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Persecution of Freemasonry

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posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 08:37 PM
I think that if we start having people register every group they belong to, then they should also have to register their opinions on what they think of every group in the world as well. So, this way people can vote or elect people that have the exect same beliefs. Also, why do not all have to also list every person of business or influence that they have had to deal with as well. All stock portfolio information and any business dealing 100% of any politician or person that can hand out govt contracts. If judge was a Boy Scout, he would have the same chance at giving a boy scout off on a lesser charge as well, or his poker buddies or whomever. But, judges are supposed to be upright and moral. So, these should be mute points to make. This basically comes down to human rights of personal privacy. That is about it.


posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 12:14 AM
Thank you for the clarification, but I am disappointed. I had so hoped that some organization was working to remove bush from the white house in secret or otherwise. Such an organization would certainly be worthy of joining.

theron dunn:

Several Bush Administration Bonesmen
Bonesmens part of the Bush administration, include Associate Attorney General Robert D. McCallum, Jr.; Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William H. Donaldson; and General Counsel for the Office of Homeland Security Edward E. McNally. You will have to do your own research if you desire more, I have no time to do more than a cursory search. Let those that have eyes see.

Believe What You Choose
As for your disbelief of what a freemason clearly said to me, it is true. Perhaps his remarks are out of character for a freemason of his station. Your disbelief makes it no less true.

But enough with the minutiae.

It Is Politics, Not Persecution
This thread started out with a freemason from scotland claiming persecution on the basis that some politicians,presumably non-freemansons ,wish to require politicians that are freemasons to declare that they are freemasons when running for public office. This is par for the course, politicians seize upon every bit of gossip, rumor and inuendo to gain a competitive advantage over an opponent. If a freemasonry affiliation fills this requirement in scotland, I have no doubt it will be used. This is the nature of politics and each politicians has chosen to put himself in the public eye under the cruel microscope of public scrutiny. However after making the decision to choose public life it either naive or dishonest for a politician to claim persecution because people wish to look into his life relative to freemasonry or any other subject.

Registering Freemasons: Say It Aint So
As for my wishing to have freemasons register with the government, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact I would scream from the highest moutains in opposition to the government imposing such a requirement as my political beliefs are libertarian. In line with my political beliefs I have grave concerns about secrecy within government which makes it easier for government to operate contrary to the will of the people. This is not paranoia, the people have a legitimate reason for being concerned about government secrecy. If you can not agree that this concern with government is a legitimate area of inquiry for the people, you are not seeking light, you have your head in a bucket of sand.

Keeping Privacy Private
I have no concern with freemasonry, skull and bones or any other secret organization in the realms outside of the public sector. My concern is that within government secret organizations would continue to operate in secret and this would be dishonest, corrupt and immoral. The right to privacy/secrecy ends when a secret society covertly imposes its will via government and infringes on rights of the rest of people in the darkness of some backroom.

The Presumption Of Innocence
If freemasons are a group of like minded people that work to improve themselves and society in private without clandestinely using government to impact my life I am your best friend. At this time I have no reason to believe otherwise. I will continue to seek light and knowledge with an open mind. And above all I will continue to question with no regard for my critics.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 03:25 PM
persecution of freemasonry? thats wierd, arent they tied to the novus ordo seclorum? can they be persecuted in the states as well?


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
persecution of freemasonry? thats wierd, arent they tied to the novus ordo seclorum? can they be persecuted in the states as well?

It is my understanding that freemasons are in a large part responsible for the founding of the US which is a good thing. While the manner of freemasons on ATS has struck me as rude and close minded, I have no reason to desire the mistreatment of any freemasons.

If you have evidence of wrong doing by freemasons I am open to hearing your evidence.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
persecution of freemasonry? thats wierd, arent they tied to the novus ordo seclorum?

DUH? Where do you get your information?

Repeatedly, you make these statements, without any sources, and then run off to post another reply in similar fashion. You never really reply or explain or follow up. If you were a new member, I would almost think you were posting for points, not content. I am also fairly certain you will not reply to this post.

Disclaimer: I am not a Mason. I am not trying to be rude. And, I am not close-minded.
No Masons were used to pen this reply.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Disclaimer: I am not a Mason. I am not trying to be rude. And, I am not close-minded.
No Masons were used to pen this reply.

No, I disagree. I stand 100% behind DTOM. I'm sure she must have opinions with which I disagree (haven't encountered them yet), but she seems eminently qualified to speak on most Masonic matters.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 06:05 PM
I thank you, Brother Alex.
I must amend my remarks, though. Masons were used in a way. The Masons here have gone a long way to changing my thoughts on many things.


posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 12:08 AM
After reading a significant amount of information concerning freemasonry on the web both pro and con, I stand corrected.

Freemasons have a legitimate reason to fear persecution. I now believe they have been greatly persecuted in the past. And I believe that in many instances they are still being persecuted today.

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