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If your debunking anything ...PLEASE no more of the easy way out!!!

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:35 PM
If you think being confronted with the term "tin foil hat" is bothersome, try being called a "sheeple" or a "disinfo agent" eighty times a day whenever you point out the obvious holes in certain threads.

In short, both sides of this war have their little terms of marginalization. And neither side should be resorting to it. As far as I am concerned the skeptics have the high ground anyway. It's not my job to prove the fantastic, it's the job of those making fantastic claims to convince me.


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Brass Bonnet
Bronze Boater
Gold Beanie
Chrome Cap
Iron Bucket
Lead Lid
Steel Skull Bucket
Cast Iron Beret
Platinum Panama
Silver Stetson
Zinc Yamaka
Pewter Capuchin
Wire Wimple
Rebar roll cage
Tin Hat
Tin Hat
Tin Hat
Tin Hat!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:17 PM
To davespanners and badgerprints:

You guys made it worth clicking on this thread!

To skullcaps and tin foil hats and crowns!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:27 PM
How about we call it the Washington Memorial Aluminum 'Capstone' honour helmet?

Don't you guys even know what is on the top of your own Washington Memorial? (Washington Memorial)

from wiki

"The building of the monument proceeded quickly after Congress had provided sufficient funding. In four years, it was finally completed, with the 100 ounce (2.85 kg) aluminum tip/lightning-rod being put in place on December 6, 1884.[18] It was the largest single piece of aluminum cast at the time. In 1884 aluminum was as expensive as silver, both $1 per ounce.[5] Over time, however, the price of the metal dropped; the invention of the Hall-Héroult process in 1886 caused the high price of aluminum to permanently collapse"

great stuff that aluminum, a listed 'strategic material'

Now let me go put on my "Washington Memorial Capstone Honour Helmet" and ponder why all the stones, rocks and other things that would purchased, donated from all over the place, from the Pope to Native American Indian Tribes wanted it topped off by Aluminum?

That should keep the conspiracy guys busy for a while wondering what their founding fathers and Masonic builders of the Washington Monument and laying out the designs of Washington

(some of us worked that one out a long time ago)

What are you going to do without aluminium?

Do any of you guys have any geological training?

Do you know what the ore is from which aluminum is derived from?


Any of you guys know who control the worlds largest supply of bauxite and where it is located?

again for those who need to be spoon fed... (Bauxite)

open it, skip to the tables of world bauxite supplies...

take note of the big N/A for non applicable as to any reserves, mines or supplies in the United States.

Take note of who is No 2....Thats it Boys, Australia 'we got your by the baux's'

And again for those of you still pouring over Australias countryside with your Google earth looking for ET's and other stuff all over the arid interior, picking over well known and widely publised bases, looking through the rubble of 50 year UK weapons and atomic tests (try penetrating where the Brits 'cooked off' a Cobalt bomb, its still glowing fellas...don't you guys know about 'salted, nuclear weapon aera denial munitions?, ones that leave the place glowing forever?

But I digress...any of you know where the world's largest single bauxite supply is...

awe come on gimme a name, someone, an Aboriginal name I've never heard of for a decent game of scrabble, getting tired of this 20 replies before being able to post a thread crap...

Try Weipa..., you know where that is? up near the tip of Cape York, where we want to build our equatorial Space Port, totally isolated with a 'bare bones' fully operational Air Base beside it... (Weipa)

Scherger Airbase,

aggresssively patrolled by armed Indigenous soldiers of 51FNQR who deploy into the area doing bomb burst out the back of speeding trucks and melt off into the scrub to do vehicle and boat counts, hiding behind the 5000 metre Owen Stanley ranges of New Guniea to the North

What, you think we are going to defend those cities full of blow in migrants with a whole bunch of surnames a good Australian wouldn't trust to be able to cook a decent steak?

Surrounded by crocodile infested mangroves and water ways, a natural navigation minefield of the Great Barrier Reef that we aree still trying to map out

What were those masonic conspiritors you all reckon designed and built Washingtom trying to tell by placing a capstone of aluminum and decreeing nothing can be made higher than that.

Don't go for the lightening conductor line... Gold would have done the job just as well and given the world a message too...

Don't you have a moderator, for 2 days I have been posting links to things in Cape York...,

how about the story of the Japanese constantly flying over Thursday Island at the tip of WW2 and refusing to bomb it because supposedly a Japanese princesss is buried there...(from the Pearling trade days)

Don't foeget in my other posts my mention of Project Pandamus, even before you get near their by road, you are going to come across a Vietnam, now open to all Vets, hidey hole retreat full fo Austraklian War Vets, tired of the rabble of blow ins taking over the Southern Cities...

Now back to my search for a decent scrabble player able to play in Aboriginal languages? Any takers yet, or can I expect a horde of Americans flying into Cairns tomorrow all wanting to poke around the Cape and look at 140,000 year old rock art as well...

Woops, did someone mention why the bloody hell are Australian soldiers eployed to the Solomon Islands and have been there for quite a few years now, as well as holding Timor and pulling our weight in the Ghan?

Perhaps some of you might dare to type in Solomon Islands ancient ruins, alien evidence or other what nots...

Meanwhile, fly on in. The wet is about set in, and when it does every road in the Cape is unpassable...

Sure try trekking in by foot, dodge the Vets, dodge the best trackers in the world, and try and take a compass bearing...see that mountain group called Iron Range if you examine the Cape, its called Iron range because it pulls compasses and other what nots off line...

Next you will be wanting questions about Black Mountains near Cooktown, huge piles of boulders than all ring like church bells when struck... ... too which no one has yet truly climbed, you fall into the crevices between the boulders and your gone mate, gone gone gone and the things is crawling with taipan snakes.

Next you'll want to know why are most of the roads dirt but near Black Mountains a perfectly smooth tarmac road from an airfield (it was completed first from the airfield end, not the Cooktown end...)

lets just say that the Queens hubby was so intrigued he was flown in and his Rollys Royce deployed from back of a transport and the road made nice and smooht so he didnt get a bumpy ride...

Any further questions on tin foil hats? Oh Land of the Brave and Free but without a single bauxite deposit?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:36 PM
keep up your aluminum recycling said just look at the table of bauxite deposits? what are you going to do when you run out of the stuff ot the world cuts your supply at having enough of your lets play world bully, be like the Brits in World War 2 and send trucks and carts around the towns and cities ordering the women to surrender their cooking pans and pots to keep up aircarft and other manufactite of things that need aluminum....

No shortage of tin foil hats around here mate, we fill ours with beer of course, slug it down to deal with the tropical heat and toss em by the side of the road...

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:07 PM
awe, come on fellas, don't be shy...I promise the crocs wont bite, the taipans will act well behaved, the marine stingers that cause an agonising death will all float away. Apparently Oprah is in town today, poking about, why even your Bill Clinton flies into a town up the road so he acn walk around with abit of peace and quiet...

The price of prawns(shrimp) is going up...

We have a bunch of people in parliament with surnames from places from god knows where, a publically stated lesbian Chinese woman as our finance minister, we just got rid of Kevin Krudd in an internal politcal coup, (thats the guy that was strutting around the world showing off his fluent Mandarin (he's now Foreign Minister) who was a former diplomat in Beijing and god knows what they did to him there, but he's compromised for sure, and our military is rapidily training as many Indigenous soldiers as we can and teaching them how to shoot straight through crash programs also instilling in them leadership skills to return to their communities. Our Prime Minister was born in wales and our Opposition leader in London.

We've been throwing toxic chemicals into rubbish land fills for four decades, smoothing them over and erecting urban developments in the suburbs of the Southern cities that blow in immigrants have no idea what they are sitting on...nearly every house and home built after World War 2 until the 1980's is full of asbestos,

The entire southern rivers systems have been bleed dry for agriculture (not up here, we get 2000mm of monsoonal rain a year) and the government has just ordered all farmers in our main agricultural basin that their water alocations will be cut by 40-60%,

The only thing you see on the TV news is every single bloody minute, gay marriage and free the illegal political refugees as the only political agenda in town in a minority government controlled by a Green power brokers.

Don't you guys get it. We're the world's quarry...

Were steaming our tribal class Anzac frigates aaround the globe, with names like ANZAC, WARRAMUNGA & ARUNTA to now show that the tribe of Anzac is now united with the 'tribes' of the originals... ...

As said, we have plenty of tin foil hat material available in the form of make your own by draining the contents of the coldest aluminum beer can you can find...

Come on down and play with us...don't be scared, the Opposition Immigration Minister went to the same school as me (mind you 2 years my junior), same school as Russel Crowe (2 years ahead of me)

I roped in my missus from your native land to improve the gene pool, come learn to speak Aboriginal, they'll keep you amused with ET stories to fill the rest of your lives....

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:25 PM
come on in, join our'll love it...we don't even swear alliegence to our own government when you take the military oath... you give it to the Queen so you tell your own politico leaders to go stuff themselves if you want.

In fact, technically if the Prime Minister rings up the Chief of our Defence Force, he can tell her/him to sod off and not ever call him again and send the request through the governor generals office as the Queens representative... ... ..

You'll have to get over you hangs up about the British Royal Familiy, but the Queen does pin the medals on the chests of our troopers.

We don't really need to worry about continuity of government plans anyway, take the lot of em out... technically our chain of command goes, Queen, Governor-General, next most senior State Governor general and down through all the State Governor Generals. after you chop them down, it works down through the senior ranks, chop them, and if it keeps going until 'we're down to our last shavetail rookie Lieutenent who only took his oath the day before, he's the man... as he holds the Queens commission... ...

How about that for an efficient command structure, no need to worry about providing escorts for Presidential oppotunist like you guys.

After your President, Vice President and Speaker of the House get chopped, your military has no-one able to give any legitimate orders...

You'll just have to learn to master those Aboriginal words though if you want to 'unlock' code crypts...

Come on down and help us guard the world's largest tin foil hat resource supply in Cape York.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:27 PM
Wow I made it through both pages..

Perhaps the OP could have been more eloquent or clarified his position more clearly...But the message is is what is important..right?

Although I don't support banning any words..terms like tin hats, drink the kool-aide...misinfo agent..etc..has no place in legitimate debate. Although he has chosen only one word of derision that does nothing to support anyone's case...I agree with him.


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by spav5

Cheers mate... just wasting time to eat up those 20 replies before posting a thread... what a bore, some us like to escape from our cages every now and then and have a look see and just who and what we are bloody fighting for.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:22 PM
look Washington Memorial Aluminum Capstone Honour Helmet wearers, if you can't find me an aboriginal word for a decent game of Scrabble just go buy a couple of Australian Street directories and look for weird words you have never heard of as listed street names, or use your computers to look at our street maps...

But you better know what the word means, you can have a go at bluffing and I'll throw a challenge in (remember the rules of Scrabble, double points and loss of turn if you lose the 'challenge') you must actually know what the word means...

how about I give you a 'leg' up...

'matta' (water)


Cabramatta (Cabramatta is where all the Vietnamese 'blow in's' live it means (stinky water) in Sydney.

tell you what, ever heard a person raised to speak Chinese as a first language try even to pronounce these simple and well known Aboriginal words?

Its hilarious... ...

And if some one is digging tunnels...I suggest you look for one an entry one in China and helps us find the exit one down south...

They are everywhere... ....

Quick, send money, guns and lawyers the crap has indeed hit the fan... I can hear them marching Northwards to lock down our aluminium foil bauxite supplies... those chinese coolie hats look very suspicious, does bamboo have faraday cage applications? I mean I know I can quickly grab some charcoal out of the fire and wrap it in silk fibres and charge myself up a primitive battery in an emergency, do you think I can negotiate a trade off for silk supplies against a future promise of more bauxite exports to China?

Nah, I think we'll be right up here for a while with our more solid beer can versions. Every bloody town seems to have a Chinese restaurant...after picking up shovels on the goldfields, they got to work sabotaging our BBQ tradition...

I'm prepared to offer a place for us all to make a last ditch stand that even the Chinese are afraid to visit where we should all be safe from the godless heathen hordes.

You know how they are into ancestor worship and all that just north of me a long time ago (well not that long in the context of Aboriginals, it was just like yesterday. a bunch of Chinese came in and got to work on the goldfields here in the Cape...

Now for those of you unfamiliar with our Cape York Indigenous people and the Torres Starit Islanders, these guys were cannibals...

They saw all these strange looking yellowmen moving all over the place and thought they look tasty...

Organised a war party, hammered the yellow men, chose those they wanted to sample immediately and then broke the legs of all the others and let them wander off for tracking down later for further meals

(standard survival trick if you have to much live food, just break the legs of the surplus and let them wander about for tracking down later (I mean this is tropical and desert country at the same time here...what are you going to do without refridgerators if you have a surplus?)

Bit hard for the Chinese to find their ancestors to worship after having been excreted from the elementary canal of our local cannibals... The Chinese here know about it, but will never visit as to them it is haunted.

I raise your tin foil helmet for one chinese coolie hat,

what you want me to throw my slouch hat with its emu feather plume into the pot as well?

Ante up...

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by williamAmerican
No more of the word ...TIN HAT

I hope this word will be banned

1. Tin hat

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by williamAmerican
No more of the word ...TIN HAT

I hope this word will be banned

1. Tin hat

I don't think the term Tin Hat should be banned. Just look at all these people and places that use the term.

Tin Hat (formerly the Tin Hat Trio) is an acoustic chamber music group currently based in San Francisco. Their music combines many genres of music, including southern blues, bluegrass, neoclassical, eastern European folk music, and avant-garde.

Tin Hat fiction and commentary, plus archived security articles.

Tin Hat is a Linux distribution derived from hardened Gentoo which aims to provide a very secure, stable and fast Desktop environment that lives purely in RAM. Tin Hat boots from CD, or optionally a pen drive, but it is not a LiveCD. It does not mount any file system from CD via unionfs or otherwise. Rather, Tin Hat is a massive image (approx. 2.3GB) which loads into tmpfs upon booting. One pays the prices of long boot times (5 minutes off CD, 2 minutes off pen drives), but the advantage afterwords is that there are no delays going back to the CD when starting applications. Needless to say, this has some rather extreme advantages and disadvantages, making Tin Hat a rather particular distribution.

Tin Hat Novelties may have something you enjoy.

You could buy a picture of Body Armour, Sword & Tin Hat (Civil War 17th Century) here.

The Tin Hat Web Design Story
Hinckley was known to its residents for many years as "Tin 'At" (tin hat). It is reputed that, many years ago, one of the itinerant sheep drovers bragged that he could drink a hat full of ale. The local landlord put this man to the test by getting the local blacksmith to make a tin hat, which he then filled with ale. Thereafter, the town became known as "Tin 'At".

You can visit the Tin Hat Bar & Grill.

If you live in Selston, Nottinghamshire you could join The Tin Hat Centre.

A Tin Hat is someone who twists everything that two celebrities do to make it look like they're in love.

You could have a few drinks at the Tin Hat Tavern.

You could friend MySpace user The Tin Hat.

Apparently not all forms of the term Tin Hat are seen the same way but when all else fails we can do as others have already suggested and simply rename the term. I vote for an AFDB.

An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of headwear that can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. AFDBs are inexpensive (even free if you don't mind scrounging for thrown-out aluminium foil) and can be constructed by anyone with at least the dexterity of a chimp (maybe bonobo). This cheap and unobtrusive form of mind control protection offers real security to the masses. Not only do they protect against incoming signals, but they also block most forms of brain scanning and mind reading, keeping the secrets in your head truly secret. AFDBs are safe and operate automatically. All you do is make it and wear it and you're good to go! Plus, AFDBs are stylish and comfortable.

What are you waiting for? Make one today!

Tin Hat is here to stay!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:13 AM
I hear ya, but why should I scrounge around for thin aluminum foil?

Some of here have been quitely working away to acquire our own private aluminium stores in the form of empty Fosters, XXXX and all and sundry other Australian beers by draining the contents of aluminum cans.

If aluminum foil can offer the protection you're suggesting, surely thick aluminum EM protection helmets contructed from recycled Australian beer cans would offer almost super powers in the EM Mind Control battlefield?

You need to get over here and inspect some of the houses built by our miners unaffected by EM Mind Control.

They build the walls out recycled cans and beer bottles held together with local cement, whack a corrugated zinc covered iron roof on top of the lot (which surely sounds like a nice solid Faraday cage to me) and get back to work after a hard days work digging away underground to provide the world with all the minerals it needs to prentend they're civilised providing material for furth building extensions.

Hopefully, after having, built enough accomdation units made out of recycled aluminum cans and beer bottles for everyone to be free from EM Mind control, we can dispense with the need for further building materials and act a bit more environmentally friendly and instead start taking our relaxation straight from a tapped keg. and have a good old sing song,m fire ip the Barbie, select the fatted calf, slice off the prime rump and send the rest of the carcus of for the blow in's and export market, running out of those prawns (shrimp) fast the Nips just love em...

Sounds of Then (This is Australia)

I think I hear the sounds of then,
And people talking,
The scenes recalled, by minute movement,
And songs they fall, from the backing tape.
That certain texture,that certain smell,

To lie in sweat, on familiar sheets,
In brick veneer on financed beds.
In a room, of silent hardiflex
That certain texture, that certain smell,
Brings home the heavy days,
Brings home the the night time swell,

Out on the patio we’d sit,
And the humidity we’d breathe,
We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
Laugh and think, this is Australia.

The block is awkward - it faces west,
With long diagonals, sloping too.
And in the distance, through the heat haze,
In convoys of silence the cattle graze.
That certain texture, that certain beat,
Brings forth the night time heat.

Out on the patio we’d sit,
And the humidity we’d breathe,
We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
Laugh and think that this is Australia.

To lie in sweat, on familiar sheets,
In brick veneer on financed beds.
In a room of silent hardiflex
That certain texture, that certain smell,
Brings forth the heavy days,
Brings forth the night time sweat
Out on the patio we’d sit,
And the humidity we’d breathe,
We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
Laugh and think, this is Australia.
This is Australia etc..

(for those of you who dont know what Hardiflex is, thats the main building product employed in most Australian construction from the 50's to the the late 80's... Pure Asbestos, the poor suckers can't even rip em down to rebuild again now without having to pay huge professional crews who wrap the building up in plastic and then cart it all off to another dump site. Should keep all these immigrant blow ins busy for a few decades)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by williamAmerican
reply to post by badw0lf

Let the moderators tell me what I can and can not do

thank u

And the 20 post in 5 days must be a theory . I have yet to hear about that fact

Oh the moderators will be quite aware of someone who makes redundant and spurious threads all the time.

And it's no surprise you are not aware of the 20 posts before you can make a thread since you've pretty much spammed since joining here. I guess you didn't read any of the T&C either.

Why oh why did they remove the ignore button....

edit on 18/11/2010 by badw0lf because: forgot my tin hat

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:53 AM
Please stop posting in this thread. I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about how dumb this thread was.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by williamAmerican
Let me give you people a history lesson on the word Tin hat

History speaks for its self . Most conspiracies are found to be correct . May be 100 years but they will be found to be correct or right in some way shape and or form .

Thanks for the history lesson! Now, if you wouldn't mind posting links that show your claim above to be absolutely true! I mean... it's history and all that right? Finding links should be easy! Can you do that for me please?


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Nventual
Please stop posting in this thread. I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about how dumb this thread was.

Just because I enjoy knowing there are those who stay awake at night due to threads on this site, I hereby bump this post. Enjoy late night TV!

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