences with ETs. Although the UFO phenomena may be real, it also could be a holographic illusion or a transmorification of matter and energy. Perhaps ETs are entities that have power to shape matter and spirit. Some alien lifeforms seem to have an ability to shape shift and appear and disappear [5] [6]. Dr. J. Allen Hyneck suggested the phenomena appears to be more PSYCHIC than extraterrestrial and perhaps comes from a PARALLEL world."
You see the connection? Lights attacking people, invisible entites frightening people in bed, voices, "metallic voices. (Operation Saucer, Aviation Colonel, Uyrangê Hollanda, who heard computerized, metallic voice in his room)

Of course, according to the Bible the dead cannot do anything because their THOUGHTS PERISHED. "His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish." Psalm 146:4) (New American Standard Bible) . Ecclesiastes 7:5, 6 : 5For the living know that they will die,

but the dead know nothing;

they have no further reward,

and even the memory of them is forgotten.

But the Bible tells us that we have a fight against "WICKED SPIRIT FORCES IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES. (Ephesians 6:12)

Those wicked spirits have been harassing people since the beginning of mankind. They were expelled from heaven together with their leader, Satan, and they came to earth "full of anger." (Revelation 9: 9, 12)

So since a wicked spirit or demon is harassing you, what do you need to do? First, get rid of anything related to occultism or spiritism. This includes divination, talking to the dead, use of ouija boards, worshipping of images, saints, use of amulets, palmistry, astrology, i Ching coins, etc.

Pray to Jehovah, through Jesus, and ask him to get this wicked spirit out of your life. Don´t use amulets, crosses this is of no help; demons like superstitions, that´s their lure; God doesn´t. If you need additional help, you can e-mail me at [email protected].

edit on 21-11-2010 by spaceship100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2010 by spaceship100 because: wrong word had to be erased

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by freedish

I am not Christian and I defeated the entities causing my hauntings. I've heard a few Christians saying "being outside Christ" opens you up to attack and possession. I respectfully say this is untrue. Just as many Christians deal with entities as non-Christians. Just as many non-Christians conquer entities in ways outside of Christianity as Christians conquer them with Christ.

Jesus in particular is not the real cause for expelling or defeating entities. Any belief that gives you personal Peace, Comfort, and Reassurance is what gives people empowerment over entities. Whether it be belief in yourself, belief in Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Mother Nature, Ancestor Spirits, or anything at all.

I would tell a Christian to use Christ as I would tell a Muslim to invoke Allah. Empowerment comes from personal belief, not subjugation to a "better religion."

The power of Christ for Christians is equal in empowerment to any belief system to any individual. To say other-wise is being prejudice and close-minded.

edit on 11/21/10 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by avvie

Meditate, increase your vibration. Do not fear the supernatural. If it ever grabs you, use "chi", if you know how to use it, to fight it off.

If all else fails, then pray to God as hard as you can.

Oh yeah, do not yell at the presence, better yet don't even speak, or make noise. Especially if your scared, the presence could be feeding off of your vocal vibrations.

I hope this advice helps you.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Mizzijr because: Because I wanted to.

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