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America, the British puppet empire

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:44 PM
I was inspired to write this thread because of the post of the conspiracy champion Protoplasmic Traveler. I have long pondered this conspiracy about Great Britain and if the nation is really our greatest ally... or our greatest enemy.

***First let me say that the British people are great people, I love them very much. I do not believe one ounce that the British citizens believe their government is so evil and tyrannical and simply if they knew it would be unnacceptable to them. So don't blame the people of Great Britain for what their government may be doing.***

American Revolution against Great Britain

The American Revolution was started based upon the oppressive actions of the British Empire and by the direction of the Crown. Depriving the Colonists of democracy, liberty and justice, we were forced into obedience to the Crown against our wills. It was this harsh nature of the British that forced American Revolutionaries to rise up against their oppressors and forcibly remove them from our territory.

What most Americans fail to remember from History class due to the MSM is that the French were the ones who risked everything to assist us in our fight. Whether this assistance came just from the desire to have more unrivaled control in the Americas by removing the British influence or a combination with the wish to help a small colony liberate itself from its oppressors, France assisted us none the less.

They supplied us with the supplies we needed to fight in the American Revolutionary War and even entered the war in 1778 to help us fight off the British Empire. Spain and the Dutch Republic also assisted, although they were assisting France because they were allies, they threatened a full blown invasion of Great Britain and launched a European Campaign which was severely testing the military strength of the British.

After a naval attack at Yorktown in 1781 the British lost to the French in the naval battle and then surrendered. This lead to the 1783 Treaty of Paris which gave the US all land South of Canada, North of Florida and East of the Mississippi river, thus America owned all of their colonies and a lot more.

The Federalists served the Crown

During the era of 1789 through 1812 the Federalist Party was seen as a danger to the United States of America and our freedom. The opposing party was first known as the Anti-Federalists and later became the Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson. The Federalists believed that the power of the Central Government should prevail over the will of the states and this belief was supported moderately by George Washington shortly into his first turn when he sided with Alexander Hamilton instead of Thomas Jefferson.

In 1791 under the governance of the Federalist Party and George Washington the country established the First Bank of the United States, it was a private banking entity which controlled the wealth of the nation and run by bankers and was a paradise for speculators since the nation had about 50 currencies circulating at the time. The very beginning of the bank was based around debt:

According to the plan put before the first session of the First Congress, Hamilton proposed establishing the initial funding for the Bank of the United States through the sale of $10 million in stock of which the United States government would purchase the first $2 million in shares. Hamilton, foreseeing the objection that this could not be done since the U.S. government didn't have $2 million, proposed that the government make the stock purchase using money lent to it by the Bank; the loan to be paid back in ten equal annual installments.

Hamilton, then Treasury Secretary, modeled this bank after the Bank of England. He was a Federalist who believed heavily in the role of the Central Government in running the nation. Although this bank operated under many checks and balances contrary to our current Federal Reserve, there was still deep opposition to any form of Central Banking as it was seen as oppressive governance such as what was done by the British.

Under the second president, John Adams, the Aliens and Seditions Act passed. While there was not much opposition to the first sets of the bill, the last measure was heavily opposed by the Anti-Federalists as established tyranny and disregarding the protections they placed within the Constitution. The premise of the Seditions Act was to silence and arrest any opposition to the actions of the Adams administration, giving the Federal government the ability to arrest citizens whom openly opposed their laws and legislation. This allowed for the Federalist to seize rule over the nation since they controlled the Supreme Court as well.

The War of 1812 and the role of the Central Bank

The charter for the First Bank of the United States was set to expire in 1811, 20 years after its establishment. It failed to have its charter renewed and as a result the United States no longer had a Central Bank. What does this have to do with the War of 1812? Well most claim that the war was due to the trade between the United States and France, along with the British supporting Indians to fight America and the British opposed our westward expansion.

But people fail to take into account that there is a great possibility since the First Bank was established by the Federalists who favored Great Britain over France was allowed to have internationals involved in the bank, although they were not permitted to vote on any decisions. The British bankers in London had a massive banking cartel that was the largest in the world and they could have been friendly with the Federalists and were given rights to enjoy the wealth of the First Bank.

While tensions were already heated between America and Britain all that was needed was a spark for the war and that spark could have been when the First Bank was abolished, which took away British influence in American money and in turn American governance. This was simply unacceptable for the British bankers and so they convinced the Crown to wage war against the states, knowing that they will not reclaim the territory. That was not their goal for the war.

By waging a war with a new nation which was previously put in debt by the actions of Hamilton and the Louisiana Purchase, the US was ripe for economic turmoil. By forcing the US into a war it already could hardly afford they could make our economic system unsteady and they succeeded. By fighting the war they forced our debt up higher and our inflation skyrocketed.

Thus by forcing us into further debt and inflation we needed a way to stabilize our economy and we found one, we charted the Second Bank of the United States. This new bank helped to pull us out of debt and allowed for British Bankers to make further investments into America and thus further control. Europe was devastated from the Napoleonic Wars and we purchased vast land which was ripe for agriculture. This led to massive land speculation as America became the food producer of the Western World.

When Europe finally recovered from the war the Second Bank began contraction and this led to the United States slipping into the Panic of 1819. The Panic did not end until 1823 when new economic principles were adopted.

The Jackson to Lincoln Era (Third Picture on the Right)

The Jackson Era also known as the Second Party System lasted from 1828 to 1854, this time was great for the working American and for the American economy, but was a bad time for the bankers. Andrew Jackson was vehemently opposed to the Second Bank because it was not backed by gold and/or silver and instead used fiat currency.

To Jackson he saw this as a rigged system and dangerous to the Republic, he saw it as the force behind the debt out nation was ringing up during this time. In 1836 the Bank was on the edge of Bankruptcy due to the war waged against it by then president Andrew Jackson, the banks charter was not renewed in 1836 and it went bankrupt.

About the bank Andrew Jackson said this: “beyond question that this great and powerful institution had been actively engaged in attempting to influence the elections of the public officers by means of its money”.

But little did Jackson know who was really profiting from this bank, who was doing the mass contribution to the side of the Whigs who were formed as the Anti-Jacksons. They were mostly businessmen, bankers and other elitists, whom gathered together to create the political party. They wished that in 1836 they could scrap enough votes together to extend the banks charter, but failed to do so.

In the third link provided there is a graph which shows that under Jacksons two terms 1829-1837, the US Federal debt was paid off and we were no longer in any debt. When we were no longer in debt our nation did not owe any obedience to any foreign powers or interests, alongside the abolition of the Central Bank in 1836.

The Civil War, the New bank and the Lincoln Lie

“Britain heralded the end of slavery, in the Western world at least, with its Bill of Abolition, passed in 1807. This Bill made the African slave trade (but not slaveholding) illegal. Later that year the United States adopted a similar bill, called the Act to Prohibit the Importation of Slaves, which prohibited bringing slaves into any port in the country, including into the southern slaveholding states. Congress strengthened this prohibition in 1819 when it decreed the slave trade to be a form of piracy, punishable by death. In 1833, Britain enacted an Emancipation Law, ending slavery throughout the British Empire, and Parliament allocated twenty million pounds to buy slaves’ freedom from their owners.”

Lincoln was never truly worried about slavery as such a major issue, although he made it sound as such. Instead his focus was on forcing the Confederate States to return to the Union of face the wrath of the US. The Confederacy told the United States absolutely not and this angered Lincoln, thus he called for a war to force the South back into the Union.

When fighting the Confederacy to rejoin the Union was not a good enough excuse anymore he claimed it was about Slavery and how every person has the right to be free (Which I obviously agree with). After the war was over this came Reconstruction a time of deep political and social unrest in the nation and Lincoln signed into law the National Bank Act which began printing the first ‘Greenbacks’ or United States Notes.

He used this to pay for the war and reconstruction of the Southern states. Thus leading the nation into a massive debt and re-establishing the power of the Central Banking system in the United States.

At the time of Lincoln’s election the South was enjoying massive prosperity due to the decades of free banking and Jacksonian politics which ruled the last era. The Whig Party was torn apart due to the slavery issue, supposedly, and this led to the creation of the Republican Party. The Whigs as you read were deeply opposed to the war against the banks and were very supportive of Central Banking and fiat currency.

Could this have been the reasoning for the Civil War? To elect a radical, Lincoln, to national office knowing that it would lead to Southern secession so they could have reason to recreate a Central Bank which would fund the war as their excuse to re-establish it?

The Federal Reserve and World War 1 (Third Picture on the Right)

In 1913 under the Administration of Woodrow Wilson the United States finally sealed its fate. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law which created a massive central banking system in the United States which would handle all of our nation’s wealth and treasure behind closed doors and unsupervised. Handing complete control of our economy to the hands of the very top bankers of the United States, near unlimited power to do any transaction they want with national money.

As was the case with every other bank it was either established before, during or after a major US war. The Federal Reserve was established on December 23, 1913 and World War 1 began in Summer of 1914, just 6 months later. Could the assassin who killed Archduke Franz Furdinand of Austria, which lit the match of the war, have been supported by the British to invoke a war from which they could work alongside American bankers to seal in the minds of American people that a Central Bank was absolutely necessary?

The national debt went up during the war to nearly 40% after Wilson won on the slogan of ‘He kept us out of the war’. World War 1 was the first trial for the Federal Reserve and it succeeded, when the war ended the debt plummeted while the economy entered post-war depression. Alongside the Progressive Income Tax that was implemented under Wilson as well, this allowed for the United States to become the leading military machine and economic superpower.

During World War 1 Great Britain was devastated and loss many lives and treasure. While still maintaining their great empire it was beginning to shrink after losing Canada and other territories. The empire was hard to sustain after the economy was devastated so they had to turn to their old foe and America became friendly with Great Britain.

America viewed Great Britain as an evil empire because of its colonialism and imperialism which it forced upon the world. Now that America befriended Great Britain they joined and helped to craft the League of Nations, this was a place where the United States and Great Britain would begin to work together to force their will upon the world. When Germany signed that treaty it sent the Weimar Republic into massive debt and hyperinflation while at the same time removed 70% of Hungarian land.

These treaties were crafted behind closed doors by the leaders of France, Great Britain and United States who were all influenced and controlled by the bankers which owned their countries and it all went back to London bankers.

Great Depression, World War 2 and the new Superpower

Boom! There goes the stock market and the economy as the United States entered the Great Depression and next came hope under the name of the New Deal promised by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He became president and took control over the banks and seized the gold. Bankers were very angry with his administration and they way he pushed the government to the front of the national economy.

With strict rules and regulations he limited the powers of the banks, but never did anything to correct the mass abuse and corruption of the Federal Reserve. With the Federal Reserve’s power growing more powerful Roosevelt did not tackle the issue and instead made it far worse by seizing the gold and replacing it with fiat currency completely.

With the governments new advances into the national economy it allowed the Federal Reserve to expand its powers as well, as the government powers extends so does the Feds. This allowed for the creation of national monopolies by government and the Federal Reserve to pick corporations which will expand and become the power houses of the nation. The Federal Reserve took advantage of the what was occurring due to the rise of Hitler in Germany, which was caused by the Treaty of Versailles which Hitler believed the Jews sold Germany out to the international bankers.

Hitler was correct in his analysis, except that it was not the Jews necessary, it was just his excuse to create a Anti-Semitic state and Fascist state as was established in Mussolini’s Italy 10 years earlier. Many of the bankers invested in Hitler’s rise because of their opposition to Roosevelt’s New Deal policies which they saw as Socialist.

Eventually Roosevelt knew he could not let Great Britain fall to Hitler because of America’s alliance with Britain, so he created economic pressure on Japan which forced them to expand through the Pacific and retaliate against us by bombing Pearl Harbor so Roosevelt could have an excuse to enter the war. When Hitler saw Roosevelt start attacking Japan they and Italy declared war on America thus allowing the US to enter the full military theatre.

By the end of the war the United States racked up a national debt of 130% of GDP which was eventually paid off by government investment in the nation and providing jobs. The United States was the largest manufacturer at the time. Then the United Nations was created and this is where all of the International bankers had their chance to establish their total control over the world economy, slowly but surely.

The Cold War

The cold war soon developed and contrary to what they want you to believe we were never truly at war with the Soviet Union nor did we hate them. The purpose of the Cold War was for each side to be run by international bankers and start seizing control of nations, this may have come to a head in some locations such as Vietnam where certain bankers were at war about who will control there, the overall premise was to expand the two empires so they could control the world.

Whenever the United States entered a war and raised the national debt this was a service to the Federal Reserve. When we fought wars the debt was raised again which allowed the Federal Reserve and market manipulators to seize more power over the people of the nation.

The Soviet Union spread their power through the world by absolute state control over the economy while the United States spread their power through the world by corporate trade. The Soviet Union preferred the state control while the United States preferred the corporate control.

When the Bretton Woods System collapsed it took gold with it, Richard Nixon banned gold from being used as currency. This led to oil becoming the big reserve, black gold as we could say. This led to the scramble for control over the Middle East and all the money that would come from controlling it. The Soviet Union went into Afghanistan and that led to their collapse, whether this was planned or not is a big question.

The new Empire

The Soviet Union collapsed the Washington consensus became the ruling economic power of most world countries enforced through the international organizations. We set our trade to the rules of the World Trade Organization to control our trade policies which is run by the corporations and the international bankers, we set our economic rules to that of the International Monetary Fund which is run by international bankers.

So as the United States begins to fall due heavily to our destruction of our manufacturing base, the massive un-payable of our war in Afghanistan and Iraq and the welfare programs which would not be in debt if it were not for the loss of our trade and destruction of our economy to the hands of international bankers.

There whole point when they lost the territories was to reclaim them at any cost. They tried through the Central Banks which were destroyed one after another, then it was finally sealed with the Federal Reserve. At that time Great Britain entered the war and was heavily destroyed by the war, which forced them to try and seize control over the entire international economy through the League of Nations. When that failed and Hitler rose they were destroyed heavily by World War Two and finally established their international control over the world economy.

Then they began to lose their control over foreign nations one by one in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Then they were challenged by John F. Kennedy when he wanted to destroy the Federal Reserve’s monopoly over wealth, so the bankers had him assassinated.

This allowed for them to expand seize ultimate control over the United States and use its people, its economy and military to wage wars of imperialism to re-colonize the world through the enormous power of the United States.

Now we are in serious dire straights but what is our future? Right now it looks like the Federal Reserve will merely be the middle man between the United States and the International Monetary Fund, this same goes for the European Central Bank. Even though the people of Great Britain are heavily Eurosceptic they remain within the Union.

The point of remaining in there is to maintain their power. But why does this all fall back to Great Britain? Because they have been the worlds empire for the last couple of centuries and have been the leading force behind banking. The loss of the Colonies scared the Bankers and upset the British crown. But now that we are so heavily tied to the banking cartel in London our agenda is the same, the British have slowly but surely corrupted our government to the point that it is subserviant to the aspirations of the dead British Empire which has arisen from the ashes in what is now the American Empire.

We are their stepping stone to final international control via the International Monetary Fund which will control every economy on the planet.

Please remember this is merely speculation and my own theory. Take it with a large grain of salt.

edit on 9/28/2010 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Giving this thread a bump.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:45 PM
I want to continue reading the links you have provided, but I must say..

Nicely done...

Great Research and an angle I have never considered before..


Nicely done..


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:48 PM
One question please..

While I followed you pretty well up until the last paragraph; I am not seeing the specific correlation of the British now controlling us??

Is it your assertion that the British control the International Monetary Fund?


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

This is my largest thread, I really put my effort into this one.

Glad you liked it!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Very interesting thread and well worth the star and flag it truly deserves. It's great to see more people researching these things out on their own, and taking the time to make such high quality and well layed out threads.

It can make all the difference in the world, for people looking to make sense out of so many things that don't really make sense at all, until someone like you comes along and begins to explain the truth of it all.

Great effort.

Great thread.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
One question please..

While I followed you pretty well up until the last paragraph; I am not seeing the specific correlation of the British now controlling us??

Is it your assertion that the British control the International Monetary Fund?


I figured that question would arise.

Yes, the assertion I am trying to make is that the difference between the goals of Great Britain and America are no longer seperate. They have controlled us for so long that now we have become them, having the same goals and international aspirations. They have taken over our country, slowly but surely. And now they are moving on to the IMF.

If I didn't answer your question clear enough, please let me know.

edit on 9/28/2010 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Misoir

No.. That pretty well answered it..

How do you tie in the obvious corporate interests that the U.S. is obsessed with, into the Crown and their limited concern with Corporate entities?


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by Misoir

How do you tie in the obvious corporate interests that the U.S. is obsessed with, into the Crown and their limited concern with Corporate entities?


It all leads back to the Federal Reserve which leads back to the London Bankers. I do not understand the reasoning behind why our government is so obsessed with corporations, that is a very tricky question. If I was to try and tie that in I would have to say that it comes in the form that since corporations are heavily fed by the Federal Reserve that it is the only way to keep the government from returning back to what Andrew Jackson preached.

If they can keep a strong enough control over the legislative and electoral process they can make huge profit off of that, keep a stranglehold on the media so they can push propaganda which ignores the truth and keep out those who would ever wish to do harm to the power of the Fed (Such as Ron Paul). Their idea is to limit the access of the people to the government, if they can keep more power in unelected corporations then they can keep the 'scam' going without risk of an awakening.

I don't believe the Crown is the one pushing any ideas, they let the bankers handle the dirty work as long as they keep the 'colonies' under their control.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:16 AM
That's great, America screws up blame the Brits

Nice theory by the way but it's the decisions made by your own politians that have shaped your Country into what it is today.

We are no longer an Empire and haven't been for a while. The members of the Common Wealth are there out of choice and not by threat.

Big business in the US influences your government more than we do. It's all about the $.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Tykonos

And your opinion is quite possible as well. The point of a thread is to bring up a debate, it's merely a theory hence 'Conspiracy Theory'. And besides I'm not trying to blame your country for our screw ups, we are the ones sitting idly by and letting it happen so we are as much to blame as the bankers.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:35 AM
"as thick as thieves " is more like it.
america has the muscle- brits will go along with anything- if not instigate it.
bush-blair, reagan-thatcher..
laurel- hardy...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Actually it goes back a lot further. The British in partnership with the Netherlands, another monarchy whose crown goes back to Rome you see a lot of corporate ventures.

The most significant where America is concerned is the Massachusettes Bay Company. This may still in fact function as the Holding Company of the Corporate United States catching Washington D.C., Inc. and the Fifty States incorporated under it, under it's umbrella.

The British have an odd saying by the way, "In for a penny, in for a pound". In essence no matter what your investment is you are invested and vested for better or worse.

The crown might only be in on some ventures for a penny, but their prestige and power still adds up to a pound.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Eventually Roosevelt knew he could not let Great Britain fall to Hitler because of America’s alliance with Britain, so he created economic pressure on Japan which forced them to expand through the Pacific and retaliate against us by bombing Pearl Harbor so Roosevelt could have an excuse to enter the war.

Roosevelt didn't suddenly come to this realisation, have you heard of William Stephenson or the British Security Coordination? If not I have a feeling you'll enjoy having a dig on them!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Soshh

No, I have not heard of them before.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Greg Proops can sum up America in 5 minutes.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by ohsnaptruth
Greg Proops can sum up America in 5 minutes.

I couldn't stop laughing, thanks for the video. That's probably the closest to the truth.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Then I recommend looking them up. They fit in nicely with the theme of this thread and your previous research.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Here's a decent article:

Also I think it was declassified only this week that MI6 would assassinate devout isolationists and pro-Nazis living in the US to supplement BSC operations. It makes you wonder what records were shredded and burnt when they are willing to release information such as this.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Soshh

Also I think it was declassified only this week that MI6 would assassinate devout isolationists and pro-Nazis living in the US to supplement BSC operations.

Very interesting - can you give a link?

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