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The Chances of the 'Oblivion' Scenario Happening?

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:05 AM
Anyone who has played The Elder Scrolls 4 might already know what I am talking about, but for those who haven't...
Please direct your attention to the links:

Mehrunes Dagon
Basic Overview of TES4: Oblivion

Basically, what happens is a group of "Satanists", actually just a cult in the game resembling a Satanic cult, band together and start worshiping Mehrunes Dagon who is basically like a giant demon or actually I think he might be the "god" of Oblivion. Oblivion is the games version of Hell. Anyways, they worship him and they find a way to open multiple "gates" to Oblivion. With their power and time put into the dark arts they literally bring him to the real world and he wreaks havoc on the Imperial City.

My question to you is this: How possible do you think it would be for that to actually happen?

I know that it's just a game, and I realize that it's probably impossible, but I like to think that nothing is ever impossible. Plus, with all the talk of summoning demons and I've seen a slight rise in actual Satanists in my area over the past year, I just figured it might make an interesting topic. I'm really no expert on the topic of demons but I do a bit of research from time to time and have wondered about this since I first played through the storyline. Let me know what you think

--also, Mods please...if this is in the wrong place OR if you think it might better fit in on BTS, give it a move and my apologies for the inconvenience.--

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by philosearcher

Explanation: S&F!

Hmmm how possible eh?

Basically, what happens is a group of "TPTB", actually just a cult on the planet resembling a socio-economic cult, band together and start worshiping The Federal Reserve who is basically like a giant demon or actually I think it might be the "god" of NWO. NWO is the planets version of Hell. Anyways, TPTB worship the FedResrv and they find a way to open multiple "gates" to the NWO. With TPTB's power and time put into the dark arts they literally bring it to the real world and it wreaks havoc on everything!

Personal Disclosure: For me ... it's in the high percentile bracket of definate... and I recalibrate daily!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:38 AM
Star and flag for an elder scrolls thread.

I love the series. Oblivion was fun, but Morrowind was way better.

As for the chances of something like that happening in real life..

I think not.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by philosearcher

I've played that game. I really liked it, but never found out how to un-become a vampire, which i did not like. i passed the tests, got all the stuff i was suppose to get, i think, yet that lady still wouldn't help me, so i played almost the entire game as a vampire

Is it possible to open gates to other demensions or other timelines? I think so. But, I think the game speaks more in metaphorical views. But, I may be wrong.

I really like the alchemy and collecting strange ingredients in that game

it's just a game
, but an interesting on with a big world and a lot of freedom from the get go, which i liked.

looking for portals to hell in this realm? Look at who banks, governments, religions, and information panderers (msm) are pointing at. they seem to be TPTB around here.


edit on 21-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: add main stream media (msm) aka Mind System Manipulators (msm)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:51 AM
Reply to post by philosearcher

Personally I love that game.. And if it were to happen, then the elder scrolls would be the new "bible".

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:00 AM
Thanks everyone for the replies
It is seriously one of the greatest games I've ever played. Honestly, though, I was figuring that it was more leaning towards impossible, but still amazing to think about. I mean, if a real Satanic cult would be able to do this, I would think we'd be in big trouble. A two and a half story demon or the devil himself coming out of a portal from another realm? IF, hypothetically, that could could you stop something like that?

OmegaLogo: I like your comparison of Oblivion and our real world. Fits perfectly

HeyJude: Have yet to play Morrowind, but one of these days I will. Parts of me wishes it wasn't just possible in the game, but like I said, I think we'd all be in a lot of trouble if it happened.

Esoteric Teacher: The vampire glitch got me too. It is kind of a burden, but at the same time sort of fun. I like how some of the flowers in the game exist in real life too, they spent a lot of time with the game and I bet that's why a new one hasn't come out yet.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:07 AM
I actually picked this up quite recently so it's still pretty fresh on my mind. But, chances are I may be wrong on some key things.

Mehrunes Dagon is one of 16 daedra princes or daedra lords who are worshiped within the game. The Mythic Dawn cult worships Mehrunes Dagon, lead by a man called Mankar Camoran, who plans on bringing Mehrunes to the world through an Oblivion gate.

Daedric Princes find entertainment and humor in interfering with the affairs of mortals, but do not know the mortal sense of "good" and "evil". Daedra usually have extremist tendencies, which is why Men and Mer fear them greatly. However, several princes do seem to take genuine pleasure in tremendous acts of devastation, in particular Boethiah, Molag Bal, Vaermina, Mehrunes Dagon and Peryite.


Also when Mankar's follows die they don't go to heaven or hell they go to a place called "paradise". Where they are attacked and killed by creatures from Oblivion (they do reincarnate within that plane of existence) for eternity, or until Makar dies and the world falls apart.

Great game though, I always think of them as hell gates and Mehrunes as Satan, that was my first take at it. I think there is a lot that can be interpreted within the game, mainly in a religious context. I wouldn't doubt if it isn't based on something from some holy book or something along those lines.

Don't forget about the Knights of the Nine, or even The Shivering Isles expansions.

edit on 9/21/2010 by Forest because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

the way to unbecome a vampire is hidden in the vilage right to the outerleft-bottom village.. it is doable...

As for how likely a scenario like TES-4 playing out... I dont think so... I feel Fall-out 3 is much more likely

Anyway Bethesda has its hands in some very intriquing storylines.. I think in the past it would have been more doable (when one believes in the biblical god) since god took away the demons power to actually physically wreak havoc.

edit on 21/9/2010 by faceoff85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:30 AM
Dagoth Ur would totally kick Mehrune Dagon's butt!


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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:35 AM
I must say the elven and glass armor look gay, i want a dwarven one.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:47 AM
Stop right there criminal scum!

I don't think we have much to worry about as far as Mehrunes Dagon breaching the veil... I'd be may more concerned about the Dreaded Night Father Sithis. I mean if Deadra turned out to be real than the Dark Brotherhood would be awfully busy. ATS would have a new thread every day as everyone tried to understand the ritual of the Night Mother.

Ok, I'm turning the Nerd switch back to off until I see a Fallout thread.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by AdAbsurdum

But a fall-out thread would actually be a little less far-fetched in comparison with Mehrune Dagon entering our realm. Altough even a nuclear holocaust would probably be stopped by all those UAO's seen at nuclear sites.. Damn why wont they give these game-scenario's a fair chance of playing out.

I'm off to play Resident evil 5... Thread anyone?

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by faceoff85
reply to post by AdAbsurdum

But a fall-out thread would actually be a little less far-fetched in comparison with Mehrune Dagon entering our realm. Altough even a nuclear holocaust would probably be stopped by all those UAO's seen at nuclear sites.. Damn why wont they give these game-scenario's a fair chance of playing out.

I'm off to play Resident evil 5... Thread anyone?

Well, something more real, what about CoD Modern Warfare 1 and 2?

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:34 AM
stop right there criminal scum !!!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by MonteroReal

There is nothing real about CoD MW 1 or 2. I am not a fan.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by AdAbsurdum
reply to post by MonteroReal

There is nothing real about CoD MW 1 or 2. I am not a fan.

Guns, helicopters, soldiers, are more real than spells, oblivion gates, magic armor, amulets, etc etc

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by faceoff85

But I want my pipboy!

Haven't played RE:5 outside of a few minutes at a friends house. Was it any good?

reply to post by MonteroReal

Those things are more real. But CoD:MW isn't anymore realistic than Oblivion. I'm not a fan of what InfinityWard did to the franchise. I like what BFBC2 did with the bullet drop and what not, but I'm hoping the new Medal of Honor gets even closer to reality. Did you ever play MAG?

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Great game Yay! For heal yourself from being a vampire you need to mix some herbs. Try cure poison.
I hope you still have your save game we lost ours and we did eavery mission even the ones in the expantions

Shivering islands was to crazy for me, from there on played my broh.

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