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Not president, but elite controls the U.S.

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:02 AM

Not president, but elite controls the U.S.

Not president, but elite controls the U.S. '
George W. Bush.

LONDON - The American investigative journalist Russ Baker, among others published in The New York Times and the German magazine Der Spiegel, wrote a book about the Bush family. Here are five questions about whether Baker's book Family Secrets, following the publication of the memoirs of former President George W. Bush, Tuesday, entitled Decision Points.
Why did you write a book about the Bush family?

"I wanted to figure out what the motives of the Bush family, which has been so controversial and devastating for the public
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:02 AM
Waking up fast we are.

Even my mom talks about this now, and i dont talk to her about this. Dont want her to worry about this.................................................................................................................................................. ........
Dont have much more comments to make, then just put out the focus that we are all waking up fast.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 9-11-2010 by MrOrange82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:10 AM
Even putin came out and said a commitee ran usa.

No way on earth does the public figurehead get to tell the country how to govern, although the president may have the power to kill an individual if he wants, or what ever.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:12 AM
The President of the USA is nothing but a modern whipping boy.
Does this really astound anyone?
It shouldn't.

Thanks for posting the obvious. (No that is not a back handed compliment)...


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by MrOrange82

In that sense US is a dictatorship.

The supposed presidents are simply a way to hide the real perpetrators, that way they won't be held accountable for their crimes. Perfect system, I'm still wondering who was/is the inventor of such a wonderful system.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:57 AM
This post states nothing new . Anybody with an ounce of sense knows that the giant corperates and the central banks have been running the most powerful countries on the planet, for decades .

edit on 9-11-2010 by gandalphthegrey because: Punctuation edit

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by MrOrange82

Dont have much more comments to make, then just put out the focus that we are all waking up fast.

Lets see how i can put this, lets simply inject topics of interest throughout the nation via the idiot box, radio and internet with some very well placed topics that greed will only fuel and then you simply come to back to were the nations have been since the dawn of individualism.

I need to make money to buy that car.
I need to make money to become a dignified member of society.
I need to make money to attract the girl/boy.
I need to make money to be different.

.....and the list goes on and on. So in actual fact, no matter how many articles and proof with underhanded deals are made public, society will not react to it.

Please do not forget that the very simple and real life society and its process everyone is hoping for is a direct derivative of society itself. So its in actual fact , we/you/me/them/us are a product of society.

Q:So how does one go about fighting himself ?
A: You don't and cant, you can only comprise.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by tristar

Originally posted by MrOrange82

Dont have much more comments to make, then just put out the focus that we are all waking up fast.

Lets see how i can put this, lets simply inject topics of interest throughout the nation via the idiot box, radio and internet with some very well placed topics that greed will only fuel and then you simply come to back to were the nations have been since the dawn of individualism.

I need to make money to buy that car.
I need to make money to become a dignified member of society.
I need to make money to attract the girl/boy.
I need to make money to be different.

.....and the list goes on and on. So in actual fact, no matter how many articles and proof with underhanded deals are made public, society will not react to it.

Please do not forget that the very simple and real life society and its process everyone is hoping for is a direct derivative of society itself. So its in actual fact , we/you/me/them/us are a product of society.

Q:So how does one go about fighting himself ?
A: You don't and cant, you can only comprise.

Circumstances dont matter, only being and living the truth(hart mind)sets you free.
And if everybody lives by the hart, nobody has to compromise or fight himself, because you connect to your hart mind(the Jesus in you)
Reality change will follow if everybody will start living this way, dont worry how it is going to change.

But you refuse to look at this in my way, because you were a different pear of glasses.
I respect that. It is your choice. My vieuw in your choice is, that you choose limitation instead of expanding yourself in to a free being.

Tell me, you do believe that the elites will fall sometimes? At least think another flower power time is just ahead, after some storms in the near future. Or else it looks so hopeless. And it is far from hopeless in my mind

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by oozyism

omega agency?? there are probably more then one agency with the same members...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by MrOrange82
Tell me, you do believe that the elites will fall sometimes? At least think another flower power time is just ahead, after some storms in the near future. Or else it looks so hopeless. And it is far from hopeless in my mind

Elites, lets see, they have been established since the concept of society was evolved, its the foundation of society, it is what has been hand in hand throughout the human civilization. You simply cannot erase the "elite" from human evolution.

In my mind, i rather adapt, learn the process and work under stealth mode as to not attract what i would rather avoid.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:43 AM
I was having a hard time trying to open the link, if anyone else had the same problem. Here is the text of the article.

For people who actually read the articles posted and not just post whatever they feel like about the subject. Even if its off-topic. ( I'll let you fix the grammar mistakes in your mind )

The American investigative journalist Russ Baker, among others published in The New York Times and the German magazine Der Spiegel, wrote a book about the Bush family. Here are five questions about whether Baker's book Family Secrets, following the publication of the memoirs of former President George W. Bush, Tuesday, entitled Decision Points.

Why did you write a book about the Bush family?

"I wanted to figure out what the motives of the Bush family, which has been so controversial and devastating for the public interest. In addition I found thousands of new facts, which shows that the president not only a powerful elite controls the United States. The Bush family is part of this network with bankers, intelligence agencies, oil companies and military leaders. This elite created presidencies. And still is.''

You name an example?

"The elite junior wanted Bush as president, so he was like a doll in a decor. He was purchased at a ranch cowboy put down as a believer. So he had a "real American" are definitely going to win the Democratic candidates Al Gore and John Kerry later. Meanwhile, the ranch has been extensively sold just another Bush lived in Dallas, as for his presidency.''

George W. Bush says in his book that he still stands behind his decision to invade Iraq in 2003 because of the presence of weapons of mass destruction, which turned out not to be. How do you see this?

"The real reasons have to do with power and money, both public interest and private interest. Thus, Bush even let slip that a private presidency suggests only that a successful war! Furthermore, both Iraq and Afghanistan, many minerals. The same applies to the Netherlands, which used to have colonies that now empty and took over the business. So does power.''

Why reported major news organizations like CNN do not?

Beat the mainstream media here daily news and are without depth research into the big picture. It is so that everything we know is a conventional story until someone new conventional materials is making the story changes. I am a forensic investigation allegedly started and little by little digging and research. This is common in archeology and science, so why not in history and journalism.''

Incline your book, not a conspiracy theory?

This term is used by people who do not want certain information and explanations up again, despite the facts.'

I think the main topic of this discussion should be about other news medias finally reporting about this agenda.

reply to post by andy1033

Do you think you could post the link to the article about Putin or message me it.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Just to set things straight, the President does not "control" the nation. No more than the tip of the pencil "controls" the hand that is writing upon the pages of history. The President is a symptom of a disease that is consuming the populace, okay? The true power in the country is not possessed by individuals or groups but by the MASSES.

That's why we need to pull our heads out and purge the U.S. Congress of the socialist liars and cowards and terrorists who are defiling our great halls of government and education and who are undermining an experiment that can still work — an experiment called

The American Way

— Zesko Whirligan

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by tristar

Originally posted by MrOrange82
Tell me, you do believe that the elites will fall sometimes? At least think another flower power time is just ahead, after some storms in the near future. Or else it looks so hopeless. And it is far from hopeless in my mind

Elites, lets see, they have been established since the concept of society was evolved, its the foundation of society, it is what has been hand in hand throughout the human civilization. You simply cannot erase the "elite" from human evolution.

In my mind, i rather adapt, learn the process and work under stealth mode as to not attract what i would rather avoid.

I still see prison life in it.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Even putin came out and said a commitee ran usa.

No way on earth does the public figurehead get to tell the country how to govern, although the president may have the power to kill an individual if he wants, or what ever.

Duh.... It was designed like this so we don't have a king...

Thank God!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:20 AM
The "Elite" — the bourgeoisie, if you will — serve a vital role in the state. More than merely signing your paychecks and keeping the economy afloat and carrying a disproportionately immense tax burden, the "Elite" serve as ROLE MODELS for the masses. It's what the burgeoning working class — the proletariat, tout de suite — aspire to become.

The "Elite" are the dangling carrots which you unwashed livestock pursue in your daily menial routines. You want to become the "Elite," you want to replace the "Elite"; therefore, you "work your ass off" toward that objective, right. That's the capitalist idea, anyway.

Without the "Elite," the working masses become uninspired, unmotivated drones. Farm animals. Welcome to Obama's America, unless we can derail this socialist nightmare.

— Zesko Whirligan

edit on 11/9/2010 by Zesko Whirligan because: Typo

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Zesko Whirligan

It really doesn't matter what the gov does from a fiscal standpoint.... Im always going to live the way i want....

God Bless the USA!!!!!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Zesko Whirligan

Originally posted by Zesko Whirligan
The "Elite" — the bourgeoisie, if you will — serve a vital role in the state. More than merely signing your paychecks and keeping the economy afloat and carrying a disproportionately immense tax burden, the "Elite" serve as ROLE MODELS for the masses. It's what the burgeoning working class — the proletariat, tout de suite — aspire to become.

The "Elite" are the dangling carrots which you unwashed livestock pursue in your daily menial routines. You want to become the "Elite," you want to replace the "Elite"; therefore, you "work your ass off" toward that objective, right. That's the capitalist idea, anyway.

Without the "Elite," the working masses become uninspired, unmotivated drones. Farm animals. Welcome to Obama's America, unless we can derail this socialist nightmare.

— Zesko Whirligan

The scary thing is, you probably believe every bit of the claptrap that you've written in this thread. Of course, there are millions just like you and that is why the elite have been able to rob us (yes, I too am an American) of the American Dream. The middle class is dying out as we're typing because the elite see us as nothing more than capital for the creation of their wealth and once we're no longer needed or too numerous, they discard us like yesterday's stale coffee.

It's a testimony to their propaganda system that you and so many of your ilk, sing the elite's praises even while they're forcing you from your homes, forcing you to live off charity or meagre government handouts while employing slave-wage labour in far off countries. Your "unwashed livestock" comment is possibly more significant than you'd give it credit for.

Personally, I have no interest in becoming one of the elite who are responsible for atrocities worldwide all in the name of profit e.g. wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, WW2, WW1,etc), genocide/displacement/enslavement/impoverishment of Indigenous peoples (American Indians, tribes of the Brazilian rainforest, Diego Garcia, Haiti, Mexicans just to name a few), dead people/environment due to industrial poisoning (Gulf Oil Leak, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, again just to name a few). Besides these headline atrocities, there's the day to day milking of human misery propped up by organisations that purport to protect consumer interests but are actually staffed by industry insiders turning a blind eye to industry scams e.g. FDA, Federal Reserve, FINRA, etc.

And not to pick on Bill Gates specifically but I wouldn't want to be worth $50 billion knowing that people around the world are dying by the tens of thousands every day because they cannot afford to buy food and clean water much less pay for medical care. There's only so much wealth in the world and the more of it that is hoarded by the Gates, Bush's, Clinton's, Rockefeller's, etc, the more people there'll be in the world who have nothing and no chance of acquiring anything.

If you hang around ATS long enough, the reality of the world will probably start to rub off on you and one day you may actually read your post here and laugh at your own naivety.

Good luck!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Zesko Whirligan

Without the "Elite," the working masses become uninspired, unmotivated drones. Farm animals. Welcome to Obama's America, unless we can derail this socialist nightmare.

— Zesko Whirligan

I have not read such drivel, pure nonsense and delusional shameless fantasies since the days when the infamous Doc Velocity roamed around these threads and forums!

But this is sadly the propaganda the American working masses has been brainwashed with in corporate media, TV and even in school textbooks from the American corporatists and oligarchs since the early 1930's

Same brainwashing and oppression of the working masses never worked in Europe though!

In Europe the workers were more intelligent and easily saw right through the propaganda & lies spewing from the exploiters of the working classes and they fought constantly for their rights and against the exploitation by their exploiting oppressors and industrial oligarchs since the beginning of the Industrial revolution in dirty working class ghettos of horrible conditions all over Europe.

If you as a working class hero are listening to the corporatist's delusional lies & propaganda about how damn good the "Elite" are from authors similar to Charles Austin Miller, you'll never be free and will never break free from the enslaving chains from the exploiters such as the evil industrial corporate oligarchs, military industrial complex & their vile Lobbyists and corporatists which the authors like C.A. Miller and his friends unfortunately & sadly both defend and represent with their propaganda.

Fortunately, most of these indoctrinated useful idiots who are defending the vile behaviour & modus operandi of the corporate Elite exploiters are as old as dinosaurs, and their old and outdated wicked world view will soon meet the same fate and extinction that finally saw the end of the real dinosaurs reign on the Earth. Thankfully, their outdated arrogance and old-fashioned ways and will simply not have a place in the modern dynamics of a new multilateral order in today's ever-changing world.

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