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Why Should God Care About Me?

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:24 PM
God is the creator and ruler of the universe, what could God possibly want from me that is of any value whatsoever?

Why should I pray for God's care when everything that will happen to me has already been planned out according to God's master plan?

Why should God care if I go to church or not when most people in this world don't even have access to the IDEA of church?

Why should God care about MY relationship struggles if every person in the human race goes through a similar struggle sometime in life?

Why does God have any reason to worry about what an individual human being thinks when he is the master of the universe? After all, isn't the survival of the universe more important than the life of one human being.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:37 PM
he shouldnt. how much of a roll does God play in your daily life? How much do you play in God's? If you believe he gave you free will, well than stop being so concerned... do what you please.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:42 PM
''God is the creator and ruler of the universe..'

I think of 'God' as more of a producer. One can either decide to be a director or an actor, or just watch T.V. .

'God' is not a or the ruler. Everything in the universe is allowed.

Having said that, there are those who don't want you to have this freedom. They think of themselves as 'Gods' .

'God' does not judge.

Be scared of nothing and be strong.


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 07:57 PM
My thoughts on this...

Originally posted by Wang Tang
God is the creator and ruler of the universe, what could God possibly want from me that is of any value whatsoever?

Your love.... that's it.

Why should I pray for God's care when everything that will happen to me has already been planned out according to God's master plan?

He gave us free will to choose the way our lives go. Perhaps every possible outcome of every possible choice has been mapped / planned but the choice is yours to make as to which one you follow.

Prayer is communication/communion with God. He wants a personal relationship with you, He knows you but do you know Him? Really know Him? Communion with Him is necessary for that to happen. There is no proper way to pray, by the way, you don't have to follow any particular method or anything. He knows what's in your heart better than you do. He wants YOU to know what's in your heart.

Why should God care if I go to church or not when most people in this world don't even have access to the IDEA of church?

I think He doesn't give one flip if you go to church or not. All He wants is your love.

Why should God care about MY relationship struggles if every person in the human race goes through a similar struggle sometime in life?

Because He loves you. You care about the ones that you love, don't you? Do you care if they are having problems? Yes, I think you probably do. Same with God.

Why does God have any reason to worry about what an individual human being thinks when he is the master of the universe? After all, isn't the survival of the universe more important than the life of one human being.

Every one of us is the universe. He doesn't have to choose between the universe and an individual soul, why whould He? He is who He is.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:33 PM
In the ultimate sense of objectivity, any notion of freewill and or choice does not truly exist if a conscious omniscient God is in existence. If it knows all, and is beyond time and space, or even within out realms of time and space and still knows all, then all outcomes come as words in a book, already written. Its predestination all over if a God exists. Everything you do, everything you think, and everything you'll ever dream has all been "predetermined"

There is no "free will" to be quite honest, especially if an omniscient God exists.

Its not as simple as everything being mapped out, and the individual making the choice. That is not omniscience on the part of the God, that is a 3rd person limited point of view. A true omniscient knows all, even the decisions that will be made. That means, in truth, we are basically running programs fulfilling some means to an end. I don't know what it is, but I think it's similar to birth. This is a mapped and guided process that we are in, all the variables have been input and the outcome is already an absolute.
edit on 14-11-2010 by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:01 PM
One of the reasons I don't believe in god is that I don't see him caring for any of his supposed creations.
Anyone, who has anything (such as a pet, or livestock) HAS to care for it or else it will not thrive.
My garden has to be watered, even though god does supposedly supply the rain, he has an awful schedule with it and if/when it does come the quantities are hardly ever metered out appropriately.
I, on the other hand, know exactly what the seedlings need to grow and give them the right amount.

If there is a creator, it appears that he spent a lot of time researching what he would make, and took great care in the design of each organism alive today - after all that work, he then cast the whole lot of us out the figurative window on this tiny blue gem of a planet and left us to our own devices. He hasn't even as much popped in to see if we're still alive.
We're like a science project that you do with a child, maybe an ant farm - where you went on vacation & left the ants without food & water & put it on the top shelf, way in the back & forgot about it. It's like we're just sitting there, on that shelf in a kids bedroom wondering wtf...and a year or so later, in "god" time we'll be rediscoverd and they'll be astounded that we're still alive and the mother "god" will tell the kid "god"..."Go dump those things outside where they belong right this instant"

At the very most, god would be "indifferent" to the human plight. Unless...unless of course, nothing that happens here is real. If it's all fake, if it's all a dream, if this reality is nothing more than some illusion, if all the pain that is felt and all the wars that have been fought, and tears shed and lives and loves that have been lost. If all the pain that has ever been endured in the entire existence of human experience is nothing but a mirage - THEN I could see why god would do nothing. But...then again, why would he let us be fooled for so long? Foolish games aren't loving, bowing before someone doesn't indicate love in any fashion. Praying for forgiveness, trying to live up to impossible standards, even for some - denying the core of your very being - all for approval? Acceptance? Nothing but FEAR. If you are in a religion that teaches that you must pray, and kneel before god, and blah blah blah or you will be punished - you are being controlled by FEAR. You might think that you are doing it lovingly and willingly but you are only fooling yourself.

I believe in a god. My god is the cosmos. It created me, and it can be proven. It requires nothing at all of me, yet I am amazed, I am in continual wonder at the magnificent splendor of it all. The stuff I am made of won't last forever, yet the oldest things that I am made of are billions of years in age. I would think that the majority would stick around for a few billion more, give or take. Whether or not there is a life after this one - doesn't concern me at the moment. I've got a life right now, thank you, that I'm rather content in living to my fullest potential. I take joy in knowing where I came from, what my "god" is. I AM what I AM, and I DO what it is that I DO. You are NOT a created being in the universe, you ARE the universe. We all are. Enjoy it for what it is.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Your love.... that's it.

Why would he want my love? What am I, a fruit tree that God grows so he can harvest my love?

He gave us free will to choose the way our lives go. Perhaps every possible outcome of every possible choice has been mapped / planned but the choice is yours to make as to which one you follow.

Interesting way to think about it. I always feel like looking back the choices I made were all inevitable, but I'd like to think it's not that way. But I feel like I was put into a specific situation where people were programmed to act a certain way in order to mold me into who I am now.

Prayer is communication/communion with God. He wants a personal relationship with you, He knows you but do you know Him? Really know Him? Communion with Him is necessary for that to happen. There is no proper way to pray, by the way, you don't have to follow any particular method or anything. He knows what's in your heart better than you do. He wants YOU to know what's in your heart.

God can't have a personal relationship with me. Let's be real, I can't understand what God is let alone what God feels about me or what God thinks about me. How can i have a personal relationship with a God like that? Yes, I try to talk to God and pray to God sometimes, but the only reply I seem to get is "I have it all figured out. It will make sense in the end." Well ok thank you God I guess I'll just go along as another puppet in your program until my time runs out.

I think He doesn't give one flip if you go to church or not. All He wants is your love.

I'm glad that he doesn't give one flip if I go to church or not because I don't give a flip either. At least we agree on something.

Because He loves you. You care about the ones that you love, don't you? Do you care if they are having problems? Yes, I think you probably do. Same with God.

I care about the ones I love. I care if they are having problems. But I'm also living in the same world as the ones i love, I can talk to them, I can see them, I know they exist.

Every one of us is the universe. He doesn't have to choose between the universe and an individual soul, why whould He? He is who He is.

So you are saying if the universe is in good order then my life will be in good order because it's all interconnected. Well yes, the universe does seem to be in good order, but my life? Not so much.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:44 PM
First off I do not believe there is an actual God person sitting up there watching over us and such.
I believe that we are all connected to each other and the universe. There is definitely a higher power/creator which I think is just the universe and what connects us all.

To think that there is a person up there watching over us and caring what we do, seems to me to be ridiculous, however that is just my personal opinion.

Praying is not a bad thing. It is similar to what I believe in, in that thinking positive thoughts results in positive things happening to you. The same goes that when you think negative thoughts it results in negative things happening to you. So when people pray they mostly are praying positively, thus sending positive thoughts out to the universe. This is then bounced back to them in a positive way. So whether it is just thinking positive thoughts or praying or whatever, it is all pretty much the same thing.

Here is one of my favorite quotes that is from an anonymous source that may help you:

"The Creator of all things does not need or require a religion to remind him of his works; all the creator requires is our love and to do all things from love."

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Wang Tang
Wang Tang,
God is Spirit and is omnipresent at all times in all places in the great total of His creation. We are not made to see the Spirit world at present but are surrounded. There is two Holy angels for each evil angel. They are all ministering Spirits for your mind. Adam lost out to Satan and so now we each have a battle to overcome the evil ones whom Satan is the leader and super deceiver. God does love you and all and wants each of us to come to His proffered Redeemer that we be reinstated back into Paradise as in the beginning. The Holy Spirit is drawing on you now as this is the cause of your query into this situation that we all are in. We are at the finishing yrs. of this great battle between good and evil. Satan at present is the god of this world as he won the battle with Adam and the time has been set that his evil rule will end.

I submit to you that all the answers to your questionings are in that old book called the Bible, I suggest the KJV as I've found it comes from the best manuscripts. It is written on a fifth grade level and don't need deluded men to tell you what it means, as He says what He means and means what He says.

He is pleading "come unto Me" - Mt 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Wang Tang

Because God cares. Why spend your time and effort into something that you will later not care about?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Wang Tang

Oops double post

edit on 15-11-2010 by spinechilling because: Double post

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by spinechilling

Why does God care?

Because God cares.

... Really?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Wang Tang
reply to post by spinechilling

Why does God care?

Because God cares.

... Really?

Let me elaborate. Human beings are God's image here on Earth (Genesis 1:26). Since we are God's image, we as persons are finite reflections of God Himself. Not physically, of course, since God has no body; but we are His representatives on this planet and have been given stewardship of it. That entails that like God we are persons, self-conscious moral agents, and therefore set apart from all the rest of the physical order. As persons we have not merely extrinsic value but intrinsic value .What that means, is that one single human being is worth more than the entire material universe put together.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:14 PM
Because God is love and he would like to prove it to you by making his presence known to you.

For thousands of years, God has been making his love and presence known through progressive revelation. You have never tasted true love until you experience the love of God. There are many types or levels of love. There is love of a friend, love of a pet, love of a parent, a spouse, a child. The love of God is in a league of its own.

But God is Spirit and many just cannot accept this because it can't be seen with the physical eyes. But the promise is, that he will come to you, bringing the individual into the promised covenant of love. This personal covenant is only a foretaste of that which is to come yet it seals the person into the true body of Christ. And when a person is sealed, they are known. The goal then is to be one of the few, that Jesus says "Yep. I know this one for sure. They did exactly what was asked of them. They got baptized and then they repented. I made the covenant known to them and now I'm acknowledging them before you and your angels Father."

I could go on and on answering your questions but I really think God wants you to ask much harder questions.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
Because God is love and he would like to prove it to you by making his presence known to you.

For thousands of years, God has been making his love and presence known through progressive revelation. You have never tasted true love until you experience the love of God. There are many types or levels of love. There is love of a friend, love of a pet, love of a parent, a spouse, a child. The love of God is in a league of its own.

You speak of God like you know for sure what he is and what he wants. This is your first problem. How can you say "he would like to prove it to you by making his presence known to you" when you can't know what he wants? It seems to me like you are either spitting back religious bs back at me or you just decided on your own THIS is what God is.

Answer this, why would God want to love us? Because he wants us to love him back? But what is our love to him? It's not like he can't go on existing without our love because if God is in fact love, he is love and certainly wouldn't need any of ours.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Wang Tang
God is the creator and ruler of the universe, what could God possibly want from me that is of any value whatsoever?

He wants your life because Life is of value.

Why should I pray for God's care when everything that will happen to me has already been planned out according to God's master plan?

Because praying for God's care proves you want his will to happen too.

Why should God care if I go to church or not when most people in this world don't even have access to the IDEA of church?

A church has only to consist of two or three. Everyone needs a friend.

Why should God care about MY relationship struggles if every person in the human race goes through a similar struggle sometime in life?

Because a good Father cares about his children.

Why does God have any reason to worry about what an individual human being thinks when he is the master of the universe? After all, isn't the survival of the universe more important than the life of one human being.

God doesn't worry about it.

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