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Holocaust did not happen?

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by hinky

Hinky, I agree that an actual revision of numbers is not what "deniers" and "revisionists" really want. They would kae the same claim if the Soviets would have brought up a 4 million figure instead of the 6 million in 1945.

There's "just asking questions" in a good way and there's "just asking questions" in the Glenn Beck / Eric Cartman sense and it is the latter which "deniers" and "revisionists" consistently bring forward the most.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Misoir

It took me a while, but I actually found a blog that explains all I want to say about your question. My native tongue is dutch so it would take me ages to write what I think/know about the true Holocaust...

Beware, for some this info might come as a shock.
Be sure to check the 2hr+ vid in the article, it's very boring to watch but it's so important.

Here is the link ->> Nazi Jews? Yes, Nazi Jews.

I hope this will educate many readers and open a door for debate without being accused of holocaustdenial, anti-semitism, etc. I'm curious of your reactions to this...

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by hinky

There's no doubt that more than just Jews were murdered, but I am simply talking about the Jewish part of the Holocaust, the more sensitive part.

The more sensitive part.... You're acting like the Germans squeezed the Jews to death from a group hug. Say whats on your mind. Are you implying victim or ...?

There are some incredibly intelligent people within the ATS community involving the Holocaust and history. One of them has posted already. Ask your questions and you will receive honest answers. Some which may be uncomfortable.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 09:45 PM
When I learned about the Holocaust when I was in grade school (waaay back in the mid-70s) the number was, if I remember right, around 3 million Jews. It has now blown up to 6 million. I think the only thing about the Holocaust that can be truly said to be incorrect is the number of Jews killed. Though is there really a difference between 3 million and 6 million when the intended goal was the extermination of them all?


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 09:50 PM
exactly....when millions die, that's bad enough. Holocaust did happen. There can be no denying it. No sense in bickering over numbers. Millions died. Isn't that enough?

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