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Daniel Ellsberg:"I've waited forty years for a release of documents on this scale."

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Possibly two of modern day's greatest peacemakers,or as TPTB would say, two of modern day's greatest

traitors,come together with no fear for their own lives to further expose more of what we already

know.Our governments continue to lie to us on a massive scale regarding their never ending war crimes.[/url]

After forty years, and the release of fifteen thousand documents by Julian Assange,nothing has changed since
Daniel Ellsberg released mountains of secret documents exposing how our own governments lie and manipulate everything they tell us about the horrors of their phoney for profit wars, where millions upon millions of innocent
people continue to die, to fuel the military industrial complex.

With the release of the new documentary "The Most Dangerous Man In America",

and the release of the secret documents by Wikileaks, TPTB are taking a one two punch from the worlds formost exposers of the truth, and I mean truth, regardless of how you feel about either man or their motives, the only thing that matters is the truth.Daniel Ellsberg was a classic insider, he had knowledge and information
that gave him ease of access to all kinds of secret dealings and he served in the Vietnam war.Julian Assange is more mysterious and his contacts and access still needs further scrutiny, but putting that aside what both these men have in common is the goal of exposing the truth to the world.
When daniel Ellsberg first exposed the pentagon papers, the media as a whole, when their first ammendment right was about to be be infringed upon by ther Nixon government,rallied around each other and printed copies of the papers all over the U.S.thus foiling the governments attempts at censorship.My belief is after that event TPTB new the only way to prevent this from happening again was to control the entire mainstream media themselves, but still presenting the illusion of free press, and I think this is the state we are in today with so much of the mainstream media being used a propaganda tool for TPTB, rather than the independant impartial free media we should have.Even though TPTB have done all they can to control as many forms of information flow as they can,men like Jullian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg have still found a way to expose their contiued lies.When I see the news, and Hillary Clinton smuggly condemns the release and quotes the tired dogma"the release of these documents puts the lives of soldiers in danger", when she knows full well the soldiers shouldn't be there in the first place.Also she offers no apologies for her and her husbands roles in the death of soldiers under their watch or the tens of thousands of people killed while they gave the orders,throughout their terms in office.Watching TPTB cry about how the documents were illegally obtained all the while saying nothing about the horrors and lies the documents expose, makes me realize they dont care.What are we gonna do?We might need another forty years of war and death before the world finally wakes up to the fact our leaders are murderers and liars.Why are we still allowing this to happen?When will it end?In my opinion these two men are the greatest friends of humanity the world has seen in a long time and we must believe what they say because its true.Regardless of how the media spins what theyve done or how theyve done it, the facts theyve exposed should make us all open our eyes to the power structure of this world and how it must change.How we must change,to have the courage of these two men to step out of our comfort zones and give up our own lives to save the lives of others and save humanity from the monsters we've allowed to run things for so long. War is a racket,
plain and simple, it makes a select group of people very rich, it is a business,in death.

We need more men like Daniel Ellsberg and Jullian Assange,or our future will be more of the same.Peace.

edit on 25-10-2010 by mark1167 because: bad link

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by mark1167

The comfort zone is a precious thing to risk shaking up.

I agree with you completely, but sadly I think that people are still too enamoured with shiney trinkets. The election results from next week's US midterms will be a good barometer although I'm not expecting anything (the Dems might be ousted, but in the end I bet the American People trade one insider for another instead of voting new people into office).

Too many people either can't see the problem or worse, refuse too. TPTB have thier all powerful ace in the hole...the status quo.

Regardless of all the talk, when push comes to shove you can always count on sheep to do one thing...follow the herd. Like any good sheep dog, the media will manipulate those in the middle into thinking that they have actually choosen a direction themselves.

It is only those on the fringe that can see the truth, that the herd went exactly where they were supposed to go.

I would love to think that the efforts of people like the two mentioned will have some greater effect, but in our world where image is more important the substance it only takes a couple well made comments to sway opinion back in line.

The truth hurts, it is easier to ignore it and maintain the comfort zone's predictibility then to risk true change and all the unknown's that come with it.

edit on 25-10-2010 by [davinci] because: Content

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

Thanks for the reply.Well put.I've always told my kids, it's easy to tell a lie.Its harder to tell the truth.But a brave man will always take the hard road because in the end it leads to rightousness and true freedom.The easy road leads to deceit and destruction.
Whenever I think about Jullian Assange or daniel Ellsberg I think of the movie The Matrix.Where morpheus is the becon to humanity, he knows the truth that they have been hiding, and he will risk whatever it takes to expose that truth.Yet he is portrayed as a villian, a terrorist, and I quote from the movie.."some believe him to be the most dangerous man alive."Its an exact metaphore of the events we are seeing today regarding Jullian Assange,or forty years ago with Daniel Ellsberg.
Where did they come from ? who are they? how do they know this stuff ?The becons for humanity are villified before the whole world, and your right, most people are so engrained and emersed into the system, they will fight any change to their comfort zone regardless of the truth.I wish more people would wake up to the real world and see what we have allowed to happen.Peace.

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