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OPERATION DARK HEART (Photos of Redacted Pages)

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:28 AM
S&F for you

Trust should be two ways, our government expects us to trust them, but doesn't trust us.

edit on 14-11-2010 by XxRagingxPandaxX because: took out a frowny face

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Poor Col. Shaffer, it's a shame how the DOD and Pentagon have treated him.
I salute him for standing up for the truth.
The 9/11 commission totally ignored him.
Shaffer is a True Patriot.

There are many more just like him

That gives me hope.

I heard him on a radio interview. He's quite happy with the fact that they've ordered more printings of the book. It's on it's 3rd printing i believe, maybe 4th by now. He wasn't trying to expose anything or be a whistleblower. He wrote a book about his experiences and the government redacted some of it after he'd gone throught the approval process.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 01:43 PM
I have unredacted copy...... well 8 pages.....

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by bg_socalif

I heard him on a radio interview. He's quite happy with the fact that they've ordered more printings of the book. It's on it's 3rd printing i believe, maybe 4th by now. He wasn't trying to expose anything or be a whistleblower. He wrote a book about his experiences and the government redacted some of it after he'd gone throught the approval process.

I disagree. He worked with Curt Weldon to have Congressional hearings on the subject. He also repeatedly notified the 9/11 Commission of his knowledge about Al Qaeda but was ignored.
He lost his security clearance and has been fraudulently charged of wrongdoing for going forward with trying to expose the truth. He has placed himself in a very dangerous spot due to his integrity and determination that the info he gathered sees the light of day.
Don't be surprised should (God forbid) some accident befall him.
His knowledge could possibly be enough to indict many of the Bush administration for war crimes.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 05:55 PM
So you can actually buy this book with all that stuff blacked out?

That's pretty amazing in my eyes. Censorship of the highest order. State sanctioned reading, I thought it only occured in oppressed countries?

Utterly ridiculous.

I hope a full copy of this becomes available. I would purchase the book if I knew that the monies were going to the author for sure or to a decent charity to help those affected by this war.

Whats been redacted is utterly ridiculous.

SIGINT is redacted in the glossary. WTF is the need for that? Why the need to redact the fact that NZ troops were providing intel and support? Or edit NZ to foreign? WTF does knowing New Zealand troops were in Afghanistan have to do with US national security? Or any of the other stuff that is blacked out if you follow this link that was posted a bit earlier...

Completely shameful.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
So you can actually buy this book with all that stuff blacked out?

That's pretty amazing in my eyes. Censorship of the highest order. State sanctioned reading, I thought it only occured in oppressed countries?

I agree, this will backfire on them because now they can get a book out from their local library and it is censored by the government. They would have done better if they could have removed the book from circulation altogether, but apparently they could not do that.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Seems to me that what they've really done is handed us proof positive that when it comes to the 9/11 attacks, the American government has something to hide.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:23 PM

In 2000, while targeting al Qaeda, our Able Danger task force had discoverred two of the three cells that later conducted the 9/11 attacks. Including Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker.

I figured someone had already clued in the 9/11 Commission since I was not the only one who knew. By my count, ten folks in all of DoD had that information. We--actually, the army--had found evidence of al Qaeda cells operating in the U.S. in 1999 through its data mining program. Within DoD, there was knowledge of al Qaeda operating for the better part of two years before September 11, 2001.

I thought this quote was powerful, from Chapter 14, "Able Danger" page 165. This sure blows a huge hole in the cover up of "no prior knowledge."

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Maybe it states how security was breached on multiple fronts,giving facts on how to do so again to future terrorists?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by yzzyUK
I have unredacted copy...... well 8 pages.....

After reading these unredacted pages I came up with a theory:

Since any reference to NSA is being blocked out, it means the powers want to conceal the NSA's involvement. Also, there is only one reference to the CIA's secret prison. I'm thinking that maybe the NSA is more powerful than most people think, and may even be acting as the new CIA.

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