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Opinion: Weed activists actually want to be taxed

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posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
People who smoke pot will. People who don't won't.

That's the part that people without knowledge just don't get. You can't stop it. And it's not going to be a "gateway" drug. People that use other drugs than weed will ALSO do that. Regardless of the fact the they used weed. Booze is more likely to be a gateway drug. Best sedative on the market.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:04 AM
Legalizing marijuana SHOULD'VE happened when we started going through the 'world-wide economic disaster'.
The tax money made from this could have really helped, and still can help.
Which is why I would have no problem paying taxes on my weed.
Admittedly, I would rather see my money go to organized crime than corrupt governments... but, when it comes to being a good thing for society, there's really no other way to go.
(Unless the Hells Angels and others care to share some of that drug money to fund schools and other things that would better society.)

Aside from the taxes helping to fund the government,
there's so many more reasons why I believe MJ should be legalized.
For example, still regarding taxes: if legalized, our tax money could start going to important things, instead of paying for people to be in jail for (most often non-violent) pot related crimes.
[speaking of pot related crimes... FREE MARC EMERY, political prisoner! But, I wont get into this now.

Then there's the health benefits, the artistic inspiration many people feel while high (Most of my best songs were written under the influence), the creation of jobs (would depend on whether the govt. hired growers, or if they started their own production facilities. Either way it still creates a few new jobs.), & I'm sure there's so much more that I'm forgetting.
[insert obvious comment here about how my forgetting is because of my 5 years of smoking weed.

anyway, great thread!
time to go enjoy a nice big bowl of criminality! ;3

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by abecedarian

Oh dear God....

Me LOL!!! Do you see a group for medical Herion? Nop! how about medical Crack? Nop! none here either!

Jesus please think before your post sir....

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by abecedarian

I agree sir. the feds have no right to step in on the state. In fact the only reason a FED government should even be in place is to handle military protection of the citizens.

this is WHY the drug war PISS me off so much. The feds HAVE NO RIGHT to prohibit ANYTHING!!!! they had to make a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol and another one to repeal it. YET! YET! they are able to enforce unjust LAWS under the guises of a TAX law,..


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by LestatG

Actually that statement about addiction is just not 100% true.

Studys by Dr. Mitch Earlywine (USC) shopw that people who use alcohol, prescription meds, & other drugs AS WELL as use marijuana, experience the classic physical addiction symptoms including: inability to sleep, lake of appetite, Wild crazy visual dreams, panic type attacks etc etc.

However in this same study, MARIJUANA ONLY users experienced NONE that is 0 of the classic physical addiction symptoms.

You can do the rest of the math.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

Just not even true sir. How many club owners do you know?

I happen to knew a number of them and most if not all want it to be legal. HOWEVER, they would open there doors to PROP 19 users as they are MEDICAL marijuana dispensarys. LOL at the conspiracys. Its like that g-13 strain the "Goverment weed" the goverment does grow anything but mexi Shwag at the univeristy of missisippi.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:04 PM
Anyone who thinks MJ should stay illegal really needs to learn how it became illegal in the first place because it was all based on false science, racism, and special interests.

After researching that, then research into the Commission that was created by Nixon (who started the War on Drugs) that actually backfired by concluding that MJ holds no danger to society and that it should indeed be legal.

Our government NEEDS to stop prosecuting people for MJ, and spend their time and our hard earned tax money on fighting the drugs that actually kill and harm our society.

There is only ONE thing about MJ that is dangerous... The criminals who sell it... Keeping MJ illegal only puts more money into the criminal's pockets.

edit on 11-11-2010 by monkeySEEmonkeyDO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO

After researching that, then research into the Commission that was created by Nixon (who started the War on Drugs) that actually backfired by concluding that MJ holds no danger to society and that it should indeed be legal.

"Must have been them jews. Those psychologists, there Jews you know "

- Richard M Nixon in response to the Shaffer commissions final findings on marijuana.

Gotta Love the guy right? LOL

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