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where was jesus between the ages of 12 to 30?

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posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:23 PM
i just finished a search on this issue and did come up with a couple of mentions of nicolas notovitch.

wiki info

supposedly there is documents involved.

Life of Saint Issa Notovitch claimed that, at the lamasery or monastery of Hemis, he learned of the "Life of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons of Men." His story, with the text of the "Life," was published in French in 1894 as La vie inconnue de Jesus Christ. It was translated into English[9], German, Spanish, and Italian. Notovitch's account of his discovery of the work is that he had been laid up with a broken leg at the monastery of Hemis. There he prevailed upon the chief lama, who had told him of the existence of the work, to read to him, through an interpreter, the somewhat detached verses of the Tibetan version of the " Life of Issa," which was said to have been translated from the Pali. Notovitch says that he himself afterward grouped the verses " in accordance with the requirements of the narrative." As published by Notovitch, the work consists Of 244 short paragraphs, arranged in fourteen chapters. The otherwise undocumented name "Issa" most closely resembles the Arabic name Isa (عيسى), used in the Koran to refer to Jesus. This Hemis Tibetan monastery was along the silk route, when Ladakh was formerly part of Tibet, before India became a nation, and to this day, monks who live here claim that "Issa" was a former student.[citation needed] The "Life of Issa" begins with an account of Israel in Egypt, its deliverance by Moses, its neglect of religion, and its conquest by the Romans. Then follows an account of the Incarnation. At the age of thirteen the divine youth, rather than take a wife, leaves his home to wander with a caravan of merchants to India (Sindh), to study the laws of the great Buddhas. Issa is welcomed by the Jains, but leaves them to spend six years among the Brahmins, at Juggernaut, Benares, and other places, studying the Vedas and teaching all castes alike. The Brahmins oppose him in this, and he denounces them and their sacred books, especially condemning caste and idolatry. When they plan to put him to death, he flees to the Buddhists, and spends six years among them, learning Pali and mastering their religious texts. He goes among the pagans, warning them against idolatry and teaching a high morality. Then he visits Persia and preaches to the Zoroastrians. At twenty-nine Issa returns to his own country and begins to preach. He visits Jerusalem, where Pilate is apprehensive about him. The Jewish leaders, however, are also apprehensive about his teachings yet he continues his work for three years. He is finally arrested and put to death for blasphemy, for claiming to be the son of God. His followers are persecuted, but his disciples carry his message out over the world. In the Notovich translation, the section regarding Pontius Pilate is of particular note; in this version of the events around the death of Jesus, the Sanhedrin go to Pilate and argue to save the life of Jesus, and they are the ones who 'wash their hands' of his death, instead of the Roman Pilate.

many claim this as a hoax.
my question is, where was jesus between these ages, did he travel to india and the himilaya's between these ages. is there any other documentation supporting this. can anyone quote anything from the bible concerning this?
seems a bit odd to me that such an important guy had so little evidence or stories about his travels and experience between these ages.

here is a link to the text.


posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
i just finished a search on this issue and did come up with a couple of mentions of nicolas notovitch.

Conservatively, there are probably ten thousand different distractions away from the central issue here:

Whether there is another dimension of consciousness beyond the "self" and the 'thinker' and how that dimension of consciousness can be experienced, and what Knowledge such a dimension of consciousness can convey.

That dimension of consciousness is referred to by the Buddhists as the "observing consciousness", in the Revelations of Genesis as the consciousness Created 'by and in the image of God' (Genesis 1:27); and, in my terminology, as the 2-dimensional, non-temporal 'flat' space observing consciousness Created by and image of God prior to the differentiation by means of the "serpent" of self-reflection into the 3-dimensional, 'curved' space consciousness; time originating in the thought and the thoughts of the 'thinker'.

Irrespective of where Jesus was, the issue is whether he taught a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and had any Knowledge at all of that other dimension of consciousness, and what the evidence for that is.

Michael Cecil

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:41 PM


posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Ahhh yes, "Jesus the missing years". A very good song.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I would hope he was living it up and laying know...tryign to find himself....who he was....what he wanted to do with his life.......You always have to try a shoe on once to see if it fits. I guess the whole "Son of God" thing worked out for him......I became an engineer...the Son of God classes were full.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
seems a bit odd to me that such an important guy had so little evidence or stories about his travels and experience between these ages.

When I was young, I kept a detailed diary. But there are days in that diary which are complete blanks. Those are the days when nothing interesting had happened.

That seems to me to be the most rational explanation for the so-called "blank years" in the life of Jesus. Those were the years when nothing was happening except "growing in wisdom and stature".

One of the gospels mentions a brief stay in Egypt at the very beginning of his life. If there had been more extensive travels in his teenage years, there's no reason at all why they should have been left out of the story (the gospel is not a kind of camera fixed on Palestine, so that it loses sight of him if he leaves the country). As you say, if they had happened, the failure to mention them would have been hard to explain.

The sensible, boring, answer is that there were no "lost years". They were just the years when nothing much was visibly happening.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by DISRAELI]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
Conservatively, there are probably ten thousand different distractions away from the central issue here:
Whether there is another dimension of consciousness beyond the "self" and the 'thinker' ...Irrespective of where Jesus was, the issue is ...

Michael Cecil

The central issue of this particular thread is where Jesus was during his pre-adult years.
I know you have your own hobby-horse to ride, but you must not object to the fact that other people want to talk about different things.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:00 AM
the bible which is the only source I know of concerning this
says that Mary and Joesph fled to Egypt to avoid the slaughter of the infants
so I'm going with he was in Egypt there is a long tradition of Hebrews hiding out in Egypt from Abraham on

I think it goes Herod died and they were able to return,but don't quote me on that one

can't speak to any inter dimensional hypothesis, so I take the most plausible liklehood that fits the facts I have

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde

I think it goes Herod died and they were able to return,but don't quote me on that one

Yes. that's what the gospel says. Then they went to live in Nazareth, with no indication that he ever left there before John the Baptist came along.

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