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Role Play Game (for male members) rules within

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:34 AM
Hi fellow gentlemen of ATS, welcome to my game.

Allow me to lay down the rules....

THE PREMISE: My name is Angela. I am a gorgeous woman that you met while walking to lunch today. You asked me out and I tepidly agreed. We are now on our first date. You know little about me besides the fact that you found me attractive.

THE GAME: I have compiled an extensive list of preferences and personality traits that I will use in this exercise. They are only available to me. So while you know little about 'Angela' I know all and will keep it consistent, only inventing new facts as the need arises. Me and a female friend are in on this thread together, in case of a very hard question, she will supply the answer.

In this thread we will simulate a conversation

YOUR RULES FOR FIRST POST: In your initial response. Tell me where we are, what gifts/drinks you have bought me right off the bat, and initiate conversation.

MY SIDE OF THE DEAL: I will respond as truthfully as possible and keep the rules consistent.

WHEN THE GAME ENDS: Each player gets three strikes with Angela and then they are out (what constitutes a strike is part of my list). The object of the game is to achieve the following things, with corresponding point values:

1. facebook page (50 points)
2. phone number (35 points)
3. second date (70 points)
4. back to my place, if you so dare -but the conversation stops at the door step- (90 points)
5. blocking attempt for me to bring in friends to the date or otherwise shut you out (15 points each)

LETS KEEP THIS CLEAN AND WITHIN THE T&C, (this is a funny exercise people, and i'm a dude remember, so lets keep this fun and not wierd)


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:54 AM
THE PREMISE: My name is Angela. I am a gorgeous woman that you met while walking to lunch today. You asked me out and I tepidly agreed. We are now on our first date. You know little about me besides the fact that you found me attractive.

*Calls Angela*
Hey i see your car, pull up over here
You get out of the car, i walk up over with a smile and give you a friendly hug [taking notice if you are alarmed about it, i wouldn't hug you and appologize and explain i'm a big hugger]

So did you starve yourself for today like i asked?
*Giggle giggle yes*
[I planned on us meeting 5 blocks away from the resurant to get a better know about you, secretly picking up on what food you like, since i made reservations to 3 different resturants i wanted to see what would better suit you]

We end up at the resturant and it seems to be your favorite type of food!
Before we go out to eat, i would be loud, agressive in words, and all out talkative and friendly.
During the meal i will have a smile stare type of feel. Not to be confused with creepy stare, just a noticing you type of stare. You pick up on it [hopefully] and giggle out of flattery because i'm just noticing you and basking in your beauty[since i'm so attracted to you]

Nothing out of the ordinary happens during our first meal together other than me telling you how nervous i was when i came up to you, because of course, you're so beautiful.
I pry a little inside of you to know a basic profile on you

Pay for your meal before the waiter has a chance to give the bill so that you wouldn't have a chance to pay for it yourself[If you get offended you well.. should deal with it

I have 5 blocks to walk back from where you parked.
I would devise certian detours like "Ohh i've never been around here before lets explore"
I would try to get my hand around your shoulder for a little while[breif like 10 seconds] to show my intentions are friendly but, i have a feeling for you. Walk you back to your car and get really close and say how much of a wonderful time i had. Deepending how it went i would possibly go for a first kiss right by the car/or during the walk.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:12 AM
I would pick up my phone:
"I'm sorry to call you for this Angela, when I asked you out my mind was clouded with the influence of visual attractiveness and pheromones. Now thinking clearly I came to the conclusion that you wouldn't fit in my and my sons life. Sorry that I have bothered you thanks to our primitive urges.. Enjoy the rest of your life Ciao." Click.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Anttyk47

This convo starts at the restaraunt. you have to convince me to go anywhere else, hence the last line of your firs post that i count as valid is this one

We end up at the resturant and it seems to be your favorite type of food! Before we go out to eat, i would be loud, agressive in words, and all out talkative and friendly. During the meal i will have a smile stare type of feel. Not to be confused with creepy stare, just a noticing you type of stare. You pick up on it [hopefully] and giggle out of flattery because i'm just noticing you and basking in your beauty[since i'm so attracted to you]

My analysis so far: the hug was good. it seemed confident and not creepy. the walk annoyed me. it made me feel uncomfortable, i hate walking, and would have like to have arrived at the door after my extensive preening. ONE STRIKE.

My response:

"I love this place! how did you know? are you a creepy stalker or something? just kidding. I come here all the time. Do you come here often? uggggg. i can't stand this music [description of music intentionally left out]. What kind of music do you like?"

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:25 PM
6. Angela invites her roommate to join in the bedroom (200 points)
7. Angela makes you breakfast in the morning after a long night (100 points)
8. Angela agrees to a dip in the hot tub (60 points)
9. As above, but opting for the "au natural" attire (100 points)

Sorry, just couldn't resist. Hint to the OP, I know you said you were a dude and all, (so may be hard to judge from a woman's perspective), but a friendly suggestion....temporarily change your avatar to a hot babe...

( a real fun experiment, would be a similar thing from a female poster, and having the guys (unknown to her) that respond, use hunky avatars, and then see if that affects how she responds to that guy's posts...)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:54 PM
*lys slips you a roofie*

*you become unconscious*

*lys has defeated you!*

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

dude, good point. i will be changing the avatar before the game resumes today. thanks!

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