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Triangle shaped burns

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:20 AM
my sister used to wake up with triangle shaped burns or like 'tan' spots on her that would appear on her arms and (usually) stomach overnight.

my mom just reminded me of this via email. anyone know if this is connected to abduction phenomanon at all?

my sister HAS had a sighting (as a woman, not a little girl like the tan/burns), and i plan on getting an interview with her up as another thread sometime when i can record/transcribe one.

but i'd just like to know if anyone's ever heard of this triangle thing. they were VERY almost perfect in shape , thats why they stick out in my mind.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:37 AM
If a alien race with ability to travel through time and space, to make tan marks on your sister. And you said that they were 'nearly' perfect? No perfect enough for me, to sound like an alien race made those tan marks..

Sorry mate, but you surly do know what happens, when you make a thread like this, without more information, than your own words.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by ypperst

yea, i know what you mean. i'm just wondering if anyone's heard similar stories. this isn't what i find the most interesting about my sister's experience, just kinda checking to see if this is known about. i've heard of scars and missing time but was wondering if burns or tans make any sense.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:51 AM
As well, at least a couple of pics, if they're not up already, so that we can see the burns. We all here have seen marks, implants (alleged), and other types of bodily "compromises", for lack of a better word at the moment. Posting a thread to introduce another thread might diminish your credibility before you even start.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I know

I dont know anything about this though, and yes, I have heard simmilar stories. they are highly interesting. Allthough all these abduction cases are a little to weird for me sometimes. But I try to be as open as possible.

How many years ago she had these tan marks?
Was it annoying her, irretating her or something?

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Divine Strake

nah. my sister doesn't claim to be abducted. its just that ever since she told the family her ufo sighting story a little while back, and we've kinda added it to our collective story, we've thought alot more about some of her experiences as a kid. tons of sleep walking, ending up outdoors, the tans.

the sighting story is completely separate. i just really. REALLY, wanna make sure i get it from her the best i can. and not mess it up one bit. my sister is such a simple, skeptical person. and when she told us this story it just about floored us. but that's for another date.

i just mention it because knowledge of her sighting is what has made me and my mom think about some other stuff like the tans.

i'm not sure if there are picture. i'll ask. but just imagine the opposite of a tan line. like you have a belly and there will be a triangle tan on the otherwise white belly. and then it just goes away over a month or so.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by ypperst

she was very little. i remember seeing them twice. we're about a year aprt so i'd say she was between 6-7, posssibly 8.

at the time i just called them birth marks, i wasn't the smartest child, so the fact that they were literally some kind of tan or burn never registered with me on the odd spectrum until my mom reminded me that they did infact show up and go away, virtually over night. EDIT: show up virtually overnight. they stayed for about as long as wierd tans do.

i DO remember her being prodded at by my mom/step dad and no i don't think it hurt her or bothered her a whole bunch. if it did hurt her, my mom is so precautious, i'm sure this story would include a trip to the emergency room, haha.

they did NOT look like violent burns or scars. literally like someone went to a tanning booth wearning mostly full clothing but a perfect triangle cut out of a shirt on the arm/stomch.
edit on 2-11-2010 by snusfanatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
my sister used to wake up with triangle shaped burns or like 'tan' spots on her that would appear on her arms and (usually) stomach overnight.

my mom just reminded me of this via email. anyone know if this is connected to abduction phenomanon at all?

my sister HAS had a sighting (as a woman, not a little girl like the tan/burns), and i plan on getting an interview with her up as another thread sometime when i can record/transcribe one.

but i'd just like to know if anyone's ever heard of this triangle thing. they were VERY almost perfect in shape , thats why they stick out in my mind.

Yes, Burnlike or tanlike shapes on the body is a very well known phenomena within the Abduction-field.
You should really do some detective-research in the family.

edit on 2-11-2010 by Nightchild because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

That's so wild. . .I've heard of stuff like that happening. I guess maybe it just has to do with pigment levels or something. The human body is a myriad of unexplained events, no matter how advanced science can get.

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