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Micheal the MooreOn and the people of the USA

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posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 08:34 AM
He really shouldn't be called a genius of his time... Rather A Twisty, crafty one- sided, way out to lunch deciever of the public minds.

The public minds who aren't objective thinkers that is.

If Moore can easily manipulate the mass public then that is some scary stuff.

I guess we have more Mooreon's in this country then I thought.

I wonder what would happen to the economy and country for that matter, if the right wing and libertarians high tailed it out of here?

Would the mooreon's be disgruntled and fightenend because they couldn't slam and make stuff up about the other sides? Would their self fulfilling prophecies become reality?

Just some food for thought but the liberals want to take back control of this country, yet they have no plan just verbal spam. So what would happen if the right and libertarians left??

Would it be a utopia or a Detroit like nation?

[edit on 29-6-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 08:48 AM
So you don't think that Bush's lies, manipulations, and misinterpretations should be exposed? Is it just because he's a conservative? Is it just because he's a Republican?

Heck, if a DEMOCRATIC, LIBERAL President had attacked Iraq saying there were "weapons of mass destruction" and that it presented an "imminent thread" and we found no WMD and no significant links to terrorists, you'd be screaming for his head.

If a Democratic, Liberal President's idea of "handling a crisis" was to show up, make a few speeches, and then go home, you'd be shrieking for recall.

If a Democratic, Liberal President tried to place restrictions on what kinds of science that scientists could do, you'd be demanding that the country rise up and vote the jerk out of office.

If a Democratic, Liberal President took us from a budget surplus to an unprecedented budget deficit in four years, you'd want to hang his short-and-curlies on the wall as trophies AFTER you kicked him physically out of office.

...but it's okay when a Conservative Republican does it?

Excuse me?

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 08:55 AM
If the libertarians and right-wing left, the economy and the country would collapse. For one thing, an incredible number of political propagandists such as Moore would be put out of business
. More importantly, libertarians and conservatives drive the economy; it is the rich (by liberal standards), hard-working tax payers who support the government, not the poor welfare recepients. I'm sure I don't need to mention which political ideologies those two groups typically fall under.

I can't help but think of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand when you mention this topic. The Hank Reardons and John Galts of our country are the same "stupid white men" Moore loves to criticize. If he had his wish, he and his followers would be wallowing in mud.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 08:57 AM
Disclaimer: I haven't yet seen the movie, but I do still have my opinions.

For me, the problem doesn't lie in the "facts" that Moore exposes in his movies, it's that he does it in such a one sided, deceiving, agenda-driven way. Moore doesn't present his movies in an honest manner, he uses "creative" edits, cuts and pastes, etc to present his opinions and views the way he wants it to be presented. He pretends to be providing the "truth" but in actuality all he's presenting is a bunch of clever edits and soundbytes in such a manner as to get his agenda across.

If a conservative were to come out with the same kind of movie, I'd feel the same way. If anyone comes out with a "documentary" that presents its contents as fact and the truth, but uses shady editing techniques to present things not as they are, I'll be pissed about that.

I plan on seeing the movie, if only to be able to better argue my stance on the issue.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by PurdueNuc
If the libertarians and right-wing left, the economy and the country would collapse.

Beg to differ, here... I work in the tech sector, and most of us are liberal Democrats. Same with the scientists. I don't think we're as helpless and underfunded as you seem to think we are.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by PurdueNuc
If the libertarians and right-wing left, the economy and the country would collapse.

Beg to differ, here... I work in the tech sector, and most of us are liberal Democrats. Same with the scientists. I don't think we're as helpless and underfunded as you seem to think we are.

Ok, so then the scientists and tech sector would be holding the American economy on their shoulders...

Let's just say that Democrats would quickly realise that they would be the supporters of the economy and welfare sector... Which is half of the American people these days, i'll give you the link if you want.

Democrats would be against democrats because you guys wouldn't want to fund em.. So you wouldn't have the republicans and libertarians to bitch at.

Who's left to complain about after their gone? Welfare people maybe? I garantee you you'd get sick of their bs pretty quick and start telling them to get off their ass like cons and liberts do instead of molly codle ...

just imagine the country is only democrats....

I'm sure even then you guys would find something to bitch about but I think it would be within your own parties politics this time...

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:49 AM
I have read the above posts with great laughter. The conservatives seem to think the country would fall apart if they left leaving only the left.

However, I seem to think that if the liberals left the place would fall apart. Each conservative in their "survival of the fittest" mode would be constantly trying to get at what was left of each others money. There would not be much left for no one would be doing the work required to make any.

I hate to tell the cons but liberals work in every section of society everyday.

Half the country on welfare? I guess if one considers the seniors that have worked hard to draw social security, etc this might be a relative percentage.

TrueLIes must learn to read the lines or between them.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Let's just say that Democrats would quickly realise that they would be the supporters of the economy and welfare sector... Which is half of the American people these days, i'll give you the link if you want.

Half the US population on welfare? Sounds interesting. Could you provide that link please?

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:11 PM
moore uses deceptive editing technics to make people be seen as he wants them to be seen, this was donr in "bowling for columbine"


charlton heston came to denver a few weeks after the tragedy despite pleas form littleton residence for an NRA assembly. he is shown holding a rifel and saying"from my cold dead hands." but thats not what happened. heston did come to denver, but the footage were he says the above line with said rifel is from a rally in north carolina. it never said that in the movie. see? michale moore is a deceptive liberal. even in fahrenheit there are reports of decptive editing, also the omission of some facts that radical liberals, like moore, dont think that you should know, facts that help the bush admin.

bottom line, michale moore is a propagandaist. nothing more. he has a sick twisted liberal, anti gun, and anti truth agenda to line his pockets with money. he uses contaversey to make money.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:48 PM
ivan i've been saying that for awhile.

and i've also been saying he isnt any different from any political pundit out there.

he uses things that reenforce his view or ideology and dismisses the rest no different than rush limbaugh IMO. (i use him as his polar opposite as they both use different forms of media to push their own ideology)

yet those who support him, much like the hardcore rush supporters, do so without question or a thought in their heads. and when you question him or his motives they lash out like attack dogs.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
moore uses deceptive editing technics to make people be seen as he wants them to be seen, this was donr in "bowling for columbine"


charlton heston came to denver a few weeks after the tragedy despite pleas form littleton residence for an NRA assembly. he is shown holding a rifel and saying"from my cold dead hands." but thats not what happened. heston did come to denver, but the footage were he says the above line with said rifel is from a rally in north carolina.

(Here's your attack dog Prank
But I can't stand this rampant Internet lie about Heston not going to Denver.)

Read your own propaganda Ivan. From the BowlingForTruth Whiner Page

They defend Heston GOING to Denver right after the massacre thusly:

(sorry I had to printscreen, but it's one of those disreputable sites that won't let you copy/quote...hmmmmm?)

So if he didn't go? Why the smarmy little essays all over the web defending him going? Read that link. The whole nontrovesy is over him using footage from a year later to show what Heston does at EVERY SINGLE NRA MEETING HE'S EVER ATTENDED. Not to fool anyone. But Moore wasn't even making Bowling 10 weeks after Columbine was he? He didn't film the Denver rally did he? He interviewed Heston later asking WHY he went, and showed a clip of what he does AT all those rallies.

And if this happened to be the ONE TIME Heston didn't do his NRA trademark, why can't you show me ONE SIGHT claiming he didn't do it in Denver? Read the link I just gave you. They don't say Heston didn't say it. Just Moore showed him saying it somewhere else.

Oh how misleading. Big babies.

Now you really want to get mad and see how Moore "misrepresents" poor misunderstood Heston?

Charleton Heston's COLD DEAD HANDS Election Day Gun Giveway Right, he never says that.

And don't forget...

Guns don't kill people, NRA members kill people.

Read How you can help Mike Moore save the NRA

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:00 AM
Heres an idea:

Both the fascist right and the commie left leave the country. Commicrats and Republiklansmen, leave. Get out.

Both sides existing here are making the ciuntry go downhill. If one or the other left and the other stayed, the country would choke.

If both left, what would remain behind?

People with common sense. Common sense and a realistic view of what it takes to live in and run a country.

Cuz niether side is with the program. lefties think the answer is in social engineering programs, and creating racial divides by "catering to minorities". The righties think the answer is in praying to God, helping out the rich and making everything cheaper by sending jobs overseas.

Both sides are useless, dangers to America.

Both need to leave.

So take your Michael Moores, your Rush Limbaugh's, Bill O Reilys, Al Frankens, and get the hell out. Go to canada,Afghanistan, France, wherever. As long as it aint here.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies
He really shouldn't be called a genius of his time... Rather A Twisty, crafty one- sided, way out to lunch deciever of the public minds.

The right has Limbaugh. The left has Moore.

Limbaugh's audience is shrinking. Moore's is expanding.

With good reason. It's about time.

I used to listen to Limbaugh in the early 90's, back when he made sense. I realized, tho, in the run-up to the '96 presidential election that he had completely sold out. He's nothing but a tool; a purveyor of BU# propaganda.

I feel sorry for anyone who buys his BS.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Limbaugh's audience is shrinking. Moore's is expanding.

Hate to tell you, but you are, as usual, wrong. Limbaugh's audience has increased, a full 12% over last year alone. Do a google search, it's easy to find the numbers., and they don't lie.

I may not always agree with him or his methods, but he does host the most popular and most listened to talk radio show ever. At least he speaks live about the issues, instead of relying on deceptive editing to twist things around 180 some others we all know....

[edit on 30-6-2004 by Affirmative Reaction]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Just this quick thought, then I gotta go.

I understand people will beat themselves over the head to try to get their point across and most time it doesn't, and it won't.

The people are are left and center here, seem to get the notion that the right thinks that praying to god will solve everything, also the brainswashed idea was put out there hate the right even more... IE/ Telling people the rich are evil and their getting tax cuts.... How rude is that!!

The job overseas thing does piss me off but I understand why.

So thats all you guys have to say about the right?

How about instead of being stubborn and hiding behind your ideologies you learn to educate yourself more instead of believing all the left has to say.
Same goes for the right.

I listen to Rush sometimes, he's a cool guy, sometimes he goes to far and I know it, i'm not going to believe all the things he says, but he's sensible.
Just like Bill, I only like him because he's different from all the journalists on tv, he doesn't butt kiss and ass slap like Couric, Larry King, Norville...
I like his journalism style, sometimes he doesn't say enough and thats his problem.

But anyway back on topic...

I'd have more respect for Moore if he did talk about those Israeli Mossad men that got arrested, i'd have more respect for him if he talked about real issues that are being left out of mainstream media. Alot of what he said had already been covered.. What about the questions left unanswered.. Still...

Editing is one thing, but it's another to do it in a crafty way that creates an illusion for the American people that just isn't right. Like Gore said " he played on your fears" that exactly what Morre did... Not to mention your emotions.

One thing I did notice is that the left does let their emotion get in the way of their logic, maybe thats why they are so messed up. I don't know.
I don't know everything, I don't claim too, these are my observations, take em at face vaule for all I care.

But I really think that if the left were the only ones left in this country it would turn into another Jimmy Carter era.

Anyone hear Hillary Clinton last night???

" What we're going to do , is take back those tax cuts that bush gave you and we are going to take them for the common good"

That's socialism my friends!!! Mixed in with a bit of good old communism..

Taking whats yours and doing away with it what she thinks is right...

------------------------I hope to God there is enough people in this country with brains so that she will never get that chance.---------------

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Limbaugh's audience is shrinking. Moore's is expanding.

It's true, at least in NYC, where I listen, Franklin is whooping Limbaugh in the ratings.

" What we're going to do , is take back those tax cuts that bush gave you and we are going to take them for the common good"

Those tax cuts could of been used to pay for the war in Iraq (like Kerry wanted) or put more cops or fire fighters on the streets (that's why the cops and firefighter unions are supporting Kerry). How can any sane person cut taxes during wartime? Oh yeah, someone who loves being in debt. Bush.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by curme

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Limbaugh's audience is shrinking. Moore's is expanding.

It's true, at least in NYC, where I listen, Franklin is whooping Limbaugh in the ratings.

Please show me some numbers, and I wouldn't recommend you get them from the new york times, even if it's not so they'll make it so that it is, and again, decieve the public eye. Liberals pushing liberals that's all it is..

" What we're going to do , is take back those tax cuts that bush gave you and we are going to take them for the common good"

Those tax cuts could of been used to pay for the war in Iraq (like Kerry wanted) or put more cops or fire fighters on the streets (that's why the cops and firefighter unions are supporting Kerry). How can any sane person cut taxes during wartime? Oh yeah, someone who loves being in debt. Bush.

Why do we need more cops on the streets, isn't it bad enough we get stopped for petty little things these days, more cops added "on the street" would just piss people off here....People can police themselves, I think they got enough cops to cover the dumbasses out there. And it's not true about firefighters supporting Kerry, see some fireman are liberal and support em, i'll give you that, but they have a problem with including everyone else on the squad to make Kerry think he's got "all of them" behind him. Which isn't so... It's more of liberal mischievous merrymaking. There was a fire department in Michigan that got pissed off because some little worm did exactly which I just mentioned...
And Curme, your falling into it... I guess if the media says it and some dumbass says it , it must be true .... It's not, and I hope one day soon some of you smart guys out there will STOP falling into the same trap.

[edit on 30-6-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 03:16 PM
that Bush wants to make permanent are actually in limbo due to the moderate Republicans in the Senate refusing to go along with the present budget as written. They have joined the Dems in trying to reign in SPENDING. Is the shoe on the other foot?

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