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Seeking Combat, Battle, and Military Strategy

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:33 PM
Hello my fellow ATS/BTS comrades. I have nothing to offer in this particular thread, and I apologize in advace. I am humbly asking for your help, and I will be extremely gracious.

If you have any viable and helpful resources for Combat, Battle, Guerilla, Urban, Defensive, or Military strategies, please share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, resources, books, links, blogs, or threads.

I ask and seek such information in the case of Situation X. I live in a medium-sized city, and I refuse to sit back and wait for death if it ever comes knocking here in the U.S. In such an event when law is obsolete... when it is no longer safe to walk my streets... when daily survival teeters on a string... I will survive. I will live or die trying.

From the top of my head, I can only think of researching "The Art of War" - Sun Tzu and strategy of Alexander the Great, although I do not know specific resources for Alexander's strategies.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:43 PM
I trust this will get you started.

I have more. Much more.

Oh, I'll add this too just in case:
edit on 8-11-2010 by bozzchem because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

I was going through the Survival forum and came across this and thought it was pretty informative;

as well you can skip and go straight to the website;


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Join the army

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:39 PM
Gun and Run, "KISS"

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:07 AM
If the SHTF the best way to survive will be to avoid conflict.
Never attacking is the surest way of never losing a fight.
Never attack anything you cannot quickly overwhelm and destroy.
Maintain surprise.
Don't create followable patterns.
Before engaging an enemy have a clear line of retreat for yourself.
Use high ground and cover.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:37 AM
If I were in a city I would do the following:
1. Find a place out of the city where food and water is available or stash it where you decide to go.
2. Get out before shtf if you can. If not, then you will have to sneak out. Look older/ feebler. Don't try to look bad ass or dress like military. An overcoat can hide numerous weapons. Be a wino/drunk to help be invisible.

Have old but serviceable clothes that will allow you to blend into poorer parts and at night.
AVOID ALL Conflict. If unable, strike fast and hard while seeking an escape.

In my opinion people in the cities are waiting for martial law and food lines. Prior to that they are prey for the gangs during the first days of disorder.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:57 AM
Thank you bozzchem and superman2012 for that site. Lots of U.S. manuals there... a little overwhelming haha

Thanks for The Art of War link!

I would like to know a little more about guerrilla tactics, defensive strategies, and strategies like flanking and stuff like that. Any suggestions?


Originally posted by 3finjo
Join the army

They wouldn't accept me due to the disqualifying factor of asthma.


reply to post by Asktheanimals

My home has a large fenced yard and sits on a pretty good position in my neighborhood... high ground. I don't want to run around all commando unnecessarily, but I do want/plan to take out those small groups of gangs, criminals, looters and "bad guys" when they decide to come into my territory.


reply to post by awakentired

I come from a social community where hierarchy and respect matters (asian). Not to sound all high and mighty, but I am the oldest son of an oldest son of a nobility that ended in the 1400's. I have an extremely large and close family (immediate and extended) that all live in close proximity, all the "fighting age" family members are men, and with my father getting ever older, he has handed down much family responsibility to me. My family's status in our community has turned my father and subsequently me into respected leaders. I plan to use my status, family, and community to rally a sizeable force. What me and my father says mostly is respected and followed by our family and community unchallenged. Not saying this to sound cool or important, just letting you understand my resources.

I plan to fully fortify my home in the case of Situation X. I plan to stay put and rely on my large fenced yard, barking dogs, and high ground position, to stay ahead of the "bad guys". And if it gets really bad, I have a huge family and community to draw fighters from.

With this said, any suggestions to help my plan? I don't want to run because my large family. But in the event of Martial Law... what other choice do I have other than running and hiding lol. So my plans here are for everything besides martial law.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:04 AM
In the thread House as Fortress I gave out a few of my ideas to transform my home into a defensive fortress. Any critiques?

Originally posted by Sahabi
Put broken glass pieces, light bulbs, and aluminum cans on the outside of your perimeter. This way any unwanted visitors will create enough noise for you or your dogs to hear.

How high is your fence, and what type? I would recommend barbed or razor wire on the top of your fence. If your fence is higher than 4 ft. put sharpened bamboo spikes underneath and well placed sharpened pieces of metal. If someone jumps over your fence, they'll face a pretty good injury.

Make your yard impassable for a car. Dig trenches, place as many large, heavy metal "things" in the yard as you can. Dig a few tire size trenches and fill with metal shards to puncture car tires, or cause injury to a person on foot. Place signs on your fence and yard claiming that you will shoot to kill all trespassers. Put the signs up even if you have no guns.

On your doors, drive very long nails or screws through the inside of the door with the points facing outside the door. Start from the very bottom and continue about 5ft. up. This way people will be less like kick open your door or ram it open with their shoulder. If they do they'll get injured
Next, board up the inside of the doors and barricade them with everything you can.

For the windows, board them up. Dig a deep trench underneath each window and fill with all sorts of jagged metals and spikes. Hide the pit with leaves, thin twigs, branches, and foliage. Create the best scenario for injury that you can!

If you have basement windows, board them from the inside and cover them on the ousted with dirt and rocks.

Place bricks, metal shards, etc. near the upstairs windows. While the people are fooling around with the nailed door and window trenches, you can start to throw all the projectiles at them.

Also, near each upstairs window, put escape ladders or knotted rope for an emergency getaway.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

My sympathies. Responsibility is a burden in an emergency situation. Beware even the "local gangs" in your community when Civic order breaks down and food supplies are no longer being transported. They will most likely try and become the "warlord" of the area and secure food / supplies for his troops.

I would advise , as earlier, keep a low profile. One of adhering to the PTB. IF you have a central storrage of food and water, protect it with silent weapons. Blow gun with tranquilizer or poison tipped darts is the easiest to learn and quickly become proficient. Move bodies to a distant area or dispose completely.

You don't want anyone to notice defensive activity.

I'm sure your community has herbs that can do the trick. Bamboo is excellent material for construction.

I guess I can sum it up and say be stealthy. A direct confrontation with armed and trained troops is courting disaster. If you kill a squad. A platoon will be sent next. If you manage the platoon then two will be sent with air support...your done at this point.

These comments are based on martial law scenario. I don't see how you can avoid that in your circumstances.
Like many Asian communities in history. Lay low and wait out the storm.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

nice fortress.
My only comment is there is no way out. A few molotov cocktails and the place is on fire and you with it.

Even my root cellar has a back door. Just in case.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

Not to long ago I posted a copy of an Ebook called kill or get killed

Colonel Rex Applegate (June 21, 1914 – July 14, 1998) worked in the Office of Strategic Services where he trained allied special forces in close-quarter combat during World War II. In 1943 he wrote Kill or Get Killed, still considered the classic textbook of Western-style hand-to-hand combat. The updated 1976 edition of Kill or Get Killed was published by the US Marine Corps as Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication 12-8

the book is a bit dated but it is a good start and will give you and edge over those with no training

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

Good suggestions although if it is obvious that someone has fortified others might wonder why. Is there something of value inside? make your house and property as inconspicuous as possible. If it looks like there is nothing of value others may well leave you alone.

Look at your house as if you were the one seeking to attack it. Find the weak spots and exploit them to your advantage. The terrain and layout will dictate natural lines of attack that 99% of everyone who is non-miltary will seek to use. Make sure you can train fire on these approaches or set traps along them.

Prepare heavy plywood cutouts for your windows with shooting ports that you can simply screw into the window frames with a cordless screwdriver when the need arises. While not bulletproof you could add a layer of thin sheet metal to the bottom of the window frame to cover your torso, The thickness being dictated by what you can actually pick up and install into the window.

Would your house be easy to set on fire? I am considering running a hose and sprinkler to my roof that I could turn on from inside the house to douse any fires started on the roof. Have a fire extinguisher.

You will want a possible escape path from your house, preferably with lots of shrubs to hide you.

Planting certain thorny bushes around the base of your house is one way to make people keep their distance without being obvious about it. Hawthorn shrubs have 2' needles on them and grow fast.

You could also set improvised explosives around in places where someone seeking to attack your house would naturally take cover. Using old gas cans, propane tanks etc, that can be set off using incendiary or tracer ammo.

Harden one room or closet within the house that can shelter you from ordinary gunfire making sure you have access to an exit from that place.

Night vision equipment is a must.
A remote camera setup would be great too.
Download FM 5 /31 ; Boobytraps.

One person probably cannot hold a house against a small group of determined attackers, you will need a partner (s)

I forgot to mention I was considering printing up some official looking QUARANTINE/COMMUNICABLE DISEASE signs to post on my property. just might work.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
reply to post by Sahabi

I forgot to mention I was considering printing up some official looking QUARANTINE/COMMUNICABLE DISEASE signs to post on my property. just might work.

Ya know there is an official sign/symbol/flag that means quarantine...
problem is if you put it up your just as likely to get folks knocking just to ask ya what it means???
Yellow Jack

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

P.M. me i was a Ranger in the Army i would be happy to try and anwser your questions

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:41 PM
my defenses are:
1. location. 1 mile off a paved main road. 1 mile, as the crow flies from the nearest highway. Major wash that bisects the valley within 50 yards from my back property line.

2. 4 cameras . 3 stationary light only visable. 1 low light joystick controlled.
3. I live in a trailer..don't try to make it look better than neighbors. Rather I prefer thieves/unwelcomed to target the nicer homes.
4. 2.5 acres .. 1.5 fenced in electrified. NOT people but beasts fencing. Regardless it is alarmed and I know when the fence has been breeched.
5. Root cellar. if offending forces are greater than I and my wife can take out. Also have laptop that has access to security cameras...all with battery backup.
6. worst case ..overun of property ..350 gallon propane tank rigged with mouse trap shotgun shells and ripcord. sitting next to the house. Yes have to pull safety as well as trigger.

7 We sit on our supplies in the root cellar until the area is clear. BTW root cellar is 30% done. I have anxiety over this fact.

I have observation and detection schemes as well as avoidance to the point that all but us will be neutralized if it came down.
Then it is a matter of packing supplies to secondary point of defense. 9 miles away.

OP as I said earlier, you can't hope to defeat an overwhelming force cut and run. Plan on evading capture and strike when necessary until the advantage swings into your favor.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:03 AM
After reading 100's of survival threads. Seems most survivalists are heading
to the woods. The enemy is going to search the woods. Maybe even get close enough
to snipe you, without them being seen.
Maybe one should consider being out in the open. In a fox hole with sod covering. So not
detected by airplanes. Being able to see at-least 5 miles, in all directions. You can depend
on the sounds of the wild life in the area. To warn you about danger heading your way.
We have several options, I am staying at my home. Until, I see bloodshed and chaos in my
small city. The woods are the closest for me, but maybe not the best option.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by awakentired

Thank you awakentired. I'm really glad you made me aware of the fire hazard of a fortress. I will definitely take this into consideration.

Basically, the gangs and "warlord" scenario is the main thing I am preparing for. These are the threats that I will tackle head-on to save my family. As I said, I feel I have enough family, people, and supplies to defend rag-tag gangs and warlords in the area. If not, I'm going to try like hell rather than give up anything or my family to them.

Now martial law... I have no desire or anticipation in fighting this. Under this scenario I will play good citizen, lay low, or run and hide. My preparation and worries are for a full societal and governmental collapse, excluding martial law.

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