posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by poet1b
There are many of us who know first hand. There is a big caution here, and for the ones waiting for disclosure, still debating the reality of Ets, if
they actually do the disclosure that is being alluded to recently, it will probably be for the wrong reason altogether.
ET is not a religious phenomen. Yes, there is Sanada, there is the U.N. tied into Metrieya. These are negative/black operations possibly with some
renegade ETs and NWO/Theorcracy type scenarios.
Big word of caution. Any ET bearing another religion is a renegade, for that is slavery. And they are very spiritual beings, expanded consciousness,
the Higher Ups can even meet with and adjust their plans according to your Higher Self's directives if involved with you, they're psi and can switch
space-time channels and frequency. They are not into pyramids, heirachies, relgions, slavery, control, money, forced employment, economic monopolies,
control of information, poisoning dumbing down citizens or microchips.
The pryamid has to be inverted, power to the many and things redistributed, but not thorugh crashing economies. Not through harming, but helping.