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Mysterious Cancer, Camp Lejeune, And A Government Coverup About To Be Exposed!

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:50 PM
Just imagine...

In about another 15-20 years you'll be able to replace the words "Camp Lejeune" with "Gulf states" and add BP to the headline and it'll be news all over again.

Even benzine will make a "surprise" appearance.

It's disgusting what governments will do to their own people.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by exile1981

Exile, that amount is small in comparison to the levels measured at Camp Lejeune. No wonder there are so many sick and diseased from this poisioning!

reply to post by soficrow

Sofi, good point your making there. I realize that 40 years ago the average person's attitude was much more relaxed about diposing of toxic chemicals. I will never forget on neighbor of mine who used to pour solvent into his own front yard because that was free and easy.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:55 PM
S&F Slayer

I am really curious to know if the Rockefeller Foundation had anything to do with
all of this. They always seem to be tied up with nefarious activities. One has
to wonder.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by spacecase7717

Sounds llke she is in dire straights, that is serious.
Sincerely, I hope this gets resolved, and she is able to seek medical attention.

I thought you, and others could benefit from the hearing Info. Posting it here:


Witness Statements Panel 1:

Witness Statements Panel 2

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by airspoon


Thanks for your input, and contribution to this thead. I agree about the responsibilities, it is just really
a shame that any one could feel like abdicating responsibility for waste disposal is even a choice.

Pressure from above sometimes, fear of reprimand, losing a position, an income. Sad....

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Camp Lejeune is only one of many.

In the navy i went through about one 5 gal can of pure trichloroethylene(TCE) every two weeks on ships.
and even higher amounts off Vietnam(bluewater navy)
We used it to clean everything including our bodies when off Vietnam as the ships distillation unit could never make enough fresh water for showers.
And if you used TCE anywhere in the ship the ventilation system spread the fumes throughout the ship.
but we were told by the navy that TCE was safe and it had been used as a replacement for carbon tetrachloride that the navy had been using.

After we pulled out of Hawaii the Navy fueled diesel ships going west with jet petroleum JP fuel instead of diesel fuel.
this fuel contained high benzine levels.

Because we used both JP fuel and trichloroethylene in the engine rooms we had high fume levels there and in other areas of the ship.

A number of blue water vets believe that it was not only agent orange that we got through the ships water distillation units but also the high levels of TCE we were exposed to that have caused our health problems.

To be fair Camp Lejeune was not only contaminated by the military but because it was a Marine base it had a large dry-cleaning business just outside the base that also dumped PCE into the ground water.
EPA - ABC One Hour Cleaners
ABC One Hour Cleaners is associated with groundwater contamination at Camp Lejeune. It is an EPA Superfund fund-lead site being addressed through State and Federal Actions.
PCE appears to have been dumped by a private dry cleaner near one of the water wells, While the TCE was dumped by the Marine Corps, according to documents and investigators

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ANNED


Thanks much for that addition to the thread! Wow, that is some seriously toxic stuff there you were working with.
I am shocked to hear that anyone in a superior position would be so careless with lives. Like you, it angers me.

I am disgusted to read this from the news yesterday!

In the decades that poisonous chemicals tainted the drinking water at Camp Lejeune, N.C., hundreds of thousands of Marines filed through the base, but so far, only 200 veterans have asked the Department of Veterans Affairs to link their illnesses to the poisons.

Of those, only 20 have been told "yes."

A Veterans Affairs official told Congress on Thursday that despite the evidence of widespread contamination of drinking water at Camp Lejeune, the agency doesn't think that the science yet exists to link exposure to the toxic water led to a host of cancers and other diseases suffered by former base residents.

"Establishing presumptive diseases at this point would be premature," said Thomas J. Pamperin, the associate deputy undersecretary for policy and program management at Veterans Affairs.

Read more:

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 11:32 AM
“A Civil Action,” a motion picture based on the true story of eight children who died from leukemia caused by groundwater contamination from factories in Woburn, Mass., was released in theaters in December 1998.

DoD officials sought delay in Lejeune water study
E-mails show movie, press image a concern

Defense Department e-mails obtained by The Daily News seem to corroborate a U.S. Congressman’s claims Thursday that military leaders cared more about bad press than Camp Lejeune Marines poisoned by contaminated water.

The e-mails show base officials sought to delay the release of water contamination questionnaires in 1998 to avoid the premiere of a Hollywood drama about the same subject.

Officials also commented in internal e-mails about how a court martial verdict and ACC March Madness would distract from news about the chemical contamination that fouled water aboard Camp Lejeune for more than three decades.

Memos and e-mails — generated in the late 1990s — between military and civilian officials detail how environmental officials and public affairs officers anticipated public reaction and evaluated news coverage related to base water contamination.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 11:46 PM
Trying to get service connection for exposure to toxic chemicals is just about imposable in some cases for ex military.

I know I was exposed to agent orange on at least three locations but since they were not in Vietnam the VA has claimed they do not count.
The first was repairing and repainting mine sweep boats.
We burned the paint off the outside of the boats after they were brought back from Vietnam to Long Beach Calif.
We removed the paint using blow torches and paint scrapers by blistering the paint(charring it in some cases) and scraping the softened paint.
These boats had been used on the Mekong river between the coast and the Cambodian border one of the heavy Agent orange use areas of Vietnam and the paint on the outside of the boats would have been soaked with water laced with agent orange if not covered with spray dropped from the agent orange aircraft.

Second was Guam where the air-force used agent orange to hold back the jungle growth on there base.
If you were in the air-force on Guam you can get service connected for agent orange but if you were in the navy you can not. Even if you went to the air force base on navy business. The navy did not keep records on what they used on there bases on Guam. But with the military supply system the way it was why would the air-force use agent orange and the navy on the same island use something else.

Third was Johnson island where the ship i was on stopped twice to refuel, stay over night doing repairs, and take on water from the island water system,
This was 1973 and the military had a major dump of agent orange there waiting to be burned for disposal.
The drums at this storage area had leaked about 49,000 gallons of concentrated agent orange(20 to 30 times stronger then agent orange sprayed in Vietnam as when it was to be sprayed it was mixed with JP kerosene before spraying) and had contaminated the island.

Since none of these happened in Vietnam and i never set foot on shore of Vietnam as far as the VA is concerned I never was exposed to agent orange. I have ischemic heart disease and diabetes both are now on the agent orange Presumptive list.

Then you have trichloroethylene and a number of other chemical that have never even been identified that we were exposed to.

With trichloroethylene(TCE) if you drink alcohol during the time you are being exposed to TCE this increases the problems caused by TCE.
After reading the research on alcohol and TCE i wonder how many in the military were subject to disciplinary actions after working all day with TCE and having a couple beers after work. In the military you were not subject to a alcohol testing if picked up by the MPs if you looked drunk they wrote you up as drunk and you went to a court martial hearing. The MPs like Cops never believe anyone on how much they drank.

edit on 18-9-2010 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by ANNED


Thanks for adding much depth to this thread, and sharing your experiences.
Your exposure to Agent Orange by way of your work on the vessels should have been matched with the care you deserve. It is a terrible crime that you, and others are not provided for with medical care after this exposure.

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