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Heims' Hyperdrive Theory Used By Lockheed Martin?

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:48 AM
I came over an article that takes up the subject of a long forgotten german theoretical physicist that had started developing a theory for hyperdrive. This man was Burkhard Heim, and his papers has mostly been forgotten. But after I looked at an interview with Boyd Bushman, that has worked for Lockheed Martin as a senior scientist, I thought that maybe he discusses in a small detail what Heims' theory talked about. He said he couldn't go further into the subject for reasons unknown, probably because it's classified. I can't be sure if it's the same thing as Heims' theory, but I speculate that maybe Lockheed Martin further developed it and managed to construct this hyperdrive.

You’ve probably never heard of Burkhard Heim. Not many people have. After all, he was rather reclusive, all of his work was published in German and his brief moment in the spotlight was in 1957 when he proposed an odd propulsion system that could easily achieve relativistic speeds. A spacecraft powered by this hyperdrive would get us from Earth to Mars in just a few hours and make exploring our immediate stellar neighborhood possible within our lifetimes. Sound too good to be true? Well, to some extent, it is. The theories behind how this system would work are only half complete and their primary support is complex mathematics.

Originally, Heim was trying to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity and created a universe with six dimensions in the formulas he used. In those six dimensions, electromagnetism and gravity are linked, so if you change the strength of an electromagnetic field, you affect gravity. So far, we’ve observed that gravity has an influence on magnetic fields but we haven’t seen how electromagnetic fields can manipulate the gravity of an object. But that’s exactly what a Heim hyperdrive does. It uses intense magnetic fields powered by equally impressive currents to produce a force equivalent to dark energy, a vital ingredient for warp drive technology.

How much energy would it take? To float free of Earth’s gravity in a 150 metric ton spacecraft, you would need a superconducting coil, a sizeable rotating ring and a magnetic field that cranks out some 25 Tesla, or half a million times our magnetosphere’s output. We already have magnets that can generate those powerful fields and if money was no object, we’d be able to try it out right now. The problems begin with trying to test how fast we could go using this technology. Heim himself never specified exactly how we’d be able to get a relativistic velocity. The actual mechanics of the hyperdrive come from an extension to his theories by retired patent clerk, Walter Drcher, and he’s a little fuzzy about what will happen when we crank up the drive to full power. One of the possible outcomes is that the speed of light for our hypothetical spacecraft would increase.

While Drcher’s designs might not work and Heim’s ideas might be off in some critical places, this work can give us some interesting new directions in which to push the physics of warp drives. At worst, we can create a sample hyperdrive and see what happens. Maybe we’ll still be one step closer to learning how to manipulate the fabric of space and time in an unexpected way..

Source: The Forgotten Warpdrive

Here's part two of the interview with Boyd Bushman, I would recommend looking at the whole interview though, but it might be enough to watch from 4:00 and out.

This is of course just speculation, and it's based on very little information and knowledge on my part. However, I would like to hear any thoughts you might have on this subject.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Just for the sake of being thorough, here's all three parts of the interview with Boyd Bushman:

I would really like for anyone to disassemble my theory or criticize it however as you'd like, especially as it is a highly speculative theory that I've got.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:59 PM
(excerpt from my blog on this subject)
In my novel, SECTOR 64: Coup de Main, I tie the physics of the UFO encountered in the first scene with an obscure but very exciting branch of theoretical physics known as Heim's Quantum Theory, or HQT.

In the 1950s, 60s and 70s Burkhard Heim, a German self-taught theoretical physicist developed his unified field theory (HQT). Now before your eyes glaze over let me tell you the exciting part. If proved viable, HQT opens the door to gravity manipulation and faster than light (FTL) travel.

In 1957 he became an instant celebrity (in Germany) when he first presented his work. In the 1960's Wernher von Braun, the famous German rocket scientist (think: father of the United States' rocket program, aka NASA) approached Heim about his work and asked whether his Saturn rockets were worthwhile.

In a 1964 letter, relativity theorist Pascual Jordan, a member of the Nobel committee, told Heim his plan was so important "its successful experimental treatment would without doubt make the researcher a candidate for the Nobel prize."

For multiple reasons his theory was never put to an experimental test. Primarily because the cost, scale and technologies involved exceeded his abilities.

This leads back to my book. Without giving away too much of the plot, it asks the question:

*What if Heim was right?
*What if the boys in Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories tested it?
*What if the US Government already has craft that fly using an HQT inspired drive?

I'm not saying we have a fleet of faster than light anti-gravity ships. But it might make for interesting fiction...


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