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International 2012 Info Please

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:11 PM
I've been surfing the net for years searching for info on 2012 and ideas about what it might hold. One of the things that I have come across alot in the last couple of years (and twice today) is that some nations around the world are actually publically discussing 2012, a possible Planet X passing and preparations that can be made.


This Clip from Jordan Maxwell mentions billboards in Russia concerning Planet X coming

Meanwhhile, this clip from FOX News starts to talk about plans that the Dutch are working on concerning the possible end of the world before an emergency broasdcast system test overrides what they are saying.

I have heard references to the billboards JM speaks about, but not from anything I would call reliable. The FOX braodcast however is an entirely different matter. It is a story that was openly mocked by the reporters, but without an uninteruptted version there is no knowing what it is that they are brushing off (I even tried to get in contact with an old friend who was born deaf but can read lips perfectly...sadly he is unreachable).

There are people from all over the world on this site, can anyone from either of these countries shed light on this?

Please, I am not looking for ANOTHER flame-warfare thread on this topic, if you live in a country where there is information being made available please share it. If all you want to do is ridicule people for seeking information on this topic please try one of the other threads.

I am particularily interested in what people from the southern half of the globe may (or may not) have to say.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

Glad you posted this! I have witnessed the media blackout (use of civil defense test) during the Fox News story! Actually, it happens here a LOT. Like once or twice a week now! I would also like to know what other countries are hearing about the Planet X theory. Thanks for posting this...I hope we don't have long to wait before someone out there responds.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

Interesting & Quick Facts about 2012

In numerology every number has a corresponding letter associated with it.
The date 12-21-12 reads as, A-B-B-A-A-B. When you consider that the Hebrew language is read from right to left, this date would read BA ABBA.
The Hebrew translation for BA ABBA is "Father comes / is coming"

2012 is claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the twelfth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

Several experts have predicted a special astrological/astronomical alignment between the Galactic center in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Winter Solstice point, and the open cluster of the Pleiades. Factually, the coincidence of the Winter Solstice point (due to the precession of the Equinoxes) and the galactic center is basically true.

Jesus said that no man knows the hour or the day of the End of Days. Even Jesus didn't know. Only his father did.
But Jesus added that he hoped that those who will live in the Final Generation would look for the signs in the hope their suffering would not be so great.

There are exactly 2012 days between the June 20 2007 Summer solstice and the December 21 2012 Winter solstice.

Albert Einstein said if the honey bees were suddenly gone mankind would have about 4 years left to live. Well, the honey bees are going extinct now and at the present rate in another year or so there will be no more honey bees left on earth. One year from now plus another 4 years gives us the year 2012

NASA predicts that the Sun will also reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of current 11-year sunspot cycle. Some believe this will amplify the effects of retarding magnetic field on earth, as harmful charged particles blasted away from the sun would more easily penetrate the earth's atmosphere.

final episode of the X-Files, it is revealed that on December 22 2012, aliens will invade and take over the world, one day after December 21 2012. It was like Chris Carter was saying to us that the aliens don't need to invade and conquer us, all they need to do is move in to a vacant earth

The Vatican holds very closely to the Prophecy of St. Malachy. This Medieval Monk had detailed visions of 112 Popes until Doomsday, also known as The Biblical Apocalypse. The current Pope, Benedict XVI is the 111th named Pope, only one Pope remains.

And here in Denmark we dont got anything about the 2012 in the news or media.. the closest is the movie 2012 being shown in cinema
edit on 28-10-2010 by Vandalour because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Deexie77

I would love to hear what was said in that interrupted fox new clip. It pissed me off so much not being able to listen to it. I really do think that cable test was not a coincidence, and they were speaking the truth, the cable test was an act of desperation.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I have a prediction for 2012, Ghostbusters 3 will be awesome!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Big Raging Loner

Indeed it will.

[2nd Line]

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Move close to the Food

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Well I don't know where you live but here in FL at every orange grove there is an ass load of honey bees. They are kept by the groves their kept in those wooded casing don't know the technical name for it. All I can add is come here there are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of honey bees and the beehive keepers come out to the groves and get the honey ever so often....... So really far from exinct IMO
edit on 28-10-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by thecinic

Not to mention that Honey Bees aren't the only pollinating insects. There are pollinating insects in the Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (flies), and Coleoptera (beetles) species.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:19 PM
Thanks for the replies so far.

The thing that gets me is that the historical information has been filtered and editted to serve agendas for hundreds of years. I have always held that the motivation for the Church mandate that missionairies destroy all historical records of the 'primitives' they encountered was for more than just stamping out thier religions. This becomes even more evident when you realize that this type of event was often at the core of thier religious systems, like the Christian rapture.

I feel that the idea of the world ending is a miss translation. The world as we know it ending is probably more accurate. However, if there is to be a spiritual awakening or other major shift then in the eyes of some it would be the end of the world; or more correctly, an end to thier world.

The reference to the last Pope is one I am familiar with, and it supports this idea. The biggest fear for the RCC (and other religions) would be that people moved beyond that religion. Likewise with government, if the world population realized that it was our leaders who were overwhelmingly responsible for the strife and discord we see everywhere because of thier desires then they would be in tremendous danger.

Again, if the existing control structures are abandonned by the people then those who covet both power and control would see thier world's destroyed.

Perspective is important here.

As far as the Mayans and the Long Count...Well it is pretty impressive that a 'primitive' culture was able to develop mathmatics capable of predicting celestial events that even today are accurate to within a few seconds. The long count is one of three calendars that they used, the other two where for calculating definable and important events related to practical needs similar to what we base our calendar upon today. The LC required alot of time and effort to create, I cannot believe that it was an ancient 'make busy' project.

There are real events that are going to happen inthe coming years, these are events that even mainstream science acknowledges. Assuming that our history goes back WAY farther than anyone will officially admit (or investigate) then the chances of the LC calender predicting a known event increases. I remember reading years ago a brief mention from ancient South American texts about a world government. How every couple of years the king's would travel over seas to meet and receive guidence. When I started investigating the Vedic writtings I was surprised to find the same thing mentioned again in a vastly older manuscript as well.

We do ourselves a great disservice assuming that this current world is the best that has ever been and the first to accomplish some of the feats that we have.

My studies into transcendence point to one crucial fact...Fear is a limiting factor. People who are affraid are unpredictible/unstable and as such will not be capable of achieving the next level of exisitence until they release that fear.

Look around us today, fear is rampant. It could almost be said that the only thing we all have in common right now is that (for the majority) we are all afraid.

...and our leaders just keep stoking the fires to crank the fear up as high as they can.


edit on 28-10-2010 by [davinci] because: content

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