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When Hemp Saved George Bush's Life

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posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Quote from The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.

Five years after hemp was outlawed in 1937, it was promptly reintroduced for the World War II effort in 1942.

So, when the young pilot, George Bush, baled out of his burning airplane after a battle over the Pacific, little did he know:

- Parts of his aircraft engine were lubricated with cannabis hempseed oil;

- 100% of his life-saving parachute webbing was made from U.S. grown cannabis hemp;

(Please note, that the facts in this book are backed by a $100,000 challenge to any person that disprove any fact in this book)


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[edit on August 16th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:11 PM
I thought that this was pretty interesting speaking how Mr. Bush Sr. was pro-drug war. I don't support the drug use of marijuana but the facts of hemp's industrial uses are undeniable.

I recommend that people should read this book for the benefits of the hemp plant for textiles, food, fuels, and thousands of other uses.

It was simply outlawed because of the interests of big business in the United States.

Comments and inputs greatly appreciated.

I'm doing another thread from another topic in this book, I need to do more "official" research before hand.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by elfulanozutan0]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Here's my thread on The TRUTH about HEMP.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Thank you so much for making this thread, there is so much ignorance around Hemp/Marijuana and it's about time people realised the truth about Hemp. Our societies need to grow-up(no pun etc) to the fact that this plant has so many wonderful uses to mankind. The 'high' is just the tip of the Iceberg, it is a wonderplant in many senses of the word.

A 101 uses for a Ganja plant comes to mind...

Thank you DClairvoyant for the additional links.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Of particular hypocrisy is that we condone the use of poppy plants for medical extraction yet are led to associate the plant with wide-grinned drug lords and that most abominable drug of all (allegedly)*, heroin. Yet hemp gets the NOOOOOO BURN SLASH KILL treatment at the very use of its name.

*NOTE: I'm in no way implying that there is anything good about heroin use in its 'recreational' form (I phrase that because the term is vague and sometimes the pain-killing applications of the poppy plant get attributed the same name - my point with the "s was about the juxtaposition, not any personal stance)

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Kolya

You make a good point mate, I hate Heroin because it is a black market drug that is very dangerous but I see the benefits of Morphine... having taken it when my leg was broken, it was a very effective pain killer. The problem with the Poppy is it's addictive.

Cannabis is also a very effective pain killer but shunned by most people as a hippy drug and being no use except to get high. As well as all the practical uses like clothes, paper, oil etc. Cannabis is a great pain killer, relaxation assistant and mind expander. The greatest thing about it is... It's not addictive!

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 08:39 PM
Yes, it is a very useful plant. Hemp has been the highest agricultural industry in the world since 1000 years before Jesus until the late 1800s.

The War of 1812 was basically over hemp exports from russia. I'm making a thread about that soon. It is very interesting and historically proven even though your history teachers in middle school won't teach you that aspect.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

I can support your story (albeit not personally): I had a friend at uni, and I was good friends with his girlfriend and her younger sister, who got her leg smashed in three places by a hit-and-run driver. We went to see her in hospital (as it happens, my friend and I were in the area for a book-signing...) and despite her injuries, she was almost normal - morphine really tipped the balance; however, it later turned out that she (a trainee nurse who already knew the dangers of overmedication) would subject herself to 'off-periods' with no morphine relief, and really horrible lingering pain, just so she could dose up during family/friends visits where she wanted to put up a cheerful front.

Brave girl tbh, and a VERY worthwhile use of a crop that's probably being scourged by the hectare because of its illicit uses.

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