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WHY would you believe the OS on ALIENS from the White House??

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Why the HELL would you believe the OS from the white house when they offer up disclosure on UFO's and Aliens?

Why do you not believe the OS from 9/11?

Why do you not believe the OS from the JFK death?

Why would quite a lot now not believe the OS about the Moon Landing?

So why will you believe the OS about the Aliens?????

Why is it so easy to believe the OS about UFO's and Aliens? Do you not think that every time the GOV has something to tell us, there is always a hidden "nasty" behind the message?

What if they have struck a deal with the Aliens to do something VERY bad to the population of the Earth in 2012 and that's the reason they want to disclose the fact that there are real Aliens?

I do not believe this disclosure is in our favor but more likely to prevent mass panic when they appear. Before wiping us of the face of the earth while the govs and elites are hiding in DUMBS.

I just don't understand why people pick and choose what they want to believe when it comes in the form of an OS from the GOV. When do you choose to believe and when not to believe. After all, the GOV can make all the UFO and Alien stuff up and falsify things to make it appear like Aliens have been visiting us. What makes you think the OS will be the truth?

The best place to hide a lie is between two truths.

edit on 043030p://f38Monday by L1U2C3I4F5E6R because: spelling

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:56 PM
Its funny you ask.
All these people waiting for government disclosure really make me chuckle.
Like we would really believe it anyway coming from a source like that who lies to us daily.
We have project bluebeam and other government projects that are kept secret yet people believe what they tell us is true??

It would just be a new conspiracy...nobody would believe the official story so why look to the government for disclosure??.

Disclosure has already happened yet people still want the guvmint to tell them its true.
What the hell??

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:57 PM
I star n flag you!

I always wonder this type of thing myself.

People say "don't trust the government, the military or the media", Yet Jessi Ventura gets hailed the truth bringer of conspiracy when he makes a show for the TV...

I mean...yeah...why trust anything anyone says about aliens when it is coming from a source known to lie?

I mean, take it with a grain of salt or something, but don't go hog wild trusting ANYONE without proper evidence.


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:58 PM
You misunderstand greatly, my fellow conspiracy theorist. The OS is the admittance of intelligent life, that does not belong to us. What they say after the fact, motives, relations, and otherwise is irrelevant. Once the statement goes through, then we may began the true discussion.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
You misunderstand greatly, my fellow conspiracy theorist. The OS is the admittance of intelligent life, that does not belong to us. What they say after the fact, motives, relations, and otherwise is irrelevant. Once the statement goes through, then we may began the true discussion.

More this!

Thumbs up!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Exactly guys. I think it must be a ruse of some sort. I think its because we are going to face serious trouble. The Mayan calendar stops at 2012 Dec 21st or something. That's because the Aliens more than likely helped with the calendar and said they will return in 2012.

I can not believe every UFO filmed or photoed is faked or something else like a balloon or plane etc. I think we ALL know deep down that we have seen enough to already convince us. All that's remaining is for them to land on our doorsteps. Now if the Gov know this then, they have known about UFO's for a long time and been in contact. So why believe the gov's OS, they always LIE, LIE and LIE again? They are withholding something else even when "disclosure" comes. Something far bigger than the mere existence of Aliens.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:06 PM
there will be no disclosure from the White House NOT GONNA HAPPEN

they are to heavily invested in their lies and subterfuge to ever admit they have hoodwinked the public for 50years just to maintain and expand their power and suck money out of us for Black Ops programs

they know that after the dust settled we would lynch them ,they have murdered lied stolen traded in drugs and human trafficking to get this far admissions of truth are off the table. We should just lynch them anyway

Aliens are perfectly capable of disclosure on their own they've done it before this isn't anybodies first rodeo

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:09 PM
Something else that bugs me is this.
People say they won't believe it til they land on the whitehouse lawn for all to see.
Whats the difference between the whitehouse lawn and the people who see it there in regards to it landing on your lawn and the people who see it there???

Same peace of dirt,same humans seeing it??
Is there something I am missing here??

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Convenience i suppose.

GOV says something they don't agree with, LIARS! can't anyone see that they're lying to us? this is a conspiracy!

GOV says something they agree with or believe in, TRUTH! how can't they not believe what they say, why would they lie to us?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:24 PM
I would confirm anything they say but,What if the aliens told the powers that be, all of them, time to tell the truth
or we we'll be the new leaders of your world? Maybe the aliens are going to out all the governments of the worlds scams on man kind?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:57 PM
I've been saying this for ages on most of the 'disclosure' threads I've come across on ATS, but it's as though all my posts were invisible to everyone but me.
As stated above, why ask a liar for the truth?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
You misunderstand greatly, my fellow conspiracy theorist. The OS is the admittance of intelligent life, that does not belong to us. What they say after the fact, motives, relations, and otherwise is irrelevant. Once the statement goes through, then we may began the true discussion.

Yeah, I gotta +1 TheOneElectric here. Agree completely, and well put. The existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is a binary concept. Either they exist, or they don't. Sadly, many will probably assume the 'OS', as you put it, is true, but those of us who have been following the subject for some time will be more questioning.

Of course, there is also the question of whether the government says 'Hey we just found these aliens' or 'Hey, we've known about aliens for a while but kept them secret for your own protection'. The latter would certainly cause more people to question the details of the OS, which is why the former is far more likely.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:05 PM
The Gov might come clean and not lie to us if - nuclear missles or weapons are being messed with now, they may have an agreement with ET's to slowly break it to the public or else - just a thought - but what if? If they are now willing to tell us nuclear missles were shut down in the past maybe its happening right now!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by crazydaisy

the guys at the press conference said the last incident that they knew of was 2007

and that they know what they say but now they are out of the loop

I'm going to go with it still continues or why would 2007 be the ,our job here is done cut off date?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Excellent question OP, I feel you’ve raised a very valid point!

My opinion is that I most certainly would not believe anything that the government has to say about their involvement with ET. Reminds me of that saying ---“you know that they’re lying because their lips are moving!”

They’ve lied to us about so much for so many years --- I think their motto has been to “deny everything and if that doesn’t work then just Lie.” So yeah, I doubt the TPTB could tell the truth even if they wanted to. (Which, I’m sure they don’t)

I still would like the Government to disclose that ET’s exist. If only so more honest and intelligent people in our mainstream world will feel comfortable or be given public funding to perform their own --- independent research.

So pretty much, the government just needs to say “yes they exist” (if that be the case, which I think it is) and after that they can pretty much “zip it!” for all I care --- because there is just no way that they can afford tell us the truth without having the whole world try to impeach their rosy behinds!

It’s kinda sad, but imho, I think that we stand a much better chance getting the truth from the ET’s (if they ever officially land) then from our own governments.

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