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Let's speculate!

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:13 AM
There is a lot of predictions going on right now, and even more speculation. Many of us believe there is a international conspiracy of world elites, keen on dominating the world as one. The last 10 years they have strived to push the one controlling measure after the other, and little is standing in their way.
So what is standing in their way? We who believe there is such a conspiracy to take over the world, are also well aware of the grim outcome should they succeed. But we are in no way finding ourselves in the midst
of an George Orwell novel, not quite yet. Why is that? In this thread I invite you to discuss this topic freely, and speculate in what we can await of the future. I'll start:

They are patient indeed, and their conspiracy goes WAY back. But I don't believe the main plot always have been about having a world government by 2012. I believe they have tried many times before, but outside circumstances hasn't allowed it. I think that is the current situation.
After 9/11, they seized great control in most western countries, and still they use peoples fear of terrorism to further control the masses.

But now a big amount of people are 'waking up' to the realities of the world, thanks to 9/11. At least, enough people are waking up to make it a real pain in the ass to go through
with another false flag attack. Many people are aware of their tactics, and this time people would question the attack from the get-go. An economic crisis is already going on, but here are some
of the same problems as with the theory that waking up of people is part of their plan; the actions taken is out of their control. They have a great control grid, but that just works to some extent.
If enough people get angry, and enough people 'wake up', it could call for disaster. I don't think these people like to let anything to coincidence, and mass riots could easily get out of their hands.
In that scenario, there is a real chance they would all get lynched by a fed up and hungry population.

The way I see it, this time they really need to take a big chunk of sh** and throw it right in the fan, making sure it rains down on ALL of us. This is the scenario I think they'll go with; They will
push on with the financial crisis, with all the new legislations it's obvious they are poking us with a stick. At this time, they want people to riot so they in some way could enemize us and start rounding up people.
Now, IF this gets out of control and backfires, they will pull out their wild card. In my view, that could only mean WW III, a plague or a frigging alien invasion!
The alien-card is so out there, but with all the conditioning going on right now, I'm not the one to exclude that. And think about it, think about all those alien movies. The one message they are putting into our
brains is that WE could beat the aliens. This is in no way plausible in real life, we would get eradicated in minutes. IF we win such a war in the future, you can know for sure it is a false flag.

What is you view? Why aren't we under a world government yet? what is holding them back? what can we expect from the future, and what can we rule out?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:53 AM
I believe the world government is reaching a tipping point. They need enough of us alive to do their bidding, but not so many that if we were to all revolt against them and unite that they would be defeated.
As science progresses, and also time - the strong religious values and precepts that controlled and subdued our grandparents are gradually fading. That's not to say there still aren't plenty of people who DO believe, but I do believe that the number who believe it strongly is beginning to wane. They want us to trust them with our lives, believing they have the best intentions for us with their actions - all the while they spend lavish amounts of money to support a pompous lifestyle - while here we are doing a circus juggling act with our meager funds to buy food, clothes, and the rent. When are we ever going to see that we cannot believe what they tell us? It's true, sometimes they do "throw the dog a bone", but it's usually a cheap bone and doesn't last very long at all.
I think at this time now, the government is trying "control" techniques on us. What has worked well for them before in the past isn't working as well now. They are testing to see what matters we can easily overcome or dismiss, and which ones cause us to come running to them - pledging our loyalty.
I think that the "flu shot" hype is one such test - to see how we respond to possible epidemics. They take note of these results, of who comes running to them seeking their guidance, seeking their magical pill. The government is the amperage, the MSM is the voltage - pushing they hysteria. It is my advice to all to take heed and don't be fooled. We live in an age now where seeing is NOT believing, where scenes of mass destruction and hysteria can be conjured up by smoke & mirrors, and forced into our homes into our eyes and ears - and those of our children as well. To the untrained senses, it is almost impossible to detect. We have had so many proverbial "red-herrings" drawn across our path that we quite literally don't even know what our most immediate and looming danger is. I admit, I have no idea myself either.

I do have these facts, however.
You can never trust anyone in politics to do anything constructive that doesn't somehow support their own agenda, or the agenda of whomever has paid them off.
You CAN trust the MSM to deliver content directly to you, laden with ideas and concepts from TPTB, and our responses to that content will be noted.
The third and final item is that I am most probably wrong about all of this. There is NOTHING to fear, right?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by OleMB

Its already here.

Just because we do not see it with our eyes does not mean it is not there.

Pure evil runs this world, and if you want to get anywhere in this sort of thing, pure evil is what you need to be.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:13 AM
My speculation runs along these lines.


The European Knight required about 50 peasants to support them.

The Asian equivalent to a Knight required about 300.

The reason for this is that rice farming is
much more labor intensive.


In a medieval village anyone of those 50 people could expect to see, meet, and maybe even talk to their local lord.

In the Asian system, village elders were the ears, and if you met your local lord you were already in trouble and were probably going to be punished.

This explains the completely different philosophies that grew up in the two different worlds.


Now consider modern America.

Have you ever met your Mayor?
What is the ratio of citizens to mayor these days. Not what it was when these towns and cities were founded. The population has exploded, but we still have one mayor?

Trying to speak to our local Mayor is like one person at a Rolling Stones concert trying to ask Mic a question. What are they going to do, stop the show and make tens of thousands of people wait for you to ask some personal question. Most people self elect not to impose on all the other people.

It is in this sense that the west is already under an eastern system.


The reality of our world is that we used to know our local representatives, and could speak to them.

But where there used to be a chain of representation all the way up to the state, and then federal levels, now we have only the figure head at the top. The evidence is everywhere. People are only interested in turning out to vote for the presidential elections. Local reps don't interest us.

For most of us if we actually get a word from the governor it's a stay of execution.

Conclusion: we are already under a Chinese system now.


[color=gold]Speculative solution

If 50 families teamed up and paid a monthly fee, they could afford a high powered legal firm and keep them on retainer. Then any problem, like a ticket, or a zoning ordinance, could be handled effectively and quickly.

The law as a tool to serve us, and having a voice in the conduct of this law would become a reality again. Even better the politicians would be very interested in our opinions. Cause a group of 50 self organized families is a voting block that is worth its weight in gold.

David Grouchy

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:42 AM
My opinion is that they control a lot of the world even though not directly, they control some countries via IMF. One example is the country i live in (Romania), where they made some huge transactions with the IMF and now they come here every other week and tell the president and prime minister: "If you don't do this and do not vote for this law we will ........ (insert punishment on the dotted line)." .
So as you can see they control a lot of the world already.

One solution could be if we just move out and create our own communities, independent of any government, which uses a very well thought out ruling system.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:26 PM
This economic crisis and currency wars could end in a plausible need for a one world currency.

Once we are engaged in a one world currency the true mile-stone for a one world government has been set. A one world gov would be easily and reasonabily be raised into view.

Once one world government is more or less set, we should have a huge problem, a threat to all "one-worlders", maybe an alien attack, maybe natural or spatial-solar-orbital disasters of some kind. These problems should reduce population and survivors will give "spiritual" birth to the real New World Order.

If I was in it I'd try to do it that way.
Is gonna take quite a long time yet I guess.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:34 PM
In my Honest opinion, I believe that Americans as a whole are slowing things down.
Think about it.
If we had all our rights thrown out, I.e, Australia...
If they could take our guns...

Why do you think there are so many people opposed to our Constitution?
Because it gives the American public so many rights.
And its on paper.

Even some of the top leaders in this 'elite' class say so.

If we had no way to fight back, I believe things would be moving faster...

Seems that TPTB are just waiting for another excuse to strip more away.
Like another 9/11 and Patriot Act.

Just my $0.02.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:01 PM
This is just purely speculation on my part, but I'm pretty sure its a Chinese sub.

My reasoning is that I never read the OP and have no idea what this thread is really about, but I just can't help but follow directions damn it!

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