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Have you ever had your opinion on a subject completely changed by reading a post on ATS ?

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Big Raging Loner
Absolutely I started a thread a few months ago about the rise of Neo Nazi movements in Mongolia. I thought that the connotations with Nazi Germany were fairly ridiculous, I had no idea of the connection between Asian mysticism and the Nazi doctrine.

My views on the matter were completely U-turned by Silent Thunder, one of the other members on here. The thread wasn't exactly popular or anything, but I learned a lot just from the suggested reading material. I certainly came to better understand the rise of the Nazi movement in the Mongolian youth, whilst not condoning it.

It does not take much for anyone to say they are neo-Nazi. The Nazi movement is a glorification of the Germanic ideal of a man and the prosecution of Jews. These neo-Nazi can easily put themselves back in 1933. If they aren't German now, they weren't German back then. Mostly the Gestopos would have them locked up in the ghetto or deported. Those were a very turbulent time. I know because I have dreams about that period. Das ist Deutschland über alles!!!! If these people do not have the heart for Germany in their intents, they are nothing but a wannabe. Victims of power of imagery seductions. They will go nowhere. Today's Germans would laugh at them, along with the rest of the far right groups across the world.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
S&F Sherlock

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Hello ATS.

I was wondering whether any members on here had their view on a subject matter do a 180º after reading a post, or posts, here on ATS ?

Not really, however on certain issues I have been able to incorporate aspects on a new level of understanding for about why others may feel passionately about an issue.

I am thinking specifically of subjects where people usually take one side or another and where both sides tend to be diametrically opposed.

People on ATS who can't share who they really are, or are afraid to do so, are just guinea pigs on some days or in some threads. Speaking for myself and some other older members on ATS I have in the past been known to take an opposite view than what I may personally believe in order to practice my debating skills and earn experience for trying to understand the opposing views sides. In some cases, if not most cases, I may keep this viewpoint throughout the thread and never share with members I actually feel more passionately about the other side's argument and key points. I find I may learn more about myself by attempting to test and challenge myself by picking a different stance on a particular subject and practice arguing from that point of view
That and it keeps people guessing, and it makes me a difficult target for those members who have me on their "respected foes" list. Can't hit what you can't see or touch.

I'm sure you know the kind of subjects I mean: Religion, alien visitation, most subjects that are covered in the Social Issues forum.

I've learned a great deal from members over the years about aspects on many subjects, and yes, my opinion has been altered or adapted to conform with certain truisms I have become aware of. One nice thing about opinion, is it doesn't have to be a permanent state of being, it can adapt to change and incorporate new ideas. But I only know of a few aspects of my opinion that have turned 180% while I have been a member on ATS. One is learning that language also holds truisms in more directions than just reading from left and to the right, but I do not expect to change everyone's opinion about this particular viewpoint that I am willing to entertain.

I was prompted to write this thread after seeing at least a dozen threads on one particular subject crop up in the past month or so, many of these threads reaching double-digits in pages.

In these threads I noticed the same members on both sides making the same old points, and no-one budging on their firmly entrenched stance.

Then what are they actually learning, or are they parroting. Are they taking the time to actually read and process what the other member is sharing, or are they regurgitating the same old same old repeat repetative over and over again and again same old same old... you get the point. But if they have the same information and are building upon it for their agenda and the extension of the will of who's objectives they serve, it is interesting to either watch them evolve over time, watch them crash and burn, watch them fade away, or actually start ot engage members in a plethura of different posting styles and hang tough.

That got me to wondering whether people's often vehement expression of their firmly held views or beliefs had ever changed anyone's mind on any given issue.

Not major issues, but I have helped people understand certain things in a different light, so to speak, and I have had members offer material that did teach me a something new, or offer explanations I had never seen before, and change or have an effect on my opinion about something.

While I realise that changing people's opinions is not the sole purpose of discussion on internet message boards, it would certainly be a positive benefit to a poster, if someone were to come around to their viewpoint after reading a cogently reasoned and well-written post by them.

I temporarily agree with you, but I didn't start off reading the post this way

From my short time on ATS, I have noticed that there are a number of posters that post intelligent, thought-provoking and deeply incisive points, so it wouldn't surprise me if someone were to have their opinion changed by reading many of the excellent posts that are made on this site.

I've heard rumors that it does happen from time to time. But people are not always willing to admit it publicly, and in some cases argue their points to the point they are looking like an idiot, and other idiots may even give them stars for their idiotic contributions. I have even seen deleted posts by mods recieve more than 20+ stars after their post was deleted. why? idiots who star something they never read because they so strongly disagree with the OP or something.

Personally speaking, I have had some of my views on many subjects enhanced by reading ATS, but not actually altered drastically.

same here, but I was already in my 30s by the time I joined ATS, and had been in the usaf for 7 years prior to joining, so my world views and most major subjects already had some measure of being decided upon.

Thanks for sharing this post and your thoughts about this stuff,

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:01 AM
No - not completely changed my mind, but it has influenced me enough to further investigate and search for the truth!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:53 PM
I don't think I've had an opinion completely changed.

I've had many of them strengthened though.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Sadly it's all too common in humans to be intolerant of anybody else's position. Compromise is hard to swallow for many, and it's a lack of understanding and compromise that causes most of the problems in the world

Excellent post Sherlock, I totally agree with that statement.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Actually Yes.... (Funny)

I had always assumed that residents in the UK were normal people. After a couple of "gun ban" debates I learned that every British man is a martial arts master who can disarm a gun toting opponent from 50 feet away with little to no effort at all. Guns and knifes are nothing to the UK posters on ATS and a large percentage of the population in the UK are trained in ninjitsu in grade school. If I had only known that before I wouldn't have actually tried to use reason on the "right of self defense".

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