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Why The Secrecy?

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:25 PM
Not sure if this has been discussed before on ats, and if it has, i apologize. My question is: If the government does have knowledge of extra terrestrial life why do they keep it secret? I just want to know other peoples opinions on this.

I beleive ( believing is not reality but a personal choice to blindly come to a conclusion about an answer i do not have lol) throughout earths history human beings have been in control of other human beings (Monarchy etc) Though we have advanced in so many ways technologically we really haven't advanced logically. There are still murders,greed etc and we our kinder selves have remained basically the same. I feel that if human beings really knew that life on other planets existed our minds would change drastically. Kinda like unlocking the other 90%. Actually if you think about it we are a planet in the middle of an infinate universe yet we dont teach our children this. Space is given hardly any attention at all yet it is one of the most important questions of our exisitance. We are affected by space all the time. Why aren't we expanding our minds, fusing our psyche with the cosmos. I feel we are controled by a group of individuals that don't want us to ask questions. With the exception of people here on ats how often do we look at the stars. Are attention is constantly being redirected to unimportant BS.

What im trying to say is : if they do in fact exisit and the powers know that they exist i think they are keeping it from us not becasue we would go crazy and loose control but because they would loose control. they would loose control of us. If i 100% for usre knew they existedi would be a completely different person. My brain would change. It would be forced to change.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by FoxBenBen

Ever hear of "WAR OF THE WORLDS?" By Mr. Wells? An early 1900 radio spoof that made the public freak out, even commit suicide? The General population is not ready and could not handle the truth.
We as a whole are not ready for disclosure. Will we ever be?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by DisturbedToo

I think it was the nature f the broadcast that cuased the panic not the fact that it was aliens. i think if the subject or evidence was provided at the right time and in the right environment the results could very. I beleive it could go either way. I was reading scientifc american mind the other day and they did a study about how human beings actually tend to work together at times of disaster. but an earthquake is alot different than an alien invasion

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by FoxBenBen
Not sure if this has been discussed before on ats, and if it has, i apologize. My question is: If the government does have knowledge of extra terrestrial life why do they keep it secret? I just want to know other peoples opinions on this.

What would you think if they says "hey, we don't have knowledge of extraterrestrial life, there is not secret"?

Let me guess, you would think they are lying and that there is a big cover.

What if they say "hey, we have knowledge".

Well, you may say "hey, is cool" or "noo, they are lying and all is a plan for the NWO".

So, in the end it doesnt matter if they had o not, must people who believes are going to believe they are lying and invent some new conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by MonteroReal

Please dont classify me as a conspiracy theorist i am not.....i am well aware of the psychology of conspiracy theorsits and i am not one o those..also the question has only been psoed because there is substancial evidnece of aliens activity from military sources ..this isnt a fantasy question

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:10 PM
Oh, Lord.

Why do ya suppose the government would keep it secret????

Here are the first 100 reasons in free-style thought:

New World Order. Financial systems. Oil. Power. Corrupt government. Fear. Balance.. Ignorance. Bliss. Depression. God syndrome. Technology secrets. Hate. Mania, Militia. Constitution. World balance. World power. Money. Stocks. Bonds. Markets. People. Groups. Individuals. Families. Lying. Subversive Means. Paranoia. Fright. CIA. FBI. Secret Service. Nuclear Plants. Power Plants. Submission. Terror. Fright. Religion. Spirituality. Right wing. Left Wing. Moderates. Dems GOP. Cover-ups. Conspiracies. Pope. Future. Past. Present. Space Wars. Star Wars. Bible. Karan. Jesus. Budha. History. Ancients. Preservation. Status Quo. Protectionism. Dominance. World address. Truth. Space. Time, Continuim. Meaning. World-view. Nothingness. Perspective. Church. Temple. Mosque. Curency. Money. Banks, Time. Conception. Secrets. Life. Death. Heaven. Hell. Happiness. Joy.

Need I go on?

We're not ready my friend.

We're just not ready.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:12 PM
The most simple answer as to why they continue to lie about this subject is:

GREED and control over the status quo.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by FoxBenBen
Not sure if this has been discussed before on ats, and if it has, i apologize. My question is: If the government does have knowledge of extra terrestrial life why do they keep it secret? I just want to know other peoples opinions on this.

You can't really ask a question and then give an answer that is also a question. Especially about a subject for which there is no evidence. I'm of the opinion that no government on earth has any knowledge related to what are termed extra-terrestrial. There is no evidence for extra-terrestrials.

So as far as secrets, I think that the only secrets governments have is about the people they "rule" and their enemies.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Honestly, I see three common orders of thought on the issue of nondisclosure. I'll state them then contradict each in turn.

1. People are violent. Because of that, we react with RATIONAL fear (I hate it when people say IRRATIONAL FEAR... all fear is rational, ESPECIALLY the fear of the unknown. It's a survival mechanism, a coping mechanism, and a mechanism to inspire lateral thinking, creative thought, and a will to use the results of both.) to that which we don't understand. It's rational because we don't know what we're looking at, don't know what's going to happen, but we're prepared to kill it, dice it, study it, and create anti-it weapons at the drop of a pin, unless we are shown that the thing we're afraid of is harmless. Until we know it's harmless, the only logical reaction we should have is caution... which is a result of fear. The key word is harmless. Trees are not harmless. One could fall on you at any moment. Rocks are not harmless. One could trip you into a ravine, fall randomly from above, explode from the heat to slice you up, etc... But we understand these things because we've studied them. Because of caution and a need to study them. We then figured out how to turn them both into weapons and that is how prehistoric man conquered the Earth.
Fear. People don't think we're ready to meet aliens because we'll react badly due to fear. Probably. But if we have a technologically superior race zipping about over our heads with the ability to abduct us at will, keep their ships invisible to the majority of the population, achieve unattainable feats of speed and aerodynamics and cause every person to ever see one who had a camera ready to shake uncontrollably, then we probably have a damn good reason to act the way they are afraid we will. But with their tech and advancement, wouldn't the realize the base levels of humanity are hardwired into us? Help us overcome them? Show us they are harmless? Probably. If they wanted to be friends. Irrational fear? What a crock. That's reason 1.

2. 'They' don't want to interfere with our development as a species. Ahaha. The Prime Directive at work again. Insanity. How often does a brother or sister look to their younger sibling and allow them to injure themselves repeatedly because they don't want to influence their development? Would you EVER look at a friend who is holding a gun to their own head and not try to help? Probably not. I can understand if a wise old man let you make your own mistakes so you could learn from the experience. I can't understand a wise old man letting you cripple or kill yourself when a few well placed words of advice would have solved the issue, helped the development, and eventually gained you a trusted and respected ally.

3. Technology. Nuke went off in '45. That's when the UFO sightings started REALLY coming in. Roswell in '47, and viola, massive leaps in technology from that day to this one, and still going. Took us 1,947 years from when Christ was alive to come up with a Transistor and a Pocket Calculator... Yet 63 years from THAT point we have a worldwide network of information and communication, the ability to hammer streams of protons into one another and possibly end all of creation (When asked what was going to happen when the LHC succeeded at a 'Full-Fire', multiple top physicists working on the project each responded with a version of "I don't know.' When asked if creating a Black Hole was a possibility, more than one said that it was possible but unlikely.) We have little robots cruising around on another planet, have sent beacons out in all directions of space, have developed the ability to STOP LIGHT, and pretty much unified all of the laws of physics into one nice little bundle that works for us, but isn't quite complete. You can't tell me we went from a transistor to the Higgs Bosun in three generations. The leaps of the mind required to hit that point are phenomenal. Look at our Tech advancement every time you see UFO's and aliens in the picture. I mean hardcore, let's make a religion, off the scales, everyone knows it, ALIENS in our history and look at the accomplishments of the time. Start with Egypt, work your way through Russia, then China, come back over to Mexico, the US and Canada, and see where that little adventure leaves you. I'm pretty sure the tech is all reverse engineered from an original source, but that technology has been metered out to the masses slowly, preparing us. For what, I wonder...

Look, if there are aliens, then there's lots of good reasons to keep them a secret. But you gotta realize that they could simply show up and be known. If they are bowing to the demands of the world governments, you gotta ask yourself why. Only reason that makes sense to me is that they, like the gov, wish to control us for their own agenda. If they're pulling the strings in the shadows, that means they want us ignorant and docile. Much like livestock. If they're here, they're no friends of ours. Sitting around a gambling table play Kr'Vitchl'dar while betting things with antennae on wether or not we survive OURSELVES, shows that they don't have our interests in mind. If they're so stupid that they can't see our governments mislead us for their own gain, then there's no way they'd have made it to the stars. If they can't see we'd make better allies than a poof of dust in the cosmos, then I haven't got much hope for our relationship.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by MRuss

good post...i like your input

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Arrowmancer

great post ...thank you for the input

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