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Sunni or Shia prayer.

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:01 PM
I found a factsheet that's an easy to use guide for Shia salat on Does anyone know where I can find a good printable version of Sunni salat (prayer?) I seem to have difficulty finding a good one.

Does it matter which one is used? I know Shia are the minority in Islam and Sunni is the dominate.


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by TinFoilHatMan55

I'm not exactly sure how Shia pray, I practice as a Sunni Muslim of the Salafi Minhaj. Sunnis pray by following the Hadith of Muhammad. Shia do not follow Hadith, that I am aware of. Hadith is the actions and sayings of Muhammad. However, even within "Sunni Islam" there are a few minor differences depending the school of thought.

I'm on a mobile device right now, so it's a little difficult to search and provide you with links. Try searching the following phrases:

(These are the 4 sanctioned schools of thought of Sunni Islam)
- Hanafi Prayer
- Maliki Prayer
- Shafi'i Prayer
- Hanbali Prayer

(In my opinion, the most correct following of Sunni)
- Salafi Prayer

Let me know how this helps, or if you have any questions.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:18 PM
Go to MuslimSpace. Make an account and then ask people who are Muslim. They would have the answers for your heart.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 02:44 PM
I did find this site has a simple Salat guide for Sunni way to pray.

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