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Illuminati, today's Freemasons, and the Catholic Church Started By Khazar Jews... Proof?

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:12 PM
From the normal "conspiracy" propaganda, not just on here but national news shows like Coast to Coast and many others, is that the world is run by secret societies.

However they are not that secret, as we all talk about them, best selling books have been sold "exposing" them, Hollywood movies about the subjects, ect.

But there is still one "Rulers" conspiracy that is shunned and only makes the light of day to be mocked by the MSM.

There are literally people in jail in Europe for denying the holocaust.

Please, no personal attacks, lets talk facts!

The title pretty much says it all with this short video. There is NO doubt in the mind of anyone who TRULY researches the matter, that Free Masons, Catholics, etc... are NOT in control as much as the average talk radio "guru" wants you to believe. The FACT is OBVIOUS that Jews (mostly Khazars) hold the most supreme positions of political power in the world, and this video here does a great job at presenting this FACT. You can say all day long, that average talk radio sales pitch that Masons & Roman Catholics run the world, BUT when you sit down and REALLY LOOK at the FACTS, you can clearly see that it is Zionist political Jews who truly have the most power out of any of those groups. From running Wallstreet with Goldman & Sachs, all the way to running the Pentagon's military defense with Zionist tyrant Henry Kissinger, it is Jews who TRULY have the REAL power of political domination in this world !!!! If any soldier or military supporter ever wonders why they are doing such corrupted dirty work, with some even being arrested for murdering innocent Afghan civilians, such as what recently happened to some soldiers from Fort Lewis, Washington, then look no further than how Zionists in politics have USED those brainwashed uniforms to fight against the # 1 enemy of the Jews, which has always been any neighboring Muslim nation. The Zionist PIMP Henry Kissinger said it best "military men are like animals, to have their worthless lives used as nothing more than pawn pieces in the political chess game that is foreign policy."

edit on 30-10-2010 by Jeanius because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2010 by Jeanius because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Jeanius

Connections, connections, connections. Just as in the human mind, connected throughout by synapses. The true "Missing Link", and as the true messiah tried to warn us about, the "Jews that are not Jews".

Now, to go a step further, one might reconsider John F. Kennedy's words about secret societies. If you take it into context with the video presentation above, it is blatantly clear who and what President Kennedy was referring to.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Alan Suger, is a jew, he's a very good business man with a big empire and he earnt the 'Lord' title!

So yeah, i agree with quote in OP.
edit on 30-10-2010 by jonnyc55 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:56 PM
Thanks to those not afraid to point the finger at an actual group, and not a shadow group of bogey men.

This is real. No one can deny that.
edit on 30-10-2010 by Jeanius because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Jeanius
Thanks to those not afraid to point the finger at an actual group, and not a shadow group of bogey men.

This is real. No one can deny that.
edit on 30-10-2010 by Jeanius because: (no reason given)
I am humbled at your words, but for us to just point it out, is just not enough. I read your words in duality, above and below, and I think I have always understood them, but not all at once.

I have always kept it mind about the childhood lesson of pointing fingers, there are always 4 pointing back at you
. So in this particular case, I point them all, at them!!!!!!!

All the things I have ever had the eyes to see with, the ears to hear, mind to decipher, or heart to feel, come from a higher realm, and this I can never deny. And humbly, I must say any vision, any understanding of the subject, was a result of "Amazing Grace". And in that spirit I would like to share something on the order of "Amazing", and for some to reflect upon.

It isn't well known the story behind this old hymn but it is one that should be. A story of a captain of a slave ship who saw the truth and the light of what he was doing. A story of Divine Grace changing the world, and as I pray, will continue to.

It would be suggested to watch the movie "Amazing Grace"

“Amazing Grace,” a story of idealism, idealists and speaking truth to power, understands there is something inordinately moving and dramatic about a man who stands up for what is right and makes a difference in this life.

The movie is based on the abolition of black slavery in Britain during the 1700, and is based in the hymn of the same name. Let us pray that the same movement is now continuing for the entire human race.
And as a tribute I give you the most beautiful rendition of that song, Amazing Grace, by a very young Angel. She speaks truth to power........

Amazing (Divine) Grace.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:54 PM
I got no problem with the Jews. But didn't a Rabbi just recently say we Gentiles are donkeys to the Jews. Is he just a lone wolf or is this how they all feel?

Cause I'm a Gentile so this don't make me feel so good.
edit on 1-11-2010 by TimeSimple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by TimeSimple
I got no problem with the Jews. But didn't a Rabbi just recently say we Gentiles are donkeys to the Jews. Is he just a lone wolf or is this how they all feel?

Cause I'm a Gentile so this don't make me feel so good.
edit on 1-11-2010 by TimeSimple because: (no reason given)
I believe there are Jewish sects that have renounced the Talmud, or never accepted it in the first place. Sorry, I don't know the names of them.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:48 AM
Just another little tid bit to be exposed by the light of day....

"Nicolas Sarkozy admits Jewish ancestry, French press reveals ties to Israeli intelligence"

The influential French daily Le Figaro last week revealed that the French leader once worked for — and perhaps still does, it hinted — Israeli intelligence as a “sayan” (Hebrew for helper), one of thousands of Jewish citizens of countries other than Israel who cooperate with “katsas,” or Mossad case-officers.

A letter dispatched to French police officials late last winter — long before the presidential election but somehow kept secret — revealed that Sarkozy was recruited as an Israeli spy. The French police are currently investigating documents concerning Sarkozy’s alleged espionage activities on behalf of Mossad, which Le Figaro claims dated as far back as 1983. According to the author of the message, in 1978, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin ordered the infiltration of the French ruling Gaullist Party, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire. Originally targeted were Patrick Balkany, Patrick Devedjian and Pierre Lellouche. In 1983, they recruited the “young and promising” Sarkozy, the “fourth man”.

Follow the Links

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:39 AM
Please Note:
No intentional provocation here ... just a “studied” opinion by one person.

General Notes taken from college lectures: subjects were modern religion origins.
Suggests that some modern religions (and languages) were “invented” for economic purposes!
These notes and lectures evolved into a 300-page book written by a friend of mine (never published).
Many details are contained about nations (and continents) and economies past and present.
Too much to list here.

Note: Dates are based on “modern” calendar system…
B.C. and A.D. did not “officially” exist until middle ages.
“Jew” is English – English did not exist in Roman times.
The word “Jew” came in Middle-English circa 1000 A.D.

Babylonian / Hebrew / Roman “Money Funnel” Economies
– seek to control populations (wide-area banking systems).

The Phoenicians were “pre-Hebrew” if you will, Semitic (language) society groups that dominated and “governed” trade and finance
(3000 b.c. – 1000 b.c.) (had Multi-nation influence) (Entire Mediterranean coastal areas)
“Banking and Finance” was based on Babylonian code systems.

1000 B.C. to year 0:

Hebrew / Judea “Faiths” and “Laws” were created by “Elitist” financial and trade groups (scholars and entrepreneurs).
(Groups were operating in Phoenician areas)
(Groups may have ascended from Habiru/Hapiri/Hyksos groups)
(from various Semite (language) “Ruling Class” Phoenician influenced nations, and some Greek)
(many “Babylonian” beliefs were “borrowed”) (Especially Financial)
(no established “national” borders or boundaries, no genuine single “ethnicities”)
(creates “Judaism”)
(calendar adopted from Phoenician / Chinese trade partnerships)

Scholars from these groups “create” the Hebrew language (from Phoenician-Canaanite, and possibly Hindu)
and create a pre-Latin language (from Greek).

Latin to be used primarily by the trade and financial sub-groups (from different ethnic populations), and military forces.
Latin to be used to consolidate many Italic languages
(mostly “spoken” languages, not “written” at major trade junctions, City of Rome, Carthage, etc.).
Hebrew to be used by “Elite” educated scholar groups (consolidated Semitic language).
Latin / Hebrew accounting systems to be used by administrators, merchants and scribes.
Attempts to consolidate trade related communication.

“Old Testament” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes”.

Attempt to control all other beliefs and consolidate into one belief - for trade and financial control (universal banking).
Consolidates different Semite languages (into Hebrew).
Promotes Anti-Paganism.
Used (and enhanced) many exaggerated “Paganistic” stories and myths and folk lore to fit agenda and spread “Jewish” influence (“religious” and financial).
Creates mythical characters.
Jewish (Latin: Ludaeus) “expulsions” and “exiles” created (with ruling governments) to allow Jewish “colonizing” in “open” territories (infiltration of economies)
(some as “forced” conversions from Judaism).
Creates “historical” “records” to fit the “Jewish” agendas, based on fears and legends.
Hebrew “envoys” and “scouts” (well-educated and multi-lingual) contact “target” territories
– attempt “Judea” conversions (religious and economic goals) prior to military invasions (some success).
Jewish “cloaking” continues.
Calendar manipulations begin to coincide with “religious” and “historical” events.

“New Testament” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes” - 1st century by secret Roman agreements.

Hebrew Anti-Pagan efforts were failures.
Hebrew beliefs were not widely accepted by general (conquered) populations.
Hebrews create “anti-Jewish” (anti-Semitic) rivalries to set stage for a “new”, more popular “religions”.
Hebrews create un-provable “history” from mythical events and stories and fictional characters.
Roman govt and Hebrew Scholars “align” and “invent” the appearance of being “rivals” (includes military expeditions).
Roman govt accepts and begins codification of “Jewish” financial influences (banking systems).
Hebrew scholars consolidate and re-invent a Latin alphabet, for common use by populations (west).
“New Testament” written in more than one “language” to “accommodate” conquered populations.

Paganisms were the predominant beliefs at the time.

Latin became predominant language (easily understood by conquered populations) in Roman Empire (west).

Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic were widely spoken (east and west).

Roman efforts to control society with a “new” belief (Christianity") – 2nd thru 5th century.

Establishment of “culture – counter-cultures” agendas.
False flag “Laws” enacted to promote “Judaism” and demote “Christianity.
False flag “Laws” enacted to promote “Christianity” and demote “Judaism”.
(Both at the same time in various areas) (Laws by decree and edict)
“Historical” Myths of “Hebrew” slavery and mass discrimination created to enhance the “anti-Semitism” agendas.
“news” and “events” are created of Jewish massacres, expulsions, etc. (some truth) (as sacrificial “investments”).
Allows for more “Jewish Expansion” (some open, some disguised) into new territories (established new trade routes and merchant groups).

Christianity and Judaism rejected by Arab factions - Roman East.
Christianity generally accepted - Roman West.
Hebrew scholars “create” and write Islam beliefs to counter Christian and Judea beliefs
(used some popular Zoroastrianism influences).
Arab factions accept Islam and eventually adapt to “Jewish” financial systems.

Sub-Latin languages and “spin-off” Hebrew languages (and some Cyrillic) created and enhanced,
to allow better (religious and economic) “manipulation” of localized populations,
- 6th century thru Middle Ages to present day 21st century.

Establishes strong “ethnic” groups (new nationalities and languages) through local inbreeding after intermingling (infiltration).
Continuation of “culture – counter-cultures” agendas (religious and economic) among “financially conquered” territories.
Continuation of “Hebrew suppression” myths and Jewish “suffering” to further the financial and power agendas.
Continuation of “governments’” public anti-Semitism, anti-Christian, anti-Islam agendas and
furthering of “Jewish” privately controlled economies and expansions.
Solidification of Political / Business / Religious alliances.
Continuation of Jewish “migrations” and dominance of financial systems.
Establishes economic diplomacies based on political/religious grounds.
Continuation of attempted “Judea” conversions (religious and economic goals) prior to military invasions
(some disguised as “Islam” or “Christian”) (some non-military success).
“Dark Ages” (history blackout) created to mask solidification efforts of major “religions” (the ‘Big Three’),
and to backdate, modify and solidify “historical” records and illusions,
Continuation of language and calendar manipulation for economic (and legal) control agendas.
Continuation of manipulative religious writings based on mythical illusions (economic control methods).
Establishment of “higher learning” institutions for further development of economic agendas and “Illusional Maintenance”
(economic, religious, and political dominance through “education”).

Discusions -- Questions ??

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:47 AM

would YOU trust a Fox in the Hen House?
I think this is a mute point when the Fox, owns the hen house.

I take no offense to your research. And in fact I believe your data reflects a deep and buried truth. Maybe your studies should be labeled "The secret and hidden origins of the Matrix".

For my own belief's they do not rely on any religious doctrines whether handed down orally or written in a book. They come from within. History may be debated as to whether the "Christian" character of Jesus was real, misnamed or entirely made up. But most certainly there were people in the past who stood up against the system you described, and as a result lost their lives speaking truth to power.

What your research equates to is what has been said in the past about "Judaism", its not a religion in as much as it is a system of laws. The Talmud for the ruling elite, and the Noah-hide laws for everyone else. The very fact that two standards of conduct and morality ( Or lack of) exist reflect a duality of origin, and could reflect the mindset instilled into the Jewish community of "Gods Chosen People". The Talmud for the foxes and Noah-hide for the hens. The two creative forces that at one time worked together to create all of it. Well, if looking at present day earth is any indicator of who won the battle one would not need to look far.

The fox may own the body of the hen, but will never own the spirit..........

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:18 PM

edit on 1-11-2010 by TimeSimple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:19 PM

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:26 PM

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:31 PM

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Great Response !!

as my post states, my friend's research became a 300 page book.

its all handwritten, and I am reading through it and will post pertinent excerpts a.s.a.p.

its full of details about this whole subject. many about how various economies were infiltrated!

and Yes, the Khazars were one of the "conquered economies" probably the result of a "bribed" arrangment.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

That is a lot to chew on. TY for the post. I've had a feeling that most belief systems were twisted into somethingtotaly unrecognizable for years now, and some of that info you have there will lead down new paths of research.
The amount of occult symbolism we subconsciously look at in our daily lives simply astounds me since I've been researching all of this, and I feel as if more pieces are presenting themselves for my personal puzzle.

edit on 1-11-2010 by Khaaaaaan!! because: oh no, my karma is 33!!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Khaaaaaan!!
reply to post by xuenchen

That is a lot to chew on. TY for the post. I've had a feeling that most belief systems were twisted into something
totaly unrecognizable for years now, and some of that info you have there will lead down new paths of research.
The amount of occult symbolism we subconsciously look at in our daily lives simply astounds me since I've been researching all of this, and I feel as if more pieces are presenting themselves for my personal puzzle.

these links has some interesting ideas:

some referrals to the "religious", historical aspects and dates may be a bit off however,
but then, that's how they have "controlled" history!

edit on 1-11-2010 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:35 PM
and some big differences in "Jewish" blood ?

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:46 PM
some more interesting opinions here too:

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I'm gonna take the other side of this to a certin extent, i love Jewish people and i do believe that they are Gods chosen people however in every race creed and color there's good and bad such is life and i do think that parts of Israel's government is corrupt but isn't every Countrys goverment corrupt in one way or another, i just hope the people of Israel elect better politicians in the future and i have faith that they will, but the Jews are Gods chosen and if your a Christian you should respect that.

But that is some crazy reteric that those people are saying, Jesus died for us all and his teachings are not to discriminate againts the gentiles.

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