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The Birth Of The Creator

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Hello, I am One Who Seeks Truth.
I have studied physics casually for about 11 years, I have read several books on metaphysics and spiritualism in general.
I have had my own experiences with precognitive thought tho that will not be the subject of this thread.

One day when pondering what could have happened before the big bang I put together a thought that was years in the making.

The following thought uses as its bases theory and physics that is accepted today by the majority of the scientific community. This is not an attempt to say what IS the truth but only to show you an idea or a theory that I have come up with. This IS however a possibility in accordance with accepted theory and it is what I believe to be the truth or at least very close to it.

In order for me to explain my theory many people will find it necessary for me to first explain what dimensions are. Thus I will explain what dimensions are in the simplest way I can to help those that haven't read extensively on the subject. After that I will add my own thought on the fifth dimension and then I will go on to explain the origins of the creator or 'the birth of God' if you will.

According to string theory there are ten or eleven dimensions. According to many scientists only four of these dimensions are noticeable. The first dimension is (forward and backward). The second dimension is (left and right). The third dimension is (up and down). The fourth dimension of which Einstein so kindly pointed out is (time).

Now, borrowing from Dr. Michio Kaku's elegant example I will explain further. If you wanted to have a meeting with me at my office you would need four key components. You would need to know that my office is on the corner of Monroe st.[1st dimension] (forward and backward) and 5th ave.[2nd dimension] (left and right). Then you would need to know that my office is on the 9th floor.[3rd dimension] (up and down). But you still wouldn't be able to meet me if you didn't have the last piece of information which is the time to meet, two o clock.[4th dimension] (time).

A physicist would tell you that this is correct. But I say that it is wrong because another dimension needs to be put into play in order for you to meet me. Here I propose the 5th dimension (consciousness). You see you need to be conscious of the other four dimensions in order to perform the task of meeting me.

Now elaborating further on dimensions. A dimension is simply a combination of one or more laws of physics. The more laws you combine the less dimensions you get. If you combined all of the laws you would narrow down the field to just one dimension. If you combined less laws you would get two dimensions. combine even less laws and you would get three dimensions etc. Now notice tho that the less laws you have the more options you have. For example when you combine all laws you are restricted to just one dimension (forward and backward). But then when you combine less laws you get more dimensions and thus more options. For example we are free to move up down, left right and forward backward because we exist in a certain location in the dimensional loop ie. the fifth dimension.

A good analogy would be this: Suppose there were ten times less laws in this country. You would have more options right? You could likely steel food from your local grocery store or rob a bank without breaking any laws.(less laws more options). On the other hand if the laws in this country were tenfold what they are today you would have less options. You would need permission to leave your own house and you would even be restricted to the places you could go.(more laws less options)

But suppose we lived in the 2nd dimension. We could only move forward and backward (1st dimension) and left and right (2nd dimension). We would be restricted from moving up and down because the laws of physics wouldn't allow for a three dimensional object in a two dimensional world. Also there wouldn't be any motion because that doesn't happen until the fourth dimension arises.

Remember, the dimension number given to the dimension represents a combination of the dimensions below it and itself. For example the third dimension is a combination of the first dimension the second dimension and itself the third dimension. Therefore it is called the third dimension.

I will now briefly review the five dimensions and attempt to put them into perspective. The higher you go in dimensions the more options you have because there is less laws restricting you. So, we have the 1st dimension where you can only go forward and backward. Then, you have the 2nd dimension where there is less laws so you can move forward and backward and left and right. Now we have the third dimension and yet another added freedom which is up and down now we can move forward-backward, left-right, up-down. Further we have the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is time Which I have discovered is simply the freedom of movement. And finally we have the fifth dimension which is consciousness.

Now imagine you were in an even higher dimension. What would it be like? The sixth dimension has its own freedom waiting to be revealed. What is it? I don't believe it would be another spatial dimension. I think it would just be more freedom for matter to move about. Even higher with the seventh dimension matter would be more like our dream world where matter exists where and when you want it to. Higher still and particles will cease to exist all together and there would be just swirling energy. Then finally complete chaos. String theorists have made the calculations and it will take little more than 11 dimensions to achieve complete chaos.String Theory

(the fun part)
Chaos Theory (read this)
In a much high dimension the ethereal energy flowed with much freedom swirling about in near chaotic fashion for time untold. Until something profound happened. The energy concentrated itself in a small area by chance and created particles. Particles which by chance formed into a doorway into a lower dimension (the seventh dimension). "The ontology of materialism rested upon the illusion that the kind of existence, the direct 'actuality' of the world around us, can be extrapolated into the atomic range. This extrapolation, however, is impossible . . . Atoms are not things." Werner Heisenberg

This energy now in a lower dimension is now constricted by more laws of physics and so therefore it behaves less chaotically. And so therefore something else happens the energy aligns itself by mere chance into a mind. A mind made up of the likes of the energy of pulsating neurons. This mind becomes aware of itself. Consciousness (God) is born.

Now the mind is existing and thinking and thinking and thinking. All the while growing more and more intelligent as time unimagined passes.

After a long period of existence and expanding the mind eventually encompasses all of the energy available. The mind has become pure intelligence.

This intelligence or mind or God if you will has long realized the existence of the possibility of concentrating and condensing energy into yet lower dimensions thereby restricting the movement of the energy and thus creating matter. God wishes to become materialized and wishes to exist in mind in that material. So, therefore God creates a wormhole or doorway to the lower dimensions and forces some of his energy threw.

God had previously made all the necessary calculations in order to put the energy in the right spot in the dimensional loop. You see if he went too high then gravity might be too weak and then matter couldn't form; too low and gravity might be too strong. Other areas account for the weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear force and electromagnetism all being precisely accounted for. Where God is there is only one force which is himself. These four fundamental forces derive from this single force.

The universe explodes into existence and Gods energy expands at the maximum speed allowed by the dimensions of which he has confined himself in.The Big Bang

Now God not only exists in the higher dimensions he now exists in the lower dimensions. God is all of the matter that exists in this universe. Everything in this universe is an aspect of God including you and I and also including the most distant and cold rocks floating in the far reaches of space. But God has calculated that the conditions will be ripe in certain places where he will be able to concentrate himself into a smaller area and become 'conscious life'.

God has little influence on this material world at first beginning with only subtle quantum conscious nudges.(one of the most popular documentaries of all time) What The Bleep Do We Know With these little nudges he influences the organic compounds into making RNA and then DNA then into basic life forms containing a bit more consciousness. With his subtle conscious influence he encourages the evolution of life into more and more complicated life forms that are able to hold even more consciousness to where he can have even more influence. Until finally he becomes self aware.

Now as human and self aware God can physically influence his own evolution and expedite the process or otherwise make more precise his direction. His (our) next step will be direct genetic manipulation.

One more thing, I don't think God put all his eggs in one basket. No, he doesn't just exist in the form of life here on Earth. He is out there on other Earths too.
Quantum Physics and Consciousness

consciousness came before matter, matter is merely concentrated energy, energy is consciousness.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:01 PM
very interesting! it'll take me a little to read through all the links and such, but the origins of "god" or a "creator" has been always a topic i'd like to read up on. S+F! thank you.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Very informative, I had a thought, while reading this, about the 6th dimention. It could possibly be a higher life form. I made a thread about that:

It is based on humans being a life form collectively. Humans making up a bigger life form on earth the way cells make up humans. The 6th dimention could be our collective consiousness.

Another thought is: What if you had the capability of zooming in more and more? Would there be a point in wich you came to an end. Can you go beyond the string theory? What if you zoomed out and out? Could you zoom out AND in, infinitely?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Good theory though. It was a good read and gets you thinking S&F
edit on 4-11-2010 by pinealexplorer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by pinealexplorer

I think that the extraterrestrials that are visiting us are inter-dimensional weather they come from a higher dimension which would probably be the sixth if thats the case or they just figured out faster than light travel which would require traveling inter-dimensionally.


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 06:51 PM
Interesting thought...but in the end you just fill a gap in knowledge with "god". It's the typical god of the gaps trap a lot of people fall for

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

The "God" I refer to is a concept not an entity.

The religious God is a state of mind

which has walls which have boundaries which keep you blind.

I'm not blockading knowledge by sharing a thought with the community. Deeper thought and imagination is key to further understanding the universe and whats beyond it. If we don't share our ideas or make an attempt to imagine new concepts or try to understand other peoples concepts then we will get nowhere in science.

Our world is built upon imagination.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

You're still filling a gap in knowledge with something you can't prove

I'm not saying your thoughts aren't interesting, but in the end they got no evidence as support. At least not enough scientific evidence to even call it a theory. Interesting thought though.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Would you mind being a little more specific with this "gap" that I am filling?

And you say there is no evidence as support. Did you not follow the links that I DID offer as support?

And one last thing. Here is the concept in a nutshell, something to wrap your brain around and get your imaginative cogs going. A little quote that I made up. Sometimes when it is put in a concise manner it is easier for people to understand.

" Our bodies are a physical manifestation of a multidimensional consciousness which are all separate yet connected threw quantum entanglement".

If you look at the post again you will see where I said " This is not an attempt to say what IS the truth but only to show you an idea or a theory that I have come up with."

Filling in a gap in knowledge would be portraying something as the ultimate truth and therefore we must not try to think about it anymore. You see I knew someone like you would come and say something like this and so thats why I created that little sentence to put into my OP. Let me quote it for once more just to make sure you don't miss it this time. " This is not an attempt to say what IS the truth but only to show you an idea or a theory that I have come up with."

Thank you for your compliments and response to my thread.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

I agree and i said this before, If we dont teach eachother, we'll never learn.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Great thread, but the idea you have is similar to many others including my own but rehashed in a more scientific fashion. Unfortunately it does not explain what or how was the energy created which later formed into god, that's what I want to know, and i don't think we can ever find that out.

edit on 5-11-2010 by mouldy crumpet because: spelling

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct


the threqad title....birth of God...we are in the creation, we can't box Him in by saying birth and applying it to God....realize that at the start or you're believe'n a lie...who would lie to you?....there's a book that speaks of a "father of lies"
....what's the name of that written work?.....oh yes....basic instructions before leaving earth

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:26 AM
Alien Abduction,

whatever you say doesn't mean a thing if god him/herself doesn't claim it.
we need proof.
God needs to prove of itself.

edit on 6-11-2010 by saabacura because: spellin

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:28 AM

edit on 6-11-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by GBP/JPY

The Bible is just another book. Just like the Qur'an just like the Bhagavad Gita just like the Veda etc. etc. etc.

A book written by men not God.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by saabacura

Maybe the creator blew itself up, hence Big Bang theory, and we are all the creator living single lives. If thats the case I think theres a whole new meaning to split personality.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:23 PM
My issue with this theory is that it's completely dependent on "sh*t happens", and I just can't see that as anything but a total copout on the specifics of God's origins. A fully functioning Intellect that just happens to collect in the 7th dimension? Can you even describe this 7th dimension, and what it is that could possibly have collected within this dimension to create this Intellect? If not, then this entire premise is imagination.

Dimensions (1 through 4) are an interesting notion, but what is forward and backward, as opposed to right and left, when dealing with a 360 degree potential? Is right forward and left backward, or is it the other way around? And when you include the spherical nature of potential motion, up and down become no more and no less than forward, backward, right and/or left. Motion is just motion, and we experience it as forward, backward, right, left, up and down because of the way that we are planted on this Earth and have eyes stuck facing in one direction on our heads. Inventing dimensions over the impact of a severely limited spacial perspective isn't the first step toward discovering the origins of God.

I don't know. Too much is being built on pure conjecture these days. String Theory inventing 10, maybe 11 dimensions, and without a shred of responsible extrapolation. Nothing to refer to beyond other assumptions that have been constructed on top of vague suggestions. Physics is sounding more and more like religion all the time.
edit on 11/10/2010 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

I can see how you would consider the addition of up and down motion but it isn't. Up and down only allows for a three dimensional object to form. The fourth dimension (Time/Motion) allows this three dimensional object to move, get it? The other dimensions I have made as plainly as I can.

This universe is built upon probabilities everything is a probability. The formation of matter is a probability. The fact that you are able to sit in that chair and not float off is a probability. You see it is not an impossibility that you would float away from your chair but highly improbable. Therefore it is probable that you would remain there under the force of gravity therefore the fact that you remain there is a probability.

When dealing with the very small probabilities is the only factor reliable. Common sense goes out the window. For example it doesn't make sense that a particle can exist in two places at the same time but it can its been proven.
edit on 11/11/2010 by Alien Abduct because: another comment

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct
reply to post by NorEaster

I can see how you would consider the addition of up and down motion but it isn't. Up and down only allows for a three dimensional object to form. The fourth dimension (Time/Motion) allows this three dimensional object to move, get it? The other dimensions I have made as plainly as I can.

Up and down as compared to what? The sky is only up if you're standing on the ground. There is no "up" in space, since there is no relative "down". It's all outward as opposed to inward, but again, it's always relative to perception, which requires a perceiver. This means that "dimensions" - at least the term applied as you're applying it - are perceptions and not objective realities. Within the airtight structure of physical existence, perceptions are not imposed upon the nature of the structure itself. I still have a problem with your dimension layout.

This universe is built upon probabilities everything is a probability. The formation of matter is a probability. The fact that you are able to sit in that chair and not float off is a probability. You see it is not an impossibility that you would float away from your chair but highly improbable. Therefore it is probable that you would remain there under the force of gravity therefore the fact that you remain there is a probability.

If it was only probabilities, then progressive development would have no consistency. What exists is a well defined relationship structure that is the result of the informational representation of previous events and the relationships between these events, their eternal informational representation, and the constantly emerging juxtapositional infrastructure that these results have built within the contextual environment that is shared by all of it. As more occurs and is represented by information's eternal presence, probabilities are drastically defined - as your gravity example suggests - and routing channels are set up to establish paths of least resistance for potential event and activity. Naturally, within this structure emerges redundancy (it's easiest), and through redundancy gathers structure, organization and efficiency. Natural selection emerges eventually due to competition between possible outcomes. Meanwhile, information - residual information - creates a contextual matrix of influence on future activity, forcing it to occur within specific parameters; again, working with path of least resistance and implementing redundancy wherever allowable.

Eventually, probability has been so defined and limited, that structure and organization rules the entire contextual environment, and you end up with highly sophisticated matrix holons with identifiable sub-assemblies that act as holons, and all marching in lockstep to a common end. And all within the same level of relatable existence. The reason I know this, is that I can look at my own body and see it on display. My atoms, molecules, elements, cells, organs, and system assemblies are doing what they have to do, and they'll keep doing it until the entire matrix begins to break down. It's very predictable, and dissolution of this matrix structure will give plenty of advance warning, which would not be the case if it was up to probability. Organization and structure is imposed upon an environment. If not, then it never is established.

When dealing with the very small probabilities is the only factor reliable. Common sense goes out the window. For example it doesn't make sense that a particle can exist in two places at the same time but it can its been proven.

Common sense is subjective. As is perception. The particle in question was perceived in two places at the same time. Yes, the phenomenon was repeatable, but that only indicates that it was a shared perception (like many things are - a movie for instance) that was manufacturable in a lab environment. No physicist is capable of accurately establishing the full existential identity of any one specific particle, and isolating that particle's existential identity beyond his/her own capacity to perceive of that identity. This may seem like nit-picking, but if this assertion is being presented as proof of a lack of existential structure within the corporeal realm, then nit-picking is what's needed.

Identity is primordial within the physical realm - regardless of whether that identity is corporeal or informational. The existential imperative - Survival - depends on strict Identity protocols or it simply can't exist as an imperative. What establishes Identity is contextual history and established relationship juxtaposition within the contextual environment. One particle can't have two separate contextual histories or conflicting juxtapositional relationships that are established within the environmental structure. Logically, this is impossible, since the break in either alters the existential Identity profile of one manifestation of that particle relative to the other manifestation of the same particle. This means that what happened is that two particles were created, by whatever means was employed to create the 2nd particle. It may have been identical in physical presentation, but that does not mean that it was the same particle in two places. And I honestly don't care what that researcher's math formulas stated. Some staples are pre-math, and at that level, reality is not impressed with legal arguments.

This is the problem with theoretical physics. The term physics gives the wildest speculation a patina of credibility - the same credibility that theology once had. Meanwhile, outlandish assertions are being presented as facts, and things like wormholes and multiverses and superposition are cluttering up the effort to really establish what reality consists of. Believe what you want, but I would think twice about publishing this notion of yours. Reality - and God - is a lot more recognizable than folks seem to be able to allow.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Up and down as compared to what? The sky is only up if you're standing on the ground. There is no "up" in space, since there is no relative "down". It's all outward as opposed to inward, but again, it's always relative to perception, which requires a perceiver. This means that "dimensions" - at least the term applied as you're applying it - are perceptions and not objective realities. Within the airtight structure of physical existence, perceptions are not imposed upon the nature of the structure itself. I still have a problem with your dimension layout.

Up and down is a conceptual derivative of mathematical laws integrated together to create a single concept. Another concept derived out of this integration is left and right. As such they are apposing concepts and therefore, up and down would be apposed to left and right. Another one would be forward and backward, and so therefore forward and backward would be apposed to left and right. All three of these spatial dimensions are apposing each other. there is no need for a planet to stand on nor a star in the sky for this to be so.

If it was only probabilities, then progressive development would have no consistency

Organization and structure is imposed upon an environment.

Both of these statements are true. First, it is not only probabilities it also has to do with intentional and conscious thought being projected into or in-from the dimensional loop of which everything exists.

Second, organization and structure is imposed upon the environment by the laws of physics ie. the environments' position in the dimensional loop. For example matter exists within certain parameters of the quantum wave function ie. absolute zero / speed of light.

Common sense is subjective. As is perception. The particle in question was perceived in two places at the same time. Yes, the phenomenon was repeatable, but that only indicates that it was a shared perception (like many things are - a movie for instance) that was manufacturable in a lab environment. No physicist is capable of accurately establishing the full existential identity of any one specific particle, and isolating that particle's existential identity beyond his/her own capacity to perceive of that identity. This may seem like nit-picking, but if this assertion is being presented as proof of a lack of existential structure within the corporeal realm, then nit-picking is what's needed.

I agree with you mostly here but I am not asserting a lack of structure within the corporeal realm. However I will suggest that we are limited in our ability to perceive the whole picture and thus there might be a completely logical explanation as to why we perceived the same particle in two different places at the same time.

We are limited to our five senses in part because we condition ourselves and are conditioned by our environment into believing these limitations and therefore our brain does not attempt to use other senses that might be available apart from what we know and refer to as our five senses.

Note that children are more susceptible to perceive ghosts as apposed to adults. This is because they have yet to be fully conditioned by our environment whereas an adult brain has learned to just ignore such things. This weakens the other-than fifth sense by non use and dulls our perception in that area.

Reality - and God - is a lot more recognizable than folks seem to be able to allow.

Where do you recognize God where other folks don't ?


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