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"I Hate When Children Stare At Me!!!"

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:38 PM
A rant from a friend, and I acting as the voice of reason:

"Don't you hate when little kids (strangers) stare at you for a long time? Like.....hello?"

"I don't hate it. I understand kids are just curious and are still discovering the world and how people can look so differently. When kids stare at me, I just always do something goofy and out of the ordinary like flare my nostrils and show my teeth like a dog does lol. It's funny to see them get confused.

"Lol. I hate it."

"To make yourself feel better about those situations, try to remember children's minds and hearts are more innocent than ours. When they stare, it's for way different reasons than why us adults stare."

Do you hate when children stare at you?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

It does make me feel kind of uncomfortable but not enough not to play with them about it. I too do something goofy when this happens. Makes them laugh most of the time and breaks the tension for me. Your response was very good.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

not really but i hate it when adults and teenagers stare. i cant walk down the street without someone staring.

pisses me off big time

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:09 PM
I always smile and make eye contact-- the kind of eye contact that speaks soul to soul, an instantaneous, non-verbal message that says "Feel Love. You are worthy." I only do this once (so as not to freak out the mom/dad) The effect is astounding. If the child continues staring, it is a markedly different stare, one completely void of discomfort for both of us. Thanks, OP, for helping me pull this information out of my subconscious. I've never really stopped to think about it. But what I described is Truth for me.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by pkpuck

I can fully understand. Mr. Tough Guy, Mr. Gangster walking around with a look of utmost hostility for no apparent reason. I used to engage these types of punks in stare-offs until their eye flinched or they looked away. But now I find that counter productive to the problem. Fight fire with fire and someone will get burned.

Nowadays when this happens, I open myself up to Peace and smile in their face and greet them with a sincere and friendly hello. I actually feel sorry for these people. Apparently they are insecure in some aspect, and must feel empowered by trying to intimidate and scare people with their mean demeanor. By being as happy and friendly as I can, I am showing these insecure people that I am not afraid of them, and in being friendly I might change the way they look at the next person they walk past.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by new_here

With all of the freaks, weirdos, and pedophiles, I am terrified to smile at children anymore. Sad

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:21 PM
Whenever I go out, like at the store children tend to stare, sometimes to the point where their parents look to see what they are looking at. It used to bother me, but I notice that if I whisper hello, or wave, they always smile, and wave back. Kids also have a habit of wanting to say hello, at the store or supermarket.

Its not just kids either. Whenever I'm out, someone will ask me for either directions, where a particular isle is, even for recipes depending on what isle I'm in. I am dead serious! Now I take the time and talk with these people, or stop to say hello if a kids have been staring.

It makes me feel as if they see something kind in me, that sometimes others might miss.

Peace, NRE.

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