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Saletta prophecy from 1846...

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 02:09 AM
From Google translate(German link):,%20Frankreich,%20Spanien

"Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, God sets about venting his anger on them, and nobody will be able to avoid the many evils combined.
Humanity is on the eve of terrible events. We will have to make up their minds to the fact that an iron rod will cause the rule that the cup of God's wrath to be emptied.
God allow the old serpent (Satan), is causing unrest among the rulers in all classes of society and in all families.
The people will suffer physical and mental anguish ...

Italy will be punished for his efforts to shake off the yoke of the Supreme Lord of himself. It will be at the mercy of the war. On all sides will be flowing blood.
The temple will be closed or desecrated, priests and religious are driven away. It will kill them and they will die a horrible death.

In France, Italy and Spain, war will break out and the blood is flowing freely in the streets.
The Italian will fight with the Italians, the Frenchman with the French. (Civil wars GG)


Then a general war (World War 3, d. eds will be built), which will be terrible. For a time, God is neither Italy nor France, remember, because the Gospel is all forgotten. The evil people will leave out all their anger, they will kill themselves and kill each other right into the houses. Everywhere, only the noise of weapons and curses be heard ...


Rome will lose his faith and be the seat of the Antichrist. But the pagan Rome will disappear,

There are three cities consumed by fire that will fall from the sky ...


The nature yearns for revenge on the people and trembling with dread and anticipation of what is to come upon the earth, stained by the crimes. At the first blow of the divine sword that strike like lightning (asteroid impact, d. ed.), will the mountains and all nature will tremble with fear ...


Paris will be burned and Marseilles engulfed; * many large cities will burn down or collapse due to earthquakes ...


The seasons are changing, the earth will produce only bad fruits, the stars will leave their regular paths, the moon will donate only a pale red light. The water and the fire will come in within the earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes have the effect of which will sink into the mountains and cities. Earthquake will swallow whole countries ...
Wars, famine, pestilence, epidemics
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! There will be bloody wars, famine, pestilence and contagious diseases.


There will be terrible rain and hail ... Thunder and lightning burn down entire cities. The whole universe is of terror. Finally, the sun was darkened, and only faith alone will give light ...
Fight in their children of light, her little flock, who are, for the period of time, the last end is here.


This very much resembles other prophecies but this one is more specific about the papacy and south of Europe. Other ones are more specific about the future after the great catastrophe.

In my opinion the chance for the world´s people today lies in following the principles of Falun Dafa(Truth, Compassion, Forbearance).

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 02:37 AM
I have no idea who La Saletta is, but reading this prophecy I get the feeling that it is describing WW2. Including the bombing by the Luftwaffe of Paris (led to the capitulation of France) and the overwhelming of Marseilles by the number of refugees from occupied France.

The activity of the various resistance groups could be what the prophecy is describing as Frenchman against French and Italian against Italians (singular against plural, the few against the many).

I can imagine that someone having a vision of WW2 in 1846 would be completely overwhelmed and in shock. In 1846 there were no bombers, and the scale of warfare was completely different. We have made a lot of progress in the warfare department since the 1840's

It's a nice find, but alas 60 years too late.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:25 AM
It is placed under the third world war category prophecies and there is much in it that absolutely can only refer to the last ending.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:08 AM
Not sure what it referes to...(WW1, WW2 or WW3)
Anyhow, it's a quite fascinating read!

[edit on 22-7-2010 by EisLeo]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:33 AM
I wonder what he means by three cities will fall from the sky.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by ATLien
I wonder what he means by three cities will fall from the sky.

It said "There are three cities consumed by fire that will fall from the sky ... ". It meant the fire will fall from the sky, not the cities.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux

Originally posted by ATLien
I wonder what he means by three cities will fall from the sky.

It said "There are three cities consumed by fire that will fall from the sky ... ". It meant the fire will fall from the sky, not the cities.

Oh Okay..What language is the original text in?

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Gaussq
It is placed under the third world war category prophecies and there is much in it that absolutely can only refer to the last ending.

The obvious question is: who placed it under that category?
The website you got it from is a collection of different prophecies that are given out of context.

The part:

There are three cities consumed by fire that will fall from the sky ...

Could refer to the fire bombing of German cities and/or the nukes over Japan.

The nature yearns for revenge on the people and trembling with dread and anticipation of what is to come upon the earth, stained by the crimes. At the first blow of the divine sword that strike like lightning (asteroid impact, d. ed.), will the mountains and all nature will tremble with fear ...

Saying that this is most likely an asteroid impact is an assumption of the translator. There is nothing in the text that hints at asteroids.
It could just as easy refer to the dropping of a nuke. Remember, the prophecy is from 1846. A shiny B-29 seen from a distance...and suddenly a bright flash?

If this should refer to something that has yet to happen: Divine Sword is the name of the Beijing Special Operations Force. Have fun exploring that road...

The seasons are changing, the earth will produce only bad fruits, the stars will leave their regular paths, the moon will donate only a pale red light. The water and the fire will come in within the earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes have the effect of which will sink into the mountains and cities. Earthquake will swallow whole countries ...
Wars, famine, pestilence, epidemics

I think our favorite prophet is getting carried away here, but is obviously not in a happy place. He seems to be describing some elements of the ground zero view of the aftermath of a nuke. The red moon is normally caused by the light being scattered by dust particles in the after a storm or big explosion. Bad fruits...radioactive?

There will be terrible rain and hail ... Thunder and lightning burn down entire cities. The whole universe is of terror. Finally, the sun was darkened, and only faith alone will give light ...
Fight in their children of light, her little flock, who are, for the period of time, the last end is here.

Standard fear mongering you see in most gloom and doom threads on ATS. It even has the standard repent and join the faithful ending.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:18 AM

It even has the standard repent and join the faithful ending.

I always ask atheists why they bother so much about believer´s threads? I never see believers in atheists threads..

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:26 AM
I'm not bothered by believers threads. Everybody is free to believe in who and what they want. I'm not a big fan of religion, and I see no point in trying to be a missionary for atheism or any other religion.

I was analyzing the prophecy you offered and it struck me that it has the same fear mongering and 'this is your last chance' ending that we see so much of. Sometimes it's aimed at joining a cult or a religion. And sometimes it's aimed at joining the 'prepared for anything guns and ammo hoarding living in the forest'-squad. The objective is always the same...they want you to change your behavior according to their own believes.

I tend to take prophecies & predictions that are written as factual information much more serious. It's simply the difference between tomorrows news and a sales pitch.


Did you find any other information about this La Saletta? Is it a person or a place? Anything?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:32 AM

The following are the prophecies of the Lady of La Salette followed by the prophecies of the Lady of All Nations.

1) "Peace shall not be given to the world until men are converted" (La Salette). On April 21, 1945, the Lady of All Nations says: "Listen, mankind. You will preserve the peace if you believe in Him." "The daily Sacrifice has to have its place again at the center of this degenerate world" (March 20, 1953). "Now They [the Father and the Son] both wish to send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, Who alone can bring Peace" [by sending Mary as] "the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate...Make sure that the prayer...which asks for the sending of the True, Holy Spirit, is spread as quickly as possible" (May 31, 1951). "Bring back the Charity of Jesus Christ to this world - this degenerate world! The Church of Rome must fulfill this precept to the utmost of its power" (November 15, 1951). This refers to Mt 24:14: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations..." "The prayer has been given for the salvation of the world. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world" (December 31, 1951).

2) "A Protestant nation in the North shall be converted to the faith; through the means of that nation, the others shall return to the holy Catholic Church" (La Salette). This refers to Holland and its conversion through the Lady of All Nations! "The Lady, who is bringing peace, gave Her words through an instrument from a country, where peace was always desired. 'The Lady of All Nations' is not destined for one country and one place, but it is meant for the whole world, for all nations" (October 11, 1953).

3) "In this time the anti-Christ...will perform false miracles and subsist only on vitiating faith" (La Salette). The Lady of All Nations says that "Satan's hand is over the world." She further warns on May 10, 1953: "Beware of the false prophets!...Oh, you do not know what tremendous forces are threatening this world. I am now not speaking only of modern humanism, atheism, modern socialism and communism; there are yet forces of quite a different nature that threaten this world. Nations, do search for the truth."

4) "The Church passes into darkness. The world will be in a state of consternation, perplexity and confusion" (La Salette). "The Lady of All Nations speaks again: 'The Christians will become weary ('She stresses the word') of struggling.' She points ahead of me and I see a pulpit. It disappears and immediately I see a desert" (January 3, 1946). This refers to the persecution of the Church as is written in Scripture, Revelations 12:14-17: "...and the Woman (the Church) fled into the wilderness, where She has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days...Then the dragon was angry with the Woman, and went off to make war on the rest of Her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus."

5) "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His wrath upon them, and no one will be able to escape so many afflictions together...The society of men is on the eve of the most terrible scourges and of gravest events" (La Salette). Remember the Lady of All Nations said: "Do realize the gravity of the times." And on December 31, 1951: "I will let you see what is going to happen. It is by dint of terrible strife and calamity that the world with all those who have turned away from the Blessed Trinity, will come back to the Church."

6) "Italy will be punished for her ambition in wanting to shake off the yoke of the Lord of lords" (La Salette). On May 27, 1950 in Amsterdam, Our Lady said: "Italy will be torn in two."

7) "Physical and moral agonies will be suffered" (La Salette). Does not the Lady of All Nations say that moral "degeneration leads to disaster; degeneration leads to war?" Does not Our Mother repeatedly warn us of "disaster upon disaster, disaster of nature and hunger and political chaos?" Did not the Lady of All Nations say on June 9, 1946: "If people would only listen - but they will not!"

8) "May the Pope guard against the performers of miracles. For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air" (La Salette). Certainly sounds like today. Does not the Lady of All Nations stress over and over that today, in particular, there are so many false prophets!

9) "Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere..." (La Salette). It is next to impossible to have good, wholesome fun with family and friends; everywhere there is immorality: not only in books, but in the movies, the way people dress, the billboards and advertisements, music, television, theatre and even children's shows! The Lady of All Nations constantly reminds us of the fact that we live in a degenerate world where "there is a spirit out to undermine" our salvation. She asks us "to pray to ward off this degeneration."

10) "They will abolish civil rights as well as ecclesiastical rights. All order and all justice would be trampled underfoot and only homicides, hate, jealousy, lies and dissension would be seen without love for country or family...Men will kill each other and massacre each other, even in their homes" (La Salette). On March 28, 1948 the Lady of All Nations said: "The rights of man will be the point at issue. Within a short time, tremendous things are going to happen. They will be preceded by chaos, confusion, doubt, disorder and despair!" Is this not what we are living through now?! Constantly, the Lady reminds us that without the Cross, without love there will be no truth, justice or righteousness. "Pray to ward off this degeneration. The world will destroy itself" (November 19, 1949). Invoke the Holy Spirit of Truth and Justice. The Lady of All Nations has come "to save souls" and "to spare this us from a universal calamity."

11) "The Holy Father will suffer a great deal because for a while the Church will yield to large persecution, a time of darkness and the Church will witness a frightful crisis" (La Salette). Did not the little seer of Fatima see in a vision the Holy Father greatly absorbed in prayer and suffering because of the persecutions of the Church! On August 15, 1979 Ida was told by Our Lord that Pope John Paul II "will have to wage a fierce struggle."...

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Dorfl
I'm not bothered by believers threads. Everybody is free to believe in who and what they want. I'm not a big fan of religion, and I see no point in trying to be a missionary for atheism or any other religion.

I was analyzing the prophecy you offered and it struck me that it has the same fear mongering and 'this is your last chance' ending that we see so much of. Sometimes it's aimed at joining a cult or a religion. And sometimes it's aimed at joining the 'prepared for anything guns and ammo hoarding living in the forest'-squad. The objective is always the same...they want you to change your behavior according to their own believes.

I tend to take prophecies & predictions that are written as factual information much more serious. It's simply the difference between tomorrows news and a sales pitch.


Did you find any other information about this La Saletta? Is it a person or a place? Anything?

Well, most prophecies are on a low level and this one seems intermediate.

A real prophecy is accomplished by getting into higher dimensions so you can see our lower dimension without the time constraint. This can only be done by someone who has their third eye open I believe. Most religions are corrupt today, that is why I do self cultivation in Falun Gong.

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